SQL Update语句中的语法错误

时间:2022-05-10 15:38:12

I'm getting a syntax error in my UPDATE statement, but I'm not sure where exactly it is. Here's my code:


    strSelected = "UPDATE CFRRR SET assignedby = " & Me.cmbassignedby.Column(1) & ", assignedto = " & _
                                  Me.cmbassignedto.Column(2) & ", Dateassigned = " & Now() & ", actiondate = " & _
                                  Now() & ", Workername = " & Me.cmbassignedto.Column(2) & ", WorkerID = " & _
                                  Me.cmbassignedto.Column(1) & " WHERE CFRRRID In ( " & strSelected & " );"
CurrentDb.Execute strSelected

1 个解决方案


It's most likely because of the Now() function, which also prints the current time (seperated with a space) - hence the syntax error. Try to surround them with single quotation marks.

这很可能是因为Now()函数,它还打印当前时间(用空格分隔) - 因此语法错误。尝试用单引号将它们包围起来。

You can also print out the SQL Statement Debug.Print strSelected to see what you have concatenated...

您还可以打印出SQL语句Debug.Print strSelected以查看您连接的内容...


It's most likely because of the Now() function, which also prints the current time (seperated with a space) - hence the syntax error. Try to surround them with single quotation marks.

这很可能是因为Now()函数,它还打印当前时间(用空格分隔) - 因此语法错误。尝试用单引号将它们包围起来。

You can also print out the SQL Statement Debug.Print strSelected to see what you have concatenated...

您还可以打印出SQL语句Debug.Print strSelected以查看您连接的内容...