
时间:2021-04-30 15:38:39

I'd sincerely appreciate if you looked through some of my code as I can't seem to be able to fix it myself, and this will also hopefully help others understand serialization better.


I have four pieces of related code here, with anything seemingly irrelevant cut out. I'm trying to create a user profile in a set up where the user then chooses from a range of games to play. Only options/settings for the chosen games, in this case something to do with a fish, are saved.


The error in the title occurs in the 4th section [feel free to skip to that] which is the OptionsController.LoadOptions() function at


FishData.Store data = (FishData.Store)bf.Deserialize(fileOpt);

I have this at the top of all following sections:


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.IO;

1) Profile data structure:


public class Profile {                                   //Profile variables

    public static string id;
    public static string name;
    public static string dob;
    public static bool fishEnabled;
    public static bool birdEnabled;

    public static string stringTest;

    public class Store {                                   //Profile variables

        public string id;
        public string name;
        public string dob;
        public bool fishEnabled;
        public bool birdEnabled;

        public string stringTest;


2) Fish data structure:


 public class FishData {                                   //static Fish variables to be used in game

    public static bool sizeInc;
    public static bool speedInc;
    public static int level;
    public static bool toxic;
    public static bool handLeft;

    public static bool timer;
    public static int timerVal;
    public static int percentReq;
    public static int successReq;

    public static string testStringTwo;

    public static List<StatController.Session> sessions = new List<StatController.Session>();

    public class Store {                               //non static variable set for serialization

        public bool sizeInc;
        public bool speedInc;
        public int level;
        public bool toxic;
        public bool handLeft;

        public bool timer;
        public int timerVal;
        public int percentReq;
        public int successReq;

        public string testStringTwo;

        public List<StatController.Session> sessions = new List<StatController.Session>();


3) The script where the data file was initially created and where there didn't seem to be problems:


public class ProfileController : MonoBehaviour {

    public static string currentID;

    //create ----
    public InputField idField;
    public InputField nameField;
    public InputField dobField;
    public Toggle fishToggle;
    public Toggle birdToggle;

    //open ------
    public Button idTitleButton;
    public Text nameText;
    public Text dobText;

    public Text testText;
    public InputField numField;

    void Save() { //saves new ID and declares required variables based on game choice

        Debug.Log("id =" + idField.text + ", name = " + nameField.text + ", save");
        BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
        FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + idField.text + ".dat");

        Profile.Store data = new Profile.Store();                 //sets Profile variables

        currentID = idField.text;

        data.id = idField.text;
        data.name = nameField.text;
        data.dob = dobField.text;
        data.fishEnabled = fishToggle.isOn;
        data.birdEnabled = birdToggle.isOn;

        Profile.id = idField.text;
        Profile.name = nameField.text;
        Profile.dob = dobField.text;
        Profile.fishEnabled = fishToggle.isOn;
        Profile.birdEnabled = birdToggle.isOn;

        bf.Serialize(file, data);                            //saves Profile variables

        if (fishToggle.isOn) {
            FishData.Store dataFish = new FishData.Store();              //sets default Fish variables

            dataFish.sizeInc = false;
            dataFish.speedInc = false;
            dataFish.level = 5;
            dataFish.toxic = true;
            dataFish.handLeft = false;

            dataFish.timer = false;
            dataFish.timerVal = 240;
            dataFish.percentReq = 0;
            dataFish.successReq = 0;

            bf.Serialize(file, dataFish);                   //saves default Fish variables

            Debug.Log("level = " + dataFish.level);


        file.Close();                                         //closes save file

        idSelectField.text = idField.text;          //ensures current ID is used as selected ID where needed
        EnableOpenProfile();                                   //loads new profile


    void Load() {

        if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + idField.text + ".dat")) {  //loads save file
            currentID = idField.text;
            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + idField.text + ".dat", FileMode.Open);
            Profile.Store data = (Profile.Store)bf.Deserialize(file);

            nameField.text = data.name;                             //loads saved Profile details and settings
            fishToggle.isOn = data.fishEnabled;
            birdToggle.isOn = data.birdEnabled;

            fishPlayButton.enabled = data.fishEnabled;
            birdPlayButton.enabled = data.birdEnabled;

            FishData.Store dataFish = (FishData.Store)bf.Deserialize(file);     //loads saved Fish settings
            FishData.sizeInc = dataFish.sizeInc;
            FishData.speedInc = dataFish.speedInc;
            FishData.toxic = dataFish.toxic;
            FishData.timer = dataFish.timer;
            FishData.level = dataFish.level;
            FishData.timerVal = dataFish.timerVal;
            FishData.percentReq = dataFish.percentReq;
            FishData.successReq = dataFish.successReq;
            FishData.handLeft = dataFish.handLeft;

            file.Close();                                           //closes save file

            nameText.text = "Name : " + data.name + "     ID : " + data.id;     //displays profile details
            dobText.text = "DOB : " + data.dob;

        else return;


4) The main script that produces the error when trying to load what was saved in the previous script:


    public class OptionsController : MonoBehaviour {

    public static bool handLeft = false;     

    public Toggle sizeIncToggle;
    public Toggle speedIncToggle;
    public Toggle toxicToggle;
    public Toggle timerToggle;

    public Toggle leftToggle;
    public Toggle rightToggle;

    public InputField levelField;
    public InputField timerValField;
    public InputField percentReqField;
    public InputField successReqField;

    void LoadOptions() {

        if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + ProfileController.currentID + ".dat")) {
            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream fileOpt = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + ProfileController.currentID + ".dat", FileMode.Open);

            FishData.Store data = (FishData.Store)bf.Deserialize(fileOpt); //[[ERROR HERE]]

            sizeIncToggle.isOn = data.sizeInc;
            speedIncToggle.isOn = data.speedInc;
            toxicToggle.isOn = data.toxic;
            timerToggle.isOn = data.timer;
            levelField.text = data.level.ToString();
            timerValField.text = data.timerVal.ToString();
            percentReqField.text = data.percentReq.ToString();
            successReqField.text = data.successReq.ToString();



    public void SaveOptions() {

        Debug.Log("name = " + ProfileController.currentID + ", save");
        BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
        FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + ProfileController.currentID + ".dat");

        FishData.Store data = new FishData.Store();

        data.sizeInc = FishData.sizeInc;
        data.speedInc = FishData.speedInc;
        data.toxic = FishData.toxic;
        data.timer = FishData.timer;
        data.level = FishData.level;
        data.timerVal = FishData.timerVal;
        data.percentReq = FishData.percentReq;
        data.successReq = FishData.successReq;
        data.handLeft = FishData.handLeft;

        bf.Serialize(file, data);

        Debug.Log("level = " + FishData.level);




Thank you.

2 个解决方案


To ensure you are serializing/deserializing in the correct order it is best that you create a "holding" class which contains both a Fish.Store variable and Profile.Store variable. If you serialize and deserilize in different orders you will run into issues like trying to deserialize a Fish.Store object to Profile.Store.


Try creating another class with public variables of Fish.Store and Profile.Store, like:


public class ExampleClass
    public Fish.Store FishStore;
    public Profile.Store ProfileStore;

    public ExampleClass()

Then do:

ExampleClass example = new ExampleClass();
example.ProfileStore = data;
example.FishStore = dataFish;

//File Create stuff, etc
bf.Serialize(file, example);
//File close stuff, etc

And to deserialize:


ExampleClass e = (ExampleClass)bf.Deserialize(fileOpt);
data = e.ProfileStore;
dataFish = e.FishStore;

If you only wish to serialize/deserialize one class at a time, it is best practice to read/write to/from one file per serialized class.



Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems you first save Profile.Store and then you save FishData.Store.


Then on the load you try to retreive the FishData.Store when the Profile.Store is first in the file.


(I'm assuming you use the load from script 4 and the save in script 3.)



To ensure you are serializing/deserializing in the correct order it is best that you create a "holding" class which contains both a Fish.Store variable and Profile.Store variable. If you serialize and deserilize in different orders you will run into issues like trying to deserialize a Fish.Store object to Profile.Store.


Try creating another class with public variables of Fish.Store and Profile.Store, like:


public class ExampleClass
    public Fish.Store FishStore;
    public Profile.Store ProfileStore;

    public ExampleClass()

Then do:

ExampleClass example = new ExampleClass();
example.ProfileStore = data;
example.FishStore = dataFish;

//File Create stuff, etc
bf.Serialize(file, example);
//File close stuff, etc

And to deserialize:


ExampleClass e = (ExampleClass)bf.Deserialize(fileOpt);
data = e.ProfileStore;
dataFish = e.FishStore;

If you only wish to serialize/deserialize one class at a time, it is best practice to read/write to/from one file per serialized class.



Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems you first save Profile.Store and then you save FishData.Store.


Then on the load you try to retreive the FishData.Store when the Profile.Store is first in the file.


(I'm assuming you use the load from script 4 and the save in script 3.)
