如何在ASP.NET Web窗体中使用依赖注入

时间:2021-08-24 15:16:09

I am trying to work out a way to use dependency injection with ASP.NET Web Forms controls.

我试图找到一种方法来使用ASP.NET Web窗体控件的依赖注入。

I have got lots of controls that create repositories directly, and use those to access and bind to data etc.


I am looking for a pattern where I can pass repositories to the controls externally (IoC), so my controls remain unaware of how repositories are constructed and where they come from etc.


I would prefer not to have a dependency on the IoC container from my controls, therefore I just want to be able to construct the controls with constructor or property injection.


(And just to complicate things, these controls are being constructed and placed on the page by a CMS at runtime!)


Any thoughts?


5 个解决方案



You can use automatic constructor injection by replacing the default PageHandlerFactory with a custom one. This way you can use an overloaded constructor to load the dependencies. Your page might look like this:


public partial class HomePage : System.Web.UI.Page
    private readonly IDependency dependency;

    public HomePage(IDependency dependency)
        this.dependency = dependency;

    // Do note this protected ctor. You need it for this to work.
    protected HomePage () { }

Configuring that custom PageHandlerFactory can be done in the web.config as follows:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <add verb="*" path="*.aspx"
        type="YourApp.CustomPageHandlerFactory, YourApp"/>

Your CustomPageHandlerFactory can look like this:


public class CustomPageHandlerFactory : PageHandlerFactory
    private static object GetInstance(Type type)
        // TODO: Get instance using your favorite DI library.
        // for instance using the Common Service Locator:
        return Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation

    public override IHttpHandler GetHandler(HttpContext cxt, 
        string type, string vPath, string path)
        var page = base.GetHandler(cxt, type, vPath, path);

        if (page != null)
            // Magic happens here ;-)

        return page;

    private static void InjectDependencies(object page)
        Type pageType = page.GetType().BaseType;

        var ctor = GetInjectableCtor(pageType);

        if (ctor != null)
            object[] arguments = (
                from parameter in ctor.GetParameters()
                select GetInstance(parameter.ParameterType)

            ctor.Invoke(page, arguments);

    private static ConstructorInfo GetInjectableCtor(
        Type type)
        var overloadedPublicConstructors = (
            from constructor in type.GetConstructors()
            where constructor.GetParameters().Length > 0
            select constructor).ToArray();

        if (overloadedPublicConstructors.Length == 0)
            return null;

        if (overloadedPublicConstructors.Length == 1)
            return overloadedPublicConstructors[0];

        throw new Exception(string.Format(
            "The type {0} has multiple public " +
            "ctors and can't be initialized.", type));

Downside is that this only works when running your side in Full Trust. You can read more about it here. But do note that developing ASP.NET applications in partial trust seems a lost cause.

缺点是这只适用于在Full Trust中运行您的一方。你可以在这里读更多关于它的内容。但请注意,部分信任开发ASP.NET应用程序似乎是一个失败的原因。



Autofac supports fairly unobtrusive dependency injection in ASP.NET WebForms. My understanding is it just hooks into the ASP.NET page lifecycle using an http module and does property injection. The only catch is that for controls I don't think this happens until after the Init event.

Autofac支持ASP.NET WebForms中相当不引人注意的依赖注入。我的理解是它只是使用http模块挂钩到ASP.NET页面生命周期并进行属性注入。唯一的问题是,对于控件,我认为直到Init事件之后才会发生这种情况。



The best way is to have a base class for the controls like:


public class PartialView : UserControl
    protected override void OnInit(System.EventArgs e)

That will inject any control that inherits from that base class (uses structuremap). Combining that with a property based config, you will be able to have controls like:


public partial class AdminHeader : PartialView
   IMyRepository Repository{get;set;}

Update 1: If you can't have the controls inherit, perhaps the CMS has a hook right after creating the controls, in there you can call the BuildUp. Also if the CMS allows you to hook something to fetch the instance you could use constructor based injection, but I prefer BuildUp on this specific scenario as asp.net doesn't have a hook for this.




You could also create some singleton instances in the Application_Start global.asax event and have them available as public static readonly properties.

您还可以在Application_Start global.asax事件中创建一些单例实例,并将它们作为公共静态只读属性提供。



This is a solution I recently used to avoid hooking into the pipeline (I find that confuses everyone that looks at my code in the future, but yes, I see its benefits as well):


public static class TemplateControlExtensions
    static readonly PerRequestObjectManager perRequestObjectManager = new PerRequestObjectManager();

    private static WIIIPDataContext GetDataContext(this TemplateControl templateControl)
        var dataContext = (WIIIPDataContext) perRequestObjectManager.GetValue("DataContext");

        if (dataContext == null) 
           dataContext = new WIIIPDataContext();
           perRequestObjectManager.SetValue("DataContext", dataContext);   

        return dataContext;

    public static IMailer GetMailer(this TemplateControl templateControl)
        return (IMailer)IoC.Container.Resolve(typeof(IMailer));

    public static T Query<T>(this TemplateControl templateControl, Query<T> query)
        query.DataContext = GetDataContext(templateControl);
        return query.GetQuery();

    public static void ExecuteCommand(this TemplateControl templateControl, Command command)
        command.DataContext = GetDataContext(templateControl);

    private class PerRequestObjectManager
        public object GetValue(string key)
            if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(key))
                return HttpContext.Current.Items[key];
                return null;

        public void SetValue(string key, object newValue)
            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Items[key] = newValue;

This shows how you can create your own life time manager pretty easily as well as hook into an IoC container if you so desire. Oh, and I am also using a query/command structure which is sort of unrelated, but more on the reasoning behind that can be found here:


Limit your abstractions: Refactoring toward reduced abstractions




You can use automatic constructor injection by replacing the default PageHandlerFactory with a custom one. This way you can use an overloaded constructor to load the dependencies. Your page might look like this:


public partial class HomePage : System.Web.UI.Page
    private readonly IDependency dependency;

    public HomePage(IDependency dependency)
        this.dependency = dependency;

    // Do note this protected ctor. You need it for this to work.
    protected HomePage () { }

Configuring that custom PageHandlerFactory can be done in the web.config as follows:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <add verb="*" path="*.aspx"
        type="YourApp.CustomPageHandlerFactory, YourApp"/>

Your CustomPageHandlerFactory can look like this:


public class CustomPageHandlerFactory : PageHandlerFactory
    private static object GetInstance(Type type)
        // TODO: Get instance using your favorite DI library.
        // for instance using the Common Service Locator:
        return Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation

    public override IHttpHandler GetHandler(HttpContext cxt, 
        string type, string vPath, string path)
        var page = base.GetHandler(cxt, type, vPath, path);

        if (page != null)
            // Magic happens here ;-)

        return page;

    private static void InjectDependencies(object page)
        Type pageType = page.GetType().BaseType;

        var ctor = GetInjectableCtor(pageType);

        if (ctor != null)
            object[] arguments = (
                from parameter in ctor.GetParameters()
                select GetInstance(parameter.ParameterType)

            ctor.Invoke(page, arguments);

    private static ConstructorInfo GetInjectableCtor(
        Type type)
        var overloadedPublicConstructors = (
            from constructor in type.GetConstructors()
            where constructor.GetParameters().Length > 0
            select constructor).ToArray();

        if (overloadedPublicConstructors.Length == 0)
            return null;

        if (overloadedPublicConstructors.Length == 1)
            return overloadedPublicConstructors[0];

        throw new Exception(string.Format(
            "The type {0} has multiple public " +
            "ctors and can't be initialized.", type));

Downside is that this only works when running your side in Full Trust. You can read more about it here. But do note that developing ASP.NET applications in partial trust seems a lost cause.

缺点是这只适用于在Full Trust中运行您的一方。你可以在这里读更多关于它的内容。但请注意,部分信任开发ASP.NET应用程序似乎是一个失败的原因。



Autofac supports fairly unobtrusive dependency injection in ASP.NET WebForms. My understanding is it just hooks into the ASP.NET page lifecycle using an http module and does property injection. The only catch is that for controls I don't think this happens until after the Init event.

Autofac支持ASP.NET WebForms中相当不引人注意的依赖注入。我的理解是它只是使用http模块挂钩到ASP.NET页面生命周期并进行属性注入。唯一的问题是,对于控件,我认为直到Init事件之后才会发生这种情况。



The best way is to have a base class for the controls like:


public class PartialView : UserControl
    protected override void OnInit(System.EventArgs e)

That will inject any control that inherits from that base class (uses structuremap). Combining that with a property based config, you will be able to have controls like:


public partial class AdminHeader : PartialView
   IMyRepository Repository{get;set;}

Update 1: If you can't have the controls inherit, perhaps the CMS has a hook right after creating the controls, in there you can call the BuildUp. Also if the CMS allows you to hook something to fetch the instance you could use constructor based injection, but I prefer BuildUp on this specific scenario as asp.net doesn't have a hook for this.




You could also create some singleton instances in the Application_Start global.asax event and have them available as public static readonly properties.

您还可以在Application_Start global.asax事件中创建一些单例实例,并将它们作为公共静态只读属性提供。



This is a solution I recently used to avoid hooking into the pipeline (I find that confuses everyone that looks at my code in the future, but yes, I see its benefits as well):


public static class TemplateControlExtensions
    static readonly PerRequestObjectManager perRequestObjectManager = new PerRequestObjectManager();

    private static WIIIPDataContext GetDataContext(this TemplateControl templateControl)
        var dataContext = (WIIIPDataContext) perRequestObjectManager.GetValue("DataContext");

        if (dataContext == null) 
           dataContext = new WIIIPDataContext();
           perRequestObjectManager.SetValue("DataContext", dataContext);   

        return dataContext;

    public static IMailer GetMailer(this TemplateControl templateControl)
        return (IMailer)IoC.Container.Resolve(typeof(IMailer));

    public static T Query<T>(this TemplateControl templateControl, Query<T> query)
        query.DataContext = GetDataContext(templateControl);
        return query.GetQuery();

    public static void ExecuteCommand(this TemplateControl templateControl, Command command)
        command.DataContext = GetDataContext(templateControl);

    private class PerRequestObjectManager
        public object GetValue(string key)
            if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(key))
                return HttpContext.Current.Items[key];
                return null;

        public void SetValue(string key, object newValue)
            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Items[key] = newValue;

This shows how you can create your own life time manager pretty easily as well as hook into an IoC container if you so desire. Oh, and I am also using a query/command structure which is sort of unrelated, but more on the reasoning behind that can be found here:


Limit your abstractions: Refactoring toward reduced abstractions
