Dataflow Java SDK中的BigQuery修补程序操作

时间:2021-02-27 15:30:09

Per the question re: making a custom Sink to update Schemas dynamically in Dataflow, I was wondering if the Patch operation is exposed in BigQueryIO API somewhere?

根据问题re:使用自定义接收器在Dataflow中动态更新Schema,我想知道Patch操作是否在某个地方的BigQueryIO API中公开?

This is a crucial piece of updating schemas on the fly. We are merging schemas as they come in in backwards compatible ways.


1 个解决方案



This is not in the SDK itself, but can use a standard pattern of side-effecting from a DoFn. Specifically, you'll want to make sure that the BigQuery client you create is marked transient, as DoFns must be serializable.


class PatchFn extends DoFn<> {
  private transient BigQuery bq;



This is not in the SDK itself, but can use a standard pattern of side-effecting from a DoFn. Specifically, you'll want to make sure that the BigQuery client you create is marked transient, as DoFns must be serializable.


class PatchFn extends DoFn<> {
  private transient BigQuery bq;