
时间:2022-04-06 15:20:00

I am unable find the source when after I downloaded the sdk. Has it been removed from public access?


4 个解决方案



Some of the src folders on my copy of the samples, found at $SDK_DIR/extras/android/support/ seem to be empty. For example, v7/gridlayout/src/ is an empty folder, but most of my v4 folders have the source code supplied alongside the download from the SDK Manager, so I'm going to guess you and I are seeing the same issue.


However, you can always download the source directly from the source (no pun intended):


Doing a git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support/ to download the support library files direct from Google's repository seems to contain all of the source files.




Those that are looking for sources per version, can find it locally (provided that you downloaded it previously) at:



美元SDK_DIR /配件/ android / m2repository /com/android/support/库名/版本/美元库名- version-sources.jar美元

Jar file (as you probably know) is essentially a zip file - therefore you can simply extract its contents.


For example, support-v4 v23.1.1 located at:

例如,support-v4 v23.1.1位于:




Using Android Studio to read support library source is a more convenient way.Please follow these steps:

使用Android Studio来读取支持库源代码是一种更方便的方式。请遵循以下步骤:

  • Add dependency to support library in build.gradle. For example, compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.0' in Android Studio project's build.gradle.
  • 在build.gradle中添加对库的支持。例如,在Android Studio项目的build.gradle中,编译“com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.0”。
  • Sync or build your project.
  • 同步或构建项目。
  • Add a reference to support library class from your code file and then ctrl+right click.This will lead you to the source code.
  • 从代码文件中添加一个支持库类的引用,然后按ctrl+右键单击。这将引导您找到源代码。
  • There is a "Scrool from Source" toolbar button in project view.Click it and you will be navigated to the source code tree in project view.For example, at $PROJ/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/com.android.support/design/23.1.0/jars
  • 在项目视图中有一个“来自源的Scrool”工具栏按钮。单击它,您将被导航到项目视图中的源代码树。例如,美元项目/构建/中间体/ exploded-aar com.android.support /设计/ 23.1.0 / jar



go to Android SDK manager then> go to extras>select Android Support Libraries >check on that and install it

转到Android SDK管理器然后转到extras>选择Android Support库>检查一下并安装它



Some of the src folders on my copy of the samples, found at $SDK_DIR/extras/android/support/ seem to be empty. For example, v7/gridlayout/src/ is an empty folder, but most of my v4 folders have the source code supplied alongside the download from the SDK Manager, so I'm going to guess you and I are seeing the same issue.


However, you can always download the source directly from the source (no pun intended):


Doing a git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support/ to download the support library files direct from Google's repository seems to contain all of the source files.




Those that are looking for sources per version, can find it locally (provided that you downloaded it previously) at:



美元SDK_DIR /配件/ android / m2repository /com/android/support/库名/版本/美元库名- version-sources.jar美元

Jar file (as you probably know) is essentially a zip file - therefore you can simply extract its contents.


For example, support-v4 v23.1.1 located at:

例如,support-v4 v23.1.1位于:




Using Android Studio to read support library source is a more convenient way.Please follow these steps:

使用Android Studio来读取支持库源代码是一种更方便的方式。请遵循以下步骤:

  • Add dependency to support library in build.gradle. For example, compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.0' in Android Studio project's build.gradle.
  • 在build.gradle中添加对库的支持。例如,在Android Studio项目的build.gradle中,编译“com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.0”。
  • Sync or build your project.
  • 同步或构建项目。
  • Add a reference to support library class from your code file and then ctrl+right click.This will lead you to the source code.
  • 从代码文件中添加一个支持库类的引用,然后按ctrl+右键单击。这将引导您找到源代码。
  • There is a "Scrool from Source" toolbar button in project view.Click it and you will be navigated to the source code tree in project view.For example, at $PROJ/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/com.android.support/design/23.1.0/jars
  • 在项目视图中有一个“来自源的Scrool”工具栏按钮。单击它,您将被导航到项目视图中的源代码树。例如,美元项目/构建/中间体/ exploded-aar com.android.support /设计/ 23.1.0 / jar



go to Android SDK manager then> go to extras>select Android Support Libraries >check on that and install it

转到Android SDK管理器然后转到extras>选择Android Support库>检查一下并安装它