I'm trying to integrate dependency injection by employing unity container in an ASP.NET MVC app. In the spirit of loose coupling, I apply constructor injection on my controller and my product data access class. This is a glimpse of the code :
我试图通过在ASP.NET MVC应用程序中使用统一容器来集成依赖注入。本着松散耦合的精神,我在我的控制器和产品数据访问类上应用构造函数注入。这是代码的一瞥:
public interface IProduct
IEnumerable<Product> findAll();
Product find(Guid id);
void create();
public class Product()
public Guid id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public decimal price { get; set; }
private IDBEngine _engine = null;
public Product(IDBEngine engine) {
this._engine = engine;
public IEnumerable<Product> findAll() {
using(IDBconnection connection = this._engine.getConnection())
//implementation of fetching all datas from db
return datas;
public Product find(Guid id) {
using(IDBconnection connection = this._engine.getConnection())
//implementation of fetching single data given id from db
return data;
public void create(Product product)
using(IDBconnection connection = this._engine.getConnection())
//implementation of insert data to db
well this is my implementation on my controller :
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IProduct _product;
public HomeController(IProduct product)
this._product = product;
public ActionResult index() {
//this is OK
var products = this._product.findAll();
//this is also OK
var product = this._product.find(Guid.Parse("some_guid"));
//this is not OK, cause it made the controller depend on concrete class Product
this._product.create(new Product {
id = Guid.newGuid(),
name = "Vader Shirt",
price = 99.5
return View();
I inject the Product instance to the controller via container
with unity. When I call the findAll()
and find()
method, it was totally fine cause it still let me decouple the controller and the concrete class Product
using the IProduct interface. But when I had to do insert operation via create(Product product)
method, I had to create an instance of product to do so, hence coupled my controller to a concrete class : Product.
My question is how do I decoupled my controller and at the same time perform the create method from my controller? And I think it goes the same for the update operation.
1 个解决方案
Stephen Muecke gave a good advice there, try this:
Stephen Muecke在那里给了一个很好的建议,试试这个:
public interface IProductService{
void CreateProduct(Guid id, string name, double price);
IEnumerable<Product> FindAll();
IProduct Find(Guid id);
then your controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IProductService _productService;
public HomeController(IProductService service)
this._productService = service;
public ActionResult index() {
//this is OK
var products = this._productService.FindAll();
//this is also OK
var product = this._productService.Find(Guid.Parse("some_guid"));
id = Guid.newGuid(),
name = "Vader Shirt",
price = 99.5
return this.View();
Stephen Muecke gave a good advice there, try this:
Stephen Muecke在那里给了一个很好的建议,试试这个:
public interface IProductService{
void CreateProduct(Guid id, string name, double price);
IEnumerable<Product> FindAll();
IProduct Find(Guid id);
then your controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IProductService _productService;
public HomeController(IProductService service)
this._productService = service;
public ActionResult index() {
//this is OK
var products = this._productService.FindAll();
//this is also OK
var product = this._productService.Find(Guid.Parse("some_guid"));
id = Guid.newGuid(),
name = "Vader Shirt",
price = 99.5
return this.View();