如何限制Google Bigquery中的作业数量

时间:2022-03-13 15:33:30

In order to have a better overview of what happens in our CRM (ActiveCampaign) and to create our own reports, I now post all changes to a BigQuery database using webhooks and a Google Apps Script.

为了更好地概述我们的CRM(ActiveCampaign)中发生的事情并创建我们自己的报告,我现在使用webhooks和Google Apps脚本将所有更改发布到BigQuery数据库。

This works very well, however I found out there is a limit of 1000 load jobs, and every change in the CRM creates at least one, sometimes more load jobs. This limit cannot be increased in any way. So I am looking for a way to batch the entries and load them every 10 minutes.


I don't know however how to create that in an Apps script that is triggered by a webhook and I cannot find it anywhere online. Does anyone have a suggestion?


2 个解决方案



You can add a time delay to your event handling by serializing the events into a data storage device (like Google Sheets) in the initial webhook, and then using a time-based trigger to read saved events and send them to BigQuery.


function doPost(e) {
  var hdd = SpreadsheetApp.openById("some id");
  /* Pick the sheet to log to based on parameters of the event */
  var params = e.parameters, sector = "";
  if(...) {
    sector = "some sheet name";
  } else if(...) {
    sector = "some other sheet name"
  ... // Do other stuff with event that needs immediate handling.
  // Serialize for batch processing later.
// Fire events in bulk. Create a time based trigger to call this function every so often.
function refireEvents() {
  var sectors = SpreadsheetApp.openById("some id").getSheets();
  for(var i = 0; i < sectors.length; ++i) {
    var events = sectors[i].getDataRange().getValues();
    var sheetName = sectors[i].getName();
    for(var r = 0; r < events.length; ++r) {
      var event = JSON.parse(events[r][0]); // Assuming only single column of data
      /* Do stuff with the event response that was originally done in the webhook */
    // Remove handled events.



You can use you Google Apps Script to create a web service (web app) that will receive the request and then perform your batch operation.

您可以使用Google Apps脚本创建将接收请求然后执行批处理操作的Web服务(Web应用程序)。

Simply handle either the doGet() or doPost() method in your script, then when the script is published the function corresponding method will be invoked whenever a GET or POST request is made to the script's URL.


See the Web Apps guide: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web




You can add a time delay to your event handling by serializing the events into a data storage device (like Google Sheets) in the initial webhook, and then using a time-based trigger to read saved events and send them to BigQuery.


function doPost(e) {
  var hdd = SpreadsheetApp.openById("some id");
  /* Pick the sheet to log to based on parameters of the event */
  var params = e.parameters, sector = "";
  if(...) {
    sector = "some sheet name";
  } else if(...) {
    sector = "some other sheet name"
  ... // Do other stuff with event that needs immediate handling.
  // Serialize for batch processing later.
// Fire events in bulk. Create a time based trigger to call this function every so often.
function refireEvents() {
  var sectors = SpreadsheetApp.openById("some id").getSheets();
  for(var i = 0; i < sectors.length; ++i) {
    var events = sectors[i].getDataRange().getValues();
    var sheetName = sectors[i].getName();
    for(var r = 0; r < events.length; ++r) {
      var event = JSON.parse(events[r][0]); // Assuming only single column of data
      /* Do stuff with the event response that was originally done in the webhook */
    // Remove handled events.



You can use you Google Apps Script to create a web service (web app) that will receive the request and then perform your batch operation.

您可以使用Google Apps脚本创建将接收请求然后执行批处理操作的Web服务(Web应用程序)。

Simply handle either the doGet() or doPost() method in your script, then when the script is published the function corresponding method will be invoked whenever a GET or POST request is made to the script's URL.


See the Web Apps guide: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web
