
时间:2022-06-24 23:14:36

Am new to python and making some headway with threading - am doing some music file conversion and want to be able to utilize the multiple cores on my machine (one active conversion thread per core).


class EncodeThread(threading.Thread):
    # this is hacked together a bit, but should give you an idea
    def run(self):
        decode = subprocess.Popen(["flac","--decode","--stdout",self.src],
        encode = subprocess.Popen(["lame","--quiet","-",self.dest],

# some other code puts these threads with various src/dest pairs in a list

for proc in threads: # `threads` is my list of `threading.Thread` objects

Everything works, all the files get encoded, bravo! ... however, all the processes spawn immediately, yet I only want to run two at a time (one for each core). As soon as one is finished, I want it to move on to the next on the list until it is finished, then continue with the program.


How do I do this?


(I've looked at the thread pool and queue functions but I can't find a simple answer.)


Edit: maybe I should add that each of my threads is using subprocess.Popen to run a separate command line decoder (flac) piped to stdout which is fed into a command line encoder (lame/mp3).


6 个解决方案



"Each of my threads is using subprocess.Popen to run a separate command line [process]".


Why have a bunch of threads manage a bunch of processes? That's exactly what an OS does that for you. Why micro-manage what the OS already manages?


Rather than fool around with threads overseeing processes, just fork off processes. Your process table probably can't handle 2000 processes, but it can handle a few dozen (maybe a few hundred) pretty easily.


You want to have more work than your CPU's can possibly handle queued up. The real question is one of memory -- not processes or threads. If the sum of all the active data for all the processes exceeds physical memory, then data has to be swapped, and that will slow you down.


If your processes have a fairly small memory footprint, you can have lots and lots running. If your processes have a large memory footprint, you can't have very many running.




If you want to limit the number of parallel threads, use a semaphore:


threadLimiter = threading.BoundedSemaphore(maximumNumberOfThreads)

class EncodeThread(threading.Thread):

    def run(self):
            <your code here>

Start all threads at once. All but maximumNumberOfThreads will wait in threadLimiter.acquire() and a waiting thread will only continue once another thread goes through threadLimiter.release().




If you're using the default "cpython" version then this won't help you, because only one thread can execute at a time; look up Global Interpreter Lock. Instead, I'd suggest looking at the multiprocessing module in Python 2.6 -- it makes parallel programming a cinch. You can create a Pool object with 2*num_threads processes, and give it a bunch of tasks to do. It will execute up to 2*num_threads tasks at a time, until all are done.

如果您正在使用默认的“cpython”版本,那么这对您没有帮助,因为一次只能执行一个线程;查找全局解释器锁。相反,我建议查看Python 2.6中的多处理模块——它使并行编程变得非常容易。您可以使用2*num_threads进程创建一个池对象,并为其提供一系列任务。它将一次执行最多2*num_threads任务,直到全部完成。

At work I have recently migrated a bunch of Python XML tools (a differ, xpath grepper, and bulk xslt transformer) to use this, and have had very nice results with two processes per processor.

在工作中,我最近迁移了一堆Python XML工具(不同的是,xpath grepper和大容量xslt transformer)来使用它,每个处理器有两个进程,得到了非常好的结果。



It looks to me that what you want is a pool of some sort, and in that pool you would like the have n threads where n == the number of processors on your system. You would then have another thread whose only job was to feed jobs into a queue which the worker threads could pick up and process as they became free (so for a dual code machine, you'd have three threads but the main thread would be doing very little).

在我看来,您想要的是某种类型的池,在这个池中,您希望有n个线程,其中n ==系统上的处理器数量。然后,您将有另一个线程,其惟一的任务是将作业输入到队列中,工作线程可以在它们变得空闲时对其进行处理(因此,对于双代码机,您将有三个线程,但主线程将做得很少)。

As you are new to Python though I'll assume you don't know about the GIL and it's side-effects with regard to threading. If you read the article I linked you will soon understand why traditional multithreading solutions are not always the best in the Python world. Instead you should consider using the multiprocessing module (new in Python 2.6, in 2.5 you can use this backport) to achieve the same effect. It side-steps the issue of the GIL by using multiple processes as if they were threads within the same application. There are some restrictions about how you share data (you are working in different memory spaces) but actually this is no bad thing: they just encourage good practice such as minimising the contact points between threads (or processes in this case).

作为Python的新手,我假设您不了解GIL,它是线程的副作用。如果您阅读我所链接的文章,您将很快理解为什么传统的多线程解决方案并不总是Python世界中最好的。相反,您应该考虑使用多处理模块(Python 2.6中的新模块,在2.5中可以使用这个backport)来实现相同的效果。它绕过了GIL的问题,使用多个进程,就好像它们是同一个应用程序中的线程一样。关于如何共享数据(在不同的内存空间中工作)有一些限制,但实际上这并不是坏事:它们只是鼓励良好的实践,比如最小化线程之间的接触点(在本例中是进程)。

In your case you are probably intersted in using a pool as specified here.




Short answer: don't use threads.


For a working example, you can look at something I've recently tossed together at work. It's a little wrapper around ssh which runs a configurable number of Popen() subprocesses. I've posted it at: Bitbucket: classh (Cluster Admin's ssh Wrapper).

作为一个工作示例,您可以查看我最近在工作中遇到的一些问题。它是一个关于ssh的小包装器,它运行可配置数量的Popen()子进程。我将它发布在:Bitbucket: classh(集群管理员的ssh包装)。

As noted, I don't use threads; I just spawn off the children, loop over them calling their .poll() methods and checking for timeouts (also configurable) and replenish the pool as I gather the results. I've played with different sleep() values and in the past I've written a version (before the subprocess module was added to Python) which used the signal module (SIGCHLD and SIGALRM) and the os.fork() and os.execve() functions --- which my on pipe and file descriptor plumbing, etc).


In my case I'm incrementally printing results as I gather them ... and remembering all of them to summarize at the end (when all the jobs have completed or been killed for exceeding the timeout).


I ran that, as posted, on a list of 25,000 internal hosts (many of which are down, retired, located internationally, not accessible to my test account etc). It completed the job in just over two hours and had no issues. (There were about 60 of them that were timeouts due to systems in degenerate/thrashing states -- proving that my timeout handling works correctly).


So I know this model works reliably. Running 100 current ssh processes with this code doesn't seem to cause any noticeable impact. (It's a moderately old FreeBSD box). I used to run the old (pre-subprocess) version with 100 concurrent processes on my old 512MB laptop without problems, too).


(BTW: I plan to clean this up and add features to it; feel free to contribute or to clone off your own branch of it; that's what Bitbucket.org is for).




I am not an expert in this, but I have read something about "Lock"s. This article might help you out


Hope this helps




"Each of my threads is using subprocess.Popen to run a separate command line [process]".


Why have a bunch of threads manage a bunch of processes? That's exactly what an OS does that for you. Why micro-manage what the OS already manages?


Rather than fool around with threads overseeing processes, just fork off processes. Your process table probably can't handle 2000 processes, but it can handle a few dozen (maybe a few hundred) pretty easily.


You want to have more work than your CPU's can possibly handle queued up. The real question is one of memory -- not processes or threads. If the sum of all the active data for all the processes exceeds physical memory, then data has to be swapped, and that will slow you down.


If your processes have a fairly small memory footprint, you can have lots and lots running. If your processes have a large memory footprint, you can't have very many running.




If you want to limit the number of parallel threads, use a semaphore:


threadLimiter = threading.BoundedSemaphore(maximumNumberOfThreads)

class EncodeThread(threading.Thread):

    def run(self):
            <your code here>

Start all threads at once. All but maximumNumberOfThreads will wait in threadLimiter.acquire() and a waiting thread will only continue once another thread goes through threadLimiter.release().




If you're using the default "cpython" version then this won't help you, because only one thread can execute at a time; look up Global Interpreter Lock. Instead, I'd suggest looking at the multiprocessing module in Python 2.6 -- it makes parallel programming a cinch. You can create a Pool object with 2*num_threads processes, and give it a bunch of tasks to do. It will execute up to 2*num_threads tasks at a time, until all are done.

如果您正在使用默认的“cpython”版本,那么这对您没有帮助,因为一次只能执行一个线程;查找全局解释器锁。相反,我建议查看Python 2.6中的多处理模块——它使并行编程变得非常容易。您可以使用2*num_threads进程创建一个池对象,并为其提供一系列任务。它将一次执行最多2*num_threads任务,直到全部完成。

At work I have recently migrated a bunch of Python XML tools (a differ, xpath grepper, and bulk xslt transformer) to use this, and have had very nice results with two processes per processor.

在工作中,我最近迁移了一堆Python XML工具(不同的是,xpath grepper和大容量xslt transformer)来使用它,每个处理器有两个进程,得到了非常好的结果。



It looks to me that what you want is a pool of some sort, and in that pool you would like the have n threads where n == the number of processors on your system. You would then have another thread whose only job was to feed jobs into a queue which the worker threads could pick up and process as they became free (so for a dual code machine, you'd have three threads but the main thread would be doing very little).

在我看来,您想要的是某种类型的池,在这个池中,您希望有n个线程,其中n ==系统上的处理器数量。然后,您将有另一个线程,其惟一的任务是将作业输入到队列中,工作线程可以在它们变得空闲时对其进行处理(因此,对于双代码机,您将有三个线程,但主线程将做得很少)。

As you are new to Python though I'll assume you don't know about the GIL and it's side-effects with regard to threading. If you read the article I linked you will soon understand why traditional multithreading solutions are not always the best in the Python world. Instead you should consider using the multiprocessing module (new in Python 2.6, in 2.5 you can use this backport) to achieve the same effect. It side-steps the issue of the GIL by using multiple processes as if they were threads within the same application. There are some restrictions about how you share data (you are working in different memory spaces) but actually this is no bad thing: they just encourage good practice such as minimising the contact points between threads (or processes in this case).

作为Python的新手,我假设您不了解GIL,它是线程的副作用。如果您阅读我所链接的文章,您将很快理解为什么传统的多线程解决方案并不总是Python世界中最好的。相反,您应该考虑使用多处理模块(Python 2.6中的新模块,在2.5中可以使用这个backport)来实现相同的效果。它绕过了GIL的问题,使用多个进程,就好像它们是同一个应用程序中的线程一样。关于如何共享数据(在不同的内存空间中工作)有一些限制,但实际上这并不是坏事:它们只是鼓励良好的实践,比如最小化线程之间的接触点(在本例中是进程)。

In your case you are probably intersted in using a pool as specified here.




Short answer: don't use threads.


For a working example, you can look at something I've recently tossed together at work. It's a little wrapper around ssh which runs a configurable number of Popen() subprocesses. I've posted it at: Bitbucket: classh (Cluster Admin's ssh Wrapper).

作为一个工作示例,您可以查看我最近在工作中遇到的一些问题。它是一个关于ssh的小包装器,它运行可配置数量的Popen()子进程。我将它发布在:Bitbucket: classh(集群管理员的ssh包装)。

As noted, I don't use threads; I just spawn off the children, loop over them calling their .poll() methods and checking for timeouts (also configurable) and replenish the pool as I gather the results. I've played with different sleep() values and in the past I've written a version (before the subprocess module was added to Python) which used the signal module (SIGCHLD and SIGALRM) and the os.fork() and os.execve() functions --- which my on pipe and file descriptor plumbing, etc).


In my case I'm incrementally printing results as I gather them ... and remembering all of them to summarize at the end (when all the jobs have completed or been killed for exceeding the timeout).


I ran that, as posted, on a list of 25,000 internal hosts (many of which are down, retired, located internationally, not accessible to my test account etc). It completed the job in just over two hours and had no issues. (There were about 60 of them that were timeouts due to systems in degenerate/thrashing states -- proving that my timeout handling works correctly).


So I know this model works reliably. Running 100 current ssh processes with this code doesn't seem to cause any noticeable impact. (It's a moderately old FreeBSD box). I used to run the old (pre-subprocess) version with 100 concurrent processes on my old 512MB laptop without problems, too).


(BTW: I plan to clean this up and add features to it; feel free to contribute or to clone off your own branch of it; that's what Bitbucket.org is for).




I am not an expert in this, but I have read something about "Lock"s. This article might help you out


Hope this helps
