什么呢!数组。 =有角度的意思?

时间:2021-09-25 15:27:42

Been reading the AngularJS documentation and found some param type



What does this mean? any answer would clear things up.


1 个解决方案



The operators are from Google Closure's Type Expressions.

运算符来自Google Closure的Type Expressions。

  • ! identifies the type as "Non-nullable."
  • !将类型标识为“不可为空”。
  • <...> identifies the type(s) of an object/collection's contents.
  • <...>标识对象/集合内容的类型。
  • = identifies the parameter as "Optional."
  • =将参数标识为“可选”。

So, in the case of angular.module():


  • No argument has to be given for requires.
  • 对于要求,不必提出任何论据。
  • When it is given, it cannot be null and must be an Array containing only string values.
  • 给定时,它不能为null,并且必须是仅包含字符串值的Array。
angular.module('Foo');               // valid arguments
angular.module('Foo', null);         // not valid
angular.module('Foo', ['Bar']);      // valid
angular.module('Foo', [false]);      // not valid
angular.module('Foo', function(){}); // valid



The operators are from Google Closure's Type Expressions.

运算符来自Google Closure的Type Expressions。

  • ! identifies the type as "Non-nullable."
  • !将类型标识为“不可为空”。
  • <...> identifies the type(s) of an object/collection's contents.
  • <...>标识对象/集合内容的类型。
  • = identifies the parameter as "Optional."
  • =将参数标识为“可选”。

So, in the case of angular.module():


  • No argument has to be given for requires.
  • 对于要求,不必提出任何论据。
  • When it is given, it cannot be null and must be an Array containing only string values.
  • 给定时,它不能为null,并且必须是仅包含字符串值的Array。
angular.module('Foo');               // valid arguments
angular.module('Foo', null);         // not valid
angular.module('Foo', ['Bar']);      // valid
angular.module('Foo', [false]);      // not valid
angular.module('Foo', function(){}); // valid