Google AnalyticsAPI登录需要输入错误

时间:2022-03-15 15:17:15

I've got a strange problem that I've tried to solve but I've tried a whole day and it just doesn't work, so I hope maybe someone else can help me with this.


I've build a CMS and after you login you see the dashboard. On this dashboard you can click on a button to connect your account with Google - because I want my customers to be able to connect their Google Analytics account.

我已经构建了一个CMS,在您登录后,您会看到仪表板。在此信息中心上,您可以点击按钮将您的帐户与Google相关联 - 因为我希望我的客户能够连接其Google Analytics帐户。

Everything works fine, I've got tokens and the refresh token and everything seems to work. Even when I request my user profile data I get it printed on my screen as an array. But when I try to get the accounts that are available to view for the connected user i get this error:


Uncaught exception 'Google_Service_Exception' with message 'Error calling GET
key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: (401) Login Required'

I just don't understand why I get the message 'Login required'. Below you can see my script.



// call object
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName("Google Analytics - CMS title");

// decode
$token = $token; // this comes from my database and it's json encoded

// connect

// call service
$service    =   new Google_Service_Analytics($client);

// get accounts from analytics
$accounts   = $service->management_accounts->listManagementAccounts();

When I try to var_dump $accounts I don't see anything because the error already occurred (Login required)

当我尝试var_dump $ accounts时,我没有看到任何因为错误已经发生(需要登录)

I think you are going to ask me now if my token is correct but it is because I tested it with other api calls.. it's just not working for this specific analytics request.


I hope someone can help me with this.


Thanks, Pim vd Molen

谢谢,Pim vd Molen

UPDATE: Something really strange just happened. I don't know how this is possible but the error just changed into another error:


Uncaught exception 'Google_Service_Exception' with message 'Error calling GET
/accounts?key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: (403) Access Not Configured. 
Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project.

I've enabled the Google Analytics service ofcourse, but don't know which one i also need to enable.

我启用了Google Analytics服务,但不知道我还需要启用哪个服务。

2 个解决方案



The 401 error clearly states that the credentials are wrong. The Token might be valid for retrieving Data, but for retrieving user management information, you need a particular grant when asking for that token, please look here in the table you see the additional value for the scope parameter to set in your OAuth request.




not sure if you have solved this yet, but I've documented the process, with photos here:

不确定你是否已经解决了这个问题,但我已经记录了这个过程,并在此处提供了照片: -API到播放漂亮



The 401 error clearly states that the credentials are wrong. The Token might be valid for retrieving Data, but for retrieving user management information, you need a particular grant when asking for that token, please look here in the table you see the additional value for the scope parameter to set in your OAuth request.




not sure if you have solved this yet, but I've documented the process, with photos here:

不确定你是否已经解决了这个问题,但我已经记录了这个过程,并在此处提供了照片: -API到播放漂亮