如果在Google Analytics中有不同的查询字符串时,如何合并网址的网页浏览量?

时间:2022-03-15 15:16:51

I am trying to do some reporting on page views on a site and the results are being listed like the following:


  • www.example.com/directory/ - 100 views
  • www.example.com/directory/ - 100次观看

  • www.example.com/directory/?id=123456 - 10 views
  • www.example.com/directory/?id=123456 - 10次观看

  • www.example.com/directory/?id=987654 - 5 views
  • www.example.com/directory/?id=987654 - 5次观看

What filter do I need to create to views the results as:


  • www.example.com/directory/ - 100 views
  • www.example.com/directory/ - 100次观看

  • www.example.com/directory/?id=* - 15 views
  • www.example.com/directory/?id=* - 15次观看

Thanks in advance


4 个解决方案



Yes, getting historical grouped together is going to mean using something like Google Docs, Excel, Tableau Software, Analytics Canvas, etc.

是的,将历史记录组合在一起意味着使用Google Docs,Excel,Tableau Software,Analytics Canvas等。

Moving forward...

One of the simplest ways of keeping things grouped in GA is to set up an advanced profile filter. You'll want to use this with a new profile; keeping a "raw" or "empty" profile is highly advisable for when you actually want to look at those individual URLs.


That said, here's a filter pattern that should work for you:


Go to Admin > Filters (under the View Column)


+ New Filter > Create new Filter > Name it


Filter Type = Custom filter > Advanced


Here's the pattern:


Field A: www\.example\.com\/directory\/\?id=.+
Output To: www\.example\.com\/directory\/\?id=\*

字段A:www \ .example \ .com \ /目录\ / \?id =。+输出到:www \ .example \ .com \ /目录\ / \?id = \ *

如果在Google Analytics中有不同的查询字符串时,如何合并网址的网页浏览量?



The best way to do this for your historical data is unfortunately in an excel pivot table. You can get in in the UI, but only by creating a custom report and searching for very specific directories.


Check out the documentation on excluding query strings in your GA profile. Maybe create a new profile and write an advanced rule to rewrite all "id" pages to "/directory/product-page".

查看有关在GA个人资料中排除查询字符串的文档。也许创建一个新的配置文件并编写一个高级规则来将所有“id”页面重写为“/ directory / product-page”。



A totally different approach is to use custom variables or custom dimensions and to stop looking in the normal "Behavior" reports section (used to be called "Content" in GA) – custom dims are available using Google Analytics Universal Analytics only, which means starting a new web property and possibly running both code snippets concurrently (totally safe to do).

一种完全不同的方法是使用自定义变量或自定义维度,并停止查看正常的“行为”报告部分(以前在GA中称为“内容”) - 仅使用Google Analytics Universal Analytics提供自定义调整,这意味着启动一个新的Web属性,可能同时运行两个代码片段(完全安全)。

Personally I find custom dimensions a bit easier to work with than custom variables, and I generally think that it's a good idea to start exploring the new Google Analytics.

就个人而言,我发现自定义维度比自定义变量更容易使用,我通常认为开始探索新的Google Analytics是个好主意。

The nice thing about either of these approaches is that you can still keep the full page path date in the same profile as your custom dimension / variables information; it'll stay in the Behavior section where it belongs with all the other page paths.


Where I'm going with this...


You can create a new dimension such as "page type" and then call it "products", "posts", "articles", or whatever these id #s represent in this /directory/; then you can look at metrics across the dimension like pageviews, time on page, etc. by page type.


You can even create other dimensions to help describe them in more detail, such as breaking down blog posts or products into their different categories; i.e. hierarchical dimensions. Once you start using this kind of thing you may wonder what you ever did without it!


I think it's fair that I stop this answer now since it's not about how to set up custom variables or custom dimensions; those links should get you started (it's really not difficult).


Note: You can use php to fill in the dimension information in the GA tracking snippet dynamically based on the page that is being viewed (again, that's another question).




Another way to aggregate the same URI with multiple query strings is to change the primary dimension to 'Page Title' under Behavior > Site Content > All Pages.




Yes, getting historical grouped together is going to mean using something like Google Docs, Excel, Tableau Software, Analytics Canvas, etc.

是的,将历史记录组合在一起意味着使用Google Docs,Excel,Tableau Software,Analytics Canvas等。

Moving forward...

One of the simplest ways of keeping things grouped in GA is to set up an advanced profile filter. You'll want to use this with a new profile; keeping a "raw" or "empty" profile is highly advisable for when you actually want to look at those individual URLs.


That said, here's a filter pattern that should work for you:


Go to Admin > Filters (under the View Column)


+ New Filter > Create new Filter > Name it


Filter Type = Custom filter > Advanced


Here's the pattern:


Field A: www\.example\.com\/directory\/\?id=.+
Output To: www\.example\.com\/directory\/\?id=\*

字段A:www \ .example \ .com \ /目录\ / \?id =。+输出到:www \ .example \ .com \ /目录\ / \?id = \ *

如果在Google Analytics中有不同的查询字符串时,如何合并网址的网页浏览量?



The best way to do this for your historical data is unfortunately in an excel pivot table. You can get in in the UI, but only by creating a custom report and searching for very specific directories.


Check out the documentation on excluding query strings in your GA profile. Maybe create a new profile and write an advanced rule to rewrite all "id" pages to "/directory/product-page".

查看有关在GA个人资料中排除查询字符串的文档。也许创建一个新的配置文件并编写一个高级规则来将所有“id”页面重写为“/ directory / product-page”。



A totally different approach is to use custom variables or custom dimensions and to stop looking in the normal "Behavior" reports section (used to be called "Content" in GA) – custom dims are available using Google Analytics Universal Analytics only, which means starting a new web property and possibly running both code snippets concurrently (totally safe to do).

一种完全不同的方法是使用自定义变量或自定义维度,并停止查看正常的“行为”报告部分(以前在GA中称为“内容”) - 仅使用Google Analytics Universal Analytics提供自定义调整,这意味着启动一个新的Web属性,可能同时运行两个代码片段(完全安全)。

Personally I find custom dimensions a bit easier to work with than custom variables, and I generally think that it's a good idea to start exploring the new Google Analytics.

就个人而言,我发现自定义维度比自定义变量更容易使用,我通常认为开始探索新的Google Analytics是个好主意。

The nice thing about either of these approaches is that you can still keep the full page path date in the same profile as your custom dimension / variables information; it'll stay in the Behavior section where it belongs with all the other page paths.


Where I'm going with this...


You can create a new dimension such as "page type" and then call it "products", "posts", "articles", or whatever these id #s represent in this /directory/; then you can look at metrics across the dimension like pageviews, time on page, etc. by page type.


You can even create other dimensions to help describe them in more detail, such as breaking down blog posts or products into their different categories; i.e. hierarchical dimensions. Once you start using this kind of thing you may wonder what you ever did without it!


I think it's fair that I stop this answer now since it's not about how to set up custom variables or custom dimensions; those links should get you started (it's really not difficult).


Note: You can use php to fill in the dimension information in the GA tracking snippet dynamically based on the page that is being viewed (again, that's another question).




Another way to aggregate the same URI with multiple query strings is to change the primary dimension to 'Page Title' under Behavior > Site Content > All Pages.
