GSpread ImportError:没有名为oauth2client.service_account的模块

时间:2022-03-16 15:18:19

Ok I'm following along with the Become A Technical Marketer course and I'm trying to learn how to manage Google Spreadsheets with GSpread. I've followed along with the documentation at I've followed the steps in the second URL above and ran a document with the following code:


import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

scope = ['']

credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('DFS Google Sheets Data Imports-7205de852ff7.json', scope)

gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)

wks ="Authority Scraper").sheet1
wks.update_cell(1,2,"Hello World!")

From that I get the error in my terminal: from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials ImportError: No module named oauth2client.service_account

从这里我得到了我的终端的错误:来自oauth2client。service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials ImportError:没有名为oauth2client.service_account的模块

terminal error printout


Someone please help me. The answers with other No module named oath2client.service_account are not working for me. Thanks!


4 个解决方案



According to this discussion,


This is because OS X El Capitan ships with six 1.4.1 installed already and when it attempts to uninstall it, it doesn't have permission to do so because System Integrity Protection doesn't allow even root to modify those directories.

这是因为OS X El Capitan已经安装了6个1.4.1,当它试图卸载时,它没有权限这样做,因为系统完整性保护甚至不允许root用户修改这些目录。

Amongst the few workarounds mentionned in the answers, it may be worth trying pip install --ignore-installed six to avoid the attempted uninstall of the system's six package.




Running this command worked for me - sudo pip install --upgrade oauth2client

运行这个命令对我- sudo pip安装-升级oauth2client有效

Got this from the oauth2client library github repo

这是来自oauth2client库github repo的



You can fix the error by checking if there is more than one folder in your library.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google_Appengine\lib\google-api-python-client\oauth2client

you just need to delete one of the folders or change the library path in the compiler.


Here is the link to a video that I made on the topic:


How to fix: "No module named service_account" - Python

如何修复:“没有名为service_account的模块”——Python ?



So I just encountered this issue as well and it ended up being a path issue for me. Granted, I know this is a little far-fetched (since everyone's dev environment is different), but writing this here in case it helps someone else.


The TLDR make sure something isn't mucking with your $PYTHONPATH.


Recall that when you do an "import" in python, python checks your sys.path for packages. This list has a precedence order (i.e. if a package is found in an earlier path in the list, then that package will be used).


In my case, it looks like my $PYTHONPATH had been modified when doing some appengine stuff a while ago. As it turns out, my appengine had its own oauth2client lib that's pretty old.

在我的例子中,我的$PYTHONPATH在不久前做一些appengine的时候已经被修改了。事实证明,我的appengine有自己的oauth2client lib,它非常古老。

As a result, when python attempted from oauth2client.service_account it was grabbing the oauth2client in appengine rather than the oauth2client I was expecting it to grab (a result of the $PYTHONPATH having been modified).


You can verify if this is happening to you as well by printing the sys.path before your import call:


import sys
print sys.path
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

In my case I could clearly see a bunch of appengine paths that were taking precedence. This lead me to check my ~/.bash_profile where wala I found this line:



Commented that out, started a new shell and everything worked dandy.




According to this discussion,


This is because OS X El Capitan ships with six 1.4.1 installed already and when it attempts to uninstall it, it doesn't have permission to do so because System Integrity Protection doesn't allow even root to modify those directories.

这是因为OS X El Capitan已经安装了6个1.4.1,当它试图卸载时,它没有权限这样做,因为系统完整性保护甚至不允许root用户修改这些目录。

Amongst the few workarounds mentionned in the answers, it may be worth trying pip install --ignore-installed six to avoid the attempted uninstall of the system's six package.




Running this command worked for me - sudo pip install --upgrade oauth2client

运行这个命令对我- sudo pip安装-升级oauth2client有效

Got this from the oauth2client library github repo

这是来自oauth2client库github repo的



You can fix the error by checking if there is more than one folder in your library.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google_Appengine\lib\google-api-python-client\oauth2client

you just need to delete one of the folders or change the library path in the compiler.


Here is the link to a video that I made on the topic:


How to fix: "No module named service_account" - Python

如何修复:“没有名为service_account的模块”——Python ?



So I just encountered this issue as well and it ended up being a path issue for me. Granted, I know this is a little far-fetched (since everyone's dev environment is different), but writing this here in case it helps someone else.


The TLDR make sure something isn't mucking with your $PYTHONPATH.


Recall that when you do an "import" in python, python checks your sys.path for packages. This list has a precedence order (i.e. if a package is found in an earlier path in the list, then that package will be used).


In my case, it looks like my $PYTHONPATH had been modified when doing some appengine stuff a while ago. As it turns out, my appengine had its own oauth2client lib that's pretty old.

在我的例子中,我的$PYTHONPATH在不久前做一些appengine的时候已经被修改了。事实证明,我的appengine有自己的oauth2client lib,它非常古老。

As a result, when python attempted from oauth2client.service_account it was grabbing the oauth2client in appengine rather than the oauth2client I was expecting it to grab (a result of the $PYTHONPATH having been modified).


You can verify if this is happening to you as well by printing the sys.path before your import call:


import sys
print sys.path
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

In my case I could clearly see a bunch of appengine paths that were taking precedence. This lead me to check my ~/.bash_profile where wala I found this line:



Commented that out, started a new shell and everything worked dandy.
