
时间:2021-05-06 15:41:34

I said it clear enough, I am trying to insert values into a database via C# and it is not working with the code I have. No need to put my question on hold. I thought this could be a place where beginners could find help, not get looked down upon by people!!!


I'm trying to insert values into a database via asp.net and C#. I have a basic survey form with a combination of text boxes and radio buttons. When I run the code to insert the values the radio button value gets inserted fine. I'm having trouble with the text box values.


The ASP.NET markup:


Date of Flight&nbsp;<asp:TextBox ID="flightdate" runat="server" /><br />
Time of Flight&nbsp;<asp:TextBox ID="flightTime" runat="server" /><br />
Flight Number&nbsp;<asp:TextBox ID="flightNum" runat="server" /><br />
Flight Destination&nbsp;<asp:TextBox ID="flightDest" runat="server" /><br />

<strong>Friendliness of customer staff: </strong>
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="question1" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="No Opinion"                                                                    Selected="True">No Opinion</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="Poor">Poor</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="Fair">Fair</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="Good">Good</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="Excellent">Excellent</asp:ListItem>

And the C# code behind:


  string flightDate = Request.QueryString["flightDate"];
  string flightTime = Request.QueryString["flightTime"];
  string flightNum = Request.QueryString["flightNum"];
  string flightDest = Request.QueryString["flightDest"];
  string selectedFriend = "";
  string selectedSpace = "";
  string selectedComfort = "";
  string selectedCleanliness = "";
  string selectedNoise = "";

  for (int i = 0; i < question1.Items.Count; ++i)
      if (question1.Items[i].Selected)
               selectedFriend = question1.Items[i].Value;

  SqlConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=IDEA-PC\\SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security=True");


      string results = "INSERT INTO results(flightDate, flightTime, flightNumber, flightDestination, friendliness) " + "VALUES('" + flightDate + "', '" + flightTime + "', '" + flightNum + "', '" + flightDest + "', '" + selectedFriend + "')";

      SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(results, dbConnection);

      regMessage.Text = "<p>Thank you for your feedback!</p>";
  catch (SqlException exception)
      Response.Write("<p>Error code " + exception.Number + ": " + exception.Message + "</p>");


3 个解决方案


You should access the values of TextBoxes via Text Property:

您应该通过Text Property访问TextBoxes的值:

string flightDate = flightDate.Text;
string flightTime = flightTime.Text;
string flightNum = flightNum.Text;
string flightDest = flightDest.Text;

but there is still room for improvement: for dates, you should use Calendar control, for destination field would be nice to chose from ComboBox control, etc.



The reason you are getting empty values is that you should be using Request.Form instead of Request.QueryString.


However, since your text boxes are already server side controls, then you do not even need to use Request.Form as you can use simply:


var flightDate = this.flightdate.Text;
var flightTime = this.flightTime.Text;
var flightNum = this.flightNum.Text;
var flightDest = this.flightDest.Text;

Also, the way you build SQL query is very bad - you are enabling SQL injection.

此外,构建SQL查询的方式非常糟糕 - 您正在启用SQL注入。

Please take a look at the: https://*.com/a/9162904/461810



This worked the best:


var flightDate = this.flightdate.Text;
var flightTime = this.flightTime.Text;
var flightNum = this.flightNum.Text;
var flightDest = this.flightDest.Text;


You should access the values of TextBoxes via Text Property:

您应该通过Text Property访问TextBoxes的值:

string flightDate = flightDate.Text;
string flightTime = flightTime.Text;
string flightNum = flightNum.Text;
string flightDest = flightDest.Text;

but there is still room for improvement: for dates, you should use Calendar control, for destination field would be nice to chose from ComboBox control, etc.



The reason you are getting empty values is that you should be using Request.Form instead of Request.QueryString.


However, since your text boxes are already server side controls, then you do not even need to use Request.Form as you can use simply:


var flightDate = this.flightdate.Text;
var flightTime = this.flightTime.Text;
var flightNum = this.flightNum.Text;
var flightDest = this.flightDest.Text;

Also, the way you build SQL query is very bad - you are enabling SQL injection.

此外,构建SQL查询的方式非常糟糕 - 您正在启用SQL注入。

Please take a look at the: https://*.com/a/9162904/461810



This worked the best:


var flightDate = this.flightdate.Text;
var flightTime = this.flightTime.Text;
var flightNum = this.flightNum.Text;
var flightDest = this.flightDest.Text;