
时间:2021-07-19 15:35:16

How to parse JSON data in apache beam and store in bigquery table ? For example: JSON data

如何解析apache beam中的JSON数据并存储在bigquery表中?例如:JSON数据

[{ "name":"stack"},{"id":"100"}].

How to parse JSON data and convert to PCollection K,V that will store in BQ table? Appreciate your help!!

如何解析JSON数据并转换为将存储在BQ表中的PCollection K,V?感谢你的帮助!!

1 个解决方案



Typically you would use a built in JSON parser in the programming language (Are you using beam or python). Then create a TableRow object and use that for the PCollection which you are passing to the BQ table.


Note: Some JSON parsers disallow JSON which starts with a root list, as you have shown in your example. They tend to prefer something like this, with a root map. I believe this is the case in python's json library.


{"name":"stack", "id":"100"}


Please see this example pipeline, for an example on how to create the PCollection and use BigqueryIO.


You may also want to consider using one of the X to BigQuery template pipelines.




Typically you would use a built in JSON parser in the programming language (Are you using beam or python). Then create a TableRow object and use that for the PCollection which you are passing to the BQ table.


Note: Some JSON parsers disallow JSON which starts with a root list, as you have shown in your example. They tend to prefer something like this, with a root map. I believe this is the case in python's json library.


{"name":"stack", "id":"100"}


Please see this example pipeline, for an example on how to create the PCollection and use BigqueryIO.


You may also want to consider using one of the X to BigQuery template pipelines.
