I'm in the process of setting up Google Tag Manager on one of my sites and want to track email link clicks.
This would normally be straightforward but the challenge is that to reduce SPAM the email links on this site are encrypted using javascript so they look like this:
<a href="javascript:void(location.href='mailto:'+String.fromCharCode(102,117,110,100,114,97,105,115,105,110,103,64,98,114,101,110,100,111,110,99,97,114,101,46,111,114,103,46,117,107))">click here</a>
Does anyone know how I would go about creating a tag to track clicks of these links and send the data to Analytics?
有谁知道如何创建标记来跟踪这些链接的点击并将数据发送到Google Analytics?
Thanks in advance,