
时间:2022-09-14 15:20:44

I am assembling the "Cassandra-Spark-Connector". I just followed the steps below:


  1. Git clone connector code
  2. Git克隆连接器代码

  3. Run "sbt assembly"
  4. 运行“sbt assembly”

During the assembly phase I am getting the following error:


[info] Done updating.
[warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies.
[warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted:
[warn]  * com.eed3si9n:sbt-assembly:0.11.2 -> 0.13.0
[warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings
[info] Compiling 5 Scala sources to /home/xxxxxx/Development/iAdLearning/spark-cassandra-connector/project/target/scala-2.10/sbt-0.13/classes...
[error] /home/xxxxxx/Development/iAdLearning/spark-cassandra-connector/project/Settings.scala:23: object Plugin is not a member of package sbtassembly
[error] import sbtassembly.Plugin._
[error]                    ^
[error] /home/xxxxxx/Development/iAdLearning/spark-cassandra-connector/project/Settings.scala:24: not found: object AssemblyKeys
[error] import AssemblyKeys._
[error]        ^
[error] /home/xxxxxx/Development/iAdLearning/spark-cassandra-connector/project/Settings.scala:217: not found: value assemblySettings
[error]   lazy val sbtAssemblySettings = assemblySettings ++ Seq(
[error]                                  ^
[error] three errors found
[error] (compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed

I am running sbt 0.13.6


2 个解决方案


You can always use the packaged sbt by running.


./sbt/sbt assembly

This will automatically download and use a valid version of sbt.



Building Spark java connector requires sbt-assembly version 0.11.2 as defined in plugins.bat. It is likely you have a newer sbt-assembly version (ver. 0.13.0) installed in global plugins folder (~.sbt\0.13\plugins) which is causing this issue. Kindly rename the plugins folder in ~.sbt\0.13 and try to build it again.

构建Spark java连接器需要在plugins.bat中定义的sbt-assembly版本0.11.2。您可能在全局插件文件夹(〜.sbt \ 0.13 \ plugins)中安装了较新的sbt-assembly版本(版本0.13.0),这导致了此问题。请重命名〜.sbt \ 0.13中的plugins文件夹并尝试再次构建它。


You can always use the packaged sbt by running.


./sbt/sbt assembly

This will automatically download and use a valid version of sbt.



Building Spark java connector requires sbt-assembly version 0.11.2 as defined in plugins.bat. It is likely you have a newer sbt-assembly version (ver. 0.13.0) installed in global plugins folder (~.sbt\0.13\plugins) which is causing this issue. Kindly rename the plugins folder in ~.sbt\0.13 and try to build it again.

构建Spark java连接器需要在plugins.bat中定义的sbt-assembly版本0.11.2。您可能在全局插件文件夹(〜.sbt \ 0.13 \ plugins)中安装了较新的sbt-assembly版本(版本0.13.0),这导致了此问题。请重命名〜.sbt \ 0.13中的plugins文件夹并尝试再次构建它。