Android Google Analytics:设置移动设备信息

时间:2022-07-28 15:18:52

The latest version of Google Analytics has a Mobile category under Visitors. However, Visitors > Mobile > Devices shows only one value, (not set), for my visits.

最新版本的Google Analytics在“访问者”下有一个“移动”类别。但是,访问者>移动设备>设备仅为我的访问显示一个值(未设置)。

I am using the latest SDK (1.3). How can I set the Mobile Device Info (custom var, method I am not seeing) so that it appears in the report?


2 个解决方案



I had a similar issue testing the Android SDK (v2 beta 5). It turned out to be ridiculously obvious after I spent far too much time trying to solve the issue in code and analytics.xml. This may not be the OP's problem, but this is where I ended up looking when I had the same issue, so I hope it helps. Long story short...

我在测试Android SDK(v2 beta 5)时遇到了类似的问题。在我花了太多时间试图解决代码和analytics.xml中的问题后,结果显得非常明显。这可能不是OP的问题,但这是我在遇到同样问题时最终看到的地方,所以我希望它有所帮助。长话短说...

Emulator device info can confuse Google Analytics

模拟器设备信息可能会混淆Google Analytics

I was testing a lot of these calls on an emulator. Even though my custom emulator was based roughly on a Galaxy Nexus (hw.device.manufacture: Google and Galaxy Nexus according to Android Virtual Device Manager, it was coming over as Manufacturer = "unknown" and Model = "Android SDK built for x86" at runtime. As a result, Google Analytics decided that constitutes "(not set)" for just about ever device property they stored.

我在模拟器上测试了很多这些调用。即使我的自定义模拟器大致基于Galaxy Nexus(hw.device.manufacture:Google和根据Android虚拟设备管理器的Galaxy Nexus,它还是以制造商=“未知”和Model =“的形式出现Android SDK是在运行时为x86构建的。因此,Google Analytics(分析)决定构成“(未设置)”几乎所有存储的设备属性。

Once I was deployed to a physical test device, all the appropriate data was pulled in automatically by the SDK.




The information in "Visitors > Mobile > Devices" is automatically filled in by the SDK (based on the HTTP User-Agent string], and automatically, if possible, classified by Analytics.


Google seems to have problems identifying new devices when they come out (if they change their browser ID strings, etc), so you'll see "(not set)" for traffic from those devices. For example, see!category-topic/analytics/discuss-google-analytics-features-with-other-users/n-LDtWGhZiY (after the iOS 5 release, these devices showed up as "(not set)" Mobile Devices for several months).

谷歌出现时似乎在识别新设备时遇到了问题(如果他们更改了浏览器ID字符串等),那么你会看到来自这些设备的流量“(未设置)”。例如,请参阅!category-topic/analytics/discuss-google-analytics-features-with-other-users/n-LDtWGhZiY(iOS 5发布后,这些设备出现了几个月的“(未设置)”移动设备。



I had a similar issue testing the Android SDK (v2 beta 5). It turned out to be ridiculously obvious after I spent far too much time trying to solve the issue in code and analytics.xml. This may not be the OP's problem, but this is where I ended up looking when I had the same issue, so I hope it helps. Long story short...

我在测试Android SDK(v2 beta 5)时遇到了类似的问题。在我花了太多时间试图解决代码和analytics.xml中的问题后,结果显得非常明显。这可能不是OP的问题,但这是我在遇到同样问题时最终看到的地方,所以我希望它有所帮助。长话短说...

Emulator device info can confuse Google Analytics

模拟器设备信息可能会混淆Google Analytics

I was testing a lot of these calls on an emulator. Even though my custom emulator was based roughly on a Galaxy Nexus (hw.device.manufacture: Google and Galaxy Nexus according to Android Virtual Device Manager, it was coming over as Manufacturer = "unknown" and Model = "Android SDK built for x86" at runtime. As a result, Google Analytics decided that constitutes "(not set)" for just about ever device property they stored.

我在模拟器上测试了很多这些调用。即使我的自定义模拟器大致基于Galaxy Nexus(hw.device.manufacture:Google和根据Android虚拟设备管理器的Galaxy Nexus,它还是以制造商=“未知”和Model =“的形式出现Android SDK是在运行时为x86构建的。因此,Google Analytics(分析)决定构成“(未设置)”几乎所有存储的设备属性。

Once I was deployed to a physical test device, all the appropriate data was pulled in automatically by the SDK.




The information in "Visitors > Mobile > Devices" is automatically filled in by the SDK (based on the HTTP User-Agent string], and automatically, if possible, classified by Analytics.


Google seems to have problems identifying new devices when they come out (if they change their browser ID strings, etc), so you'll see "(not set)" for traffic from those devices. For example, see!category-topic/analytics/discuss-google-analytics-features-with-other-users/n-LDtWGhZiY (after the iOS 5 release, these devices showed up as "(not set)" Mobile Devices for several months).

谷歌出现时似乎在识别新设备时遇到了问题(如果他们更改了浏览器ID字符串等),那么你会看到来自这些设备的流量“(未设置)”。例如,请参阅!category-topic/analytics/discuss-google-analytics-features-with-other-users/n-LDtWGhZiY(iOS 5发布后,这些设备出现了几个月的“(未设置)”移动设备。