
时间:2022-02-08 15:12:02

Hi i have a page in razor that sorts an information, every time i need to make some change to my search i have to pass values by QueryString, i have many reasons to do that.


now my url looks like this:



and i want to make it look like this:



i also need to pass all those parameters by query string, so there is any possibility to make my URL more user friendly in MVC4 Razor pages?

我还需要通过查询字符串传递所有这些参数,所以有可能使我的URL在MVC4 Razor页面中更加用户友好吗?

4 个解决方案



@Url.Action('MyAction', 'MyController', 
    new { Input.SelectedMarket = DirectTradeExclusive, 
          Input.SelectedProduct = 13 } )



If, like you said, "every time i need to make some change to my search i have to pass values by QueryString" then you have no other option but to pass them in the QueryString.


If you did not want to have the parameters in the URL, you could use a POST when you change the search or you could also set them in a cookie or session.




The main question here is why do you want to make this url user friendly?
If your main goal is to allow user to send/store this link to similate same request later, then you are already solved your problem. In other case, if you, for instanse, want to let user to remember short url, then you have to either reduce the number of search parameters, or hash your search url (like bit.ly does).
Basically, I can think about a few solutions:
if you don't need repetative searches by url:


  • hide query parameters in POSTed values
  • 在POSTed值中隐藏查询参数

  • hide query parameters in cookies or httpheaders (be careful, some firewals filters unknown headers)
  • 隐藏cookie或httpheaders中的查询参数(小心,一些firewals过滤未知标题)

if you want search to be repetative:


  • move query parameters to url path (you may mark them as optional in routing)
  • 将查询参数移动到url路径(您可以在路由中将它们标记为可选)

  • (My favourite) Leave as is, or maybe just to shorten query parameters' names
  • (我最喜欢的)保持原样,或者只是缩短查询参数的名称

Basically, if you don't have limited number of searched options and don't have to have landing pages for them (screw you SEO), it's a common practive to GET your search results and put search parameters in query string (Google is a most notable example)




you can change URL logic or patteren & defaults values in App_Start/Route_Config file

您可以在App_Start / Route_Config文件中更改URL逻辑或patteren和默认值

Default patteren could be changed.




@Url.Action('MyAction', 'MyController', 
    new { Input.SelectedMarket = DirectTradeExclusive, 
          Input.SelectedProduct = 13 } )



If, like you said, "every time i need to make some change to my search i have to pass values by QueryString" then you have no other option but to pass them in the QueryString.


If you did not want to have the parameters in the URL, you could use a POST when you change the search or you could also set them in a cookie or session.




The main question here is why do you want to make this url user friendly?
If your main goal is to allow user to send/store this link to similate same request later, then you are already solved your problem. In other case, if you, for instanse, want to let user to remember short url, then you have to either reduce the number of search parameters, or hash your search url (like bit.ly does).
Basically, I can think about a few solutions:
if you don't need repetative searches by url:


  • hide query parameters in POSTed values
  • 在POSTed值中隐藏查询参数

  • hide query parameters in cookies or httpheaders (be careful, some firewals filters unknown headers)
  • 隐藏cookie或httpheaders中的查询参数(小心,一些firewals过滤未知标题)

if you want search to be repetative:


  • move query parameters to url path (you may mark them as optional in routing)
  • 将查询参数移动到url路径(您可以在路由中将它们标记为可选)

  • (My favourite) Leave as is, or maybe just to shorten query parameters' names
  • (我最喜欢的)保持原样,或者只是缩短查询参数的名称

Basically, if you don't have limited number of searched options and don't have to have landing pages for them (screw you SEO), it's a common practive to GET your search results and put search parameters in query string (Google is a most notable example)




you can change URL logic or patteren & defaults values in App_Start/Route_Config file

您可以在App_Start / Route_Config文件中更改URL逻辑或patteren和默认值

Default patteren could be changed.
