Google Analyics不会跟踪使用AJAX生成的链接

时间:2022-08-22 15:13:59

I run a website that has lots of affiliate links. These links are loaded via AJAX. I'd like to be able to track outbound clicks on these links.


The standard approach to using Google Analytics to track links is to use the pageTracker._trackPageview() function. I've tried this to no avail. Here's my code:

使用Google Analytics跟踪链接的标准方法是使用pageTracker._trackPageview()函数。我试过这个无济于事。这是我的代码:

<a href=<?php echo $link_loc ?> target = "_blank" class="affiliateLink" onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/event/outgoing?');">Link Text</a>

As is suggested, I put my Google Analytics standard tracking code in between the opening body tag and the above code.

如我所知,我将Google Analytics标准跟踪代码置于开始正文标记和上述代码之间。

Does anyone see anything wrong with my code? Could the problem be the fact that the links are loaded via AJAX?


2 个解决方案




That should be recording a visit to "/event/outgoing?". Did you mean to record a visit to $link_loc? If so, you'll have to put $link_loc as part of the argument to _trackPageview. You should probably create a string containing only the host and path of the outbound link, minus the http://, and put that into your tracking code.

那应该记录访问“/ event / outgoing?”。你的意思是记录访问$ link_loc?如果是这样,你必须将$ link_loc作为参数的一部分放到_trackPageview中。您应该创建一个仅包含出站链接的主机和路径的字符串,减去http://,并将其放入跟踪代码中。

(I also wonder whether you should perhaps be putting quotes around the href emitted by the php code).




When you write "these links are loaded via AJAX", I assume that you parse the affiliate links via the affiliateLink class name, and then attach and onclick handler to them. In that case, it may happen, that those handlers were run before the _trackPageview was called you defined in the onclick attribute. Why don't you call the _trackPageview function in the same function that handles the outgoing links?





That should be recording a visit to "/event/outgoing?". Did you mean to record a visit to $link_loc? If so, you'll have to put $link_loc as part of the argument to _trackPageview. You should probably create a string containing only the host and path of the outbound link, minus the http://, and put that into your tracking code.

那应该记录访问“/ event / outgoing?”。你的意思是记录访问$ link_loc?如果是这样,你必须将$ link_loc作为参数的一部分放到_trackPageview中。您应该创建一个仅包含出站链接的主机和路径的字符串,减去http://,并将其放入跟踪代码中。

(I also wonder whether you should perhaps be putting quotes around the href emitted by the php code).




When you write "these links are loaded via AJAX", I assume that you parse the affiliate links via the affiliateLink class name, and then attach and onclick handler to them. In that case, it may happen, that those handlers were run before the _trackPageview was called you defined in the onclick attribute. Why don't you call the _trackPageview function in the same function that handles the outgoing links?
