
时间:2022-04-26 15:28:07

Assume I have a password field in a User struct.


type User struct{
   UserName string `json:"username"`
   Password string `json:"-"`

My clients register their users by posting username and password together. So if I decode JSON to above struct, it ignores password. It's expected. But I wondered is there any way to ignore fields when only marshalling. I checked go official documentation page but couldn't find anything.



I can add an extra field into the struct but I need to know first is it possible to do that with JSON lib.

我可以在结构中添加一个额外的字段,但我首先需要知道是否可以使用JSON lib。

2 个解决方案



One common approach is to use a temporary type or variable, with same structure, but different json tags or even different structure:


type User struct {
    UserName string `json:"username"`
    Password string `json:"password"`

func (usr User) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    var tmp struct {
        UserName string `json:"username"`
    tmp.UserName = usr.UserName
    return json.Marshal(&tmp)



As with any custom marshaling/unmarshaling requirements in Go, your best bet is to look at implementing json.Marshaler/json.Unmarshaler interface on a custom type.

与Go中的任何自定义编组/解组要求一样,最好的办法是在自定义类型上实现json.Marshaler / json.Unmarshaler接口。

In this case, you can do it for the password field:


// Use an explicit password type.
type password string

type User struct{
    UserName string   `json:"username"`
    Password password `json:"password"`

// Marshaler ignores the field value completely.
func (password) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return []byte(`""`), nil

Note that by not implementing json.Unmarshaler, type password retains the default behavior of its underlying type (string), which allows the struct to be unmarshalled with the Password value.


Working example: https://play.golang.org/p/HZQoCKm0vN




One common approach is to use a temporary type or variable, with same structure, but different json tags or even different structure:


type User struct {
    UserName string `json:"username"`
    Password string `json:"password"`

func (usr User) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    var tmp struct {
        UserName string `json:"username"`
    tmp.UserName = usr.UserName
    return json.Marshal(&tmp)



As with any custom marshaling/unmarshaling requirements in Go, your best bet is to look at implementing json.Marshaler/json.Unmarshaler interface on a custom type.

与Go中的任何自定义编组/解组要求一样,最好的办法是在自定义类型上实现json.Marshaler / json.Unmarshaler接口。

In this case, you can do it for the password field:


// Use an explicit password type.
type password string

type User struct{
    UserName string   `json:"username"`
    Password password `json:"password"`

// Marshaler ignores the field value completely.
func (password) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return []byte(`""`), nil

Note that by not implementing json.Unmarshaler, type password retains the default behavior of its underlying type (string), which allows the struct to be unmarshalled with the Password value.


Working example: https://play.golang.org/p/HZQoCKm0vN
