
时间:2022-10-16 14:59:20

I want to get the value of the label when clicked on a bar chart in Angular JS. I have the html template:

我想在Angular JS中点击条形图时获得标签的值。我有html模板:

<canvas id="bar" class="chart chart-bar" chart-data="data"
                                 chart-labels="labels" chart-legend="true"  height="350"
                                chart-series="series" chart-click="onClick"> 

here is my JS for the click event:


$scope.onClick = function (points, evt) {
                                console.log("Chart clicked", points, evt);
                                if(points.length > 0){
                                    console.log("Bar chart clicked");
                                    console.log("Point", points[0].value);


What I want to do is to display the value of the label when clicked on a bar chart, more specifically I want to get the value of _model -> label. Below is a picture of what gets printed in the console.ChartJS:点击条形图时获取标签值

我想要做的是在条形图上单击时显示标签的值,更具体地说,我想获得_model - > label的值。下面是控制台中打印内容的图片。

This line: console.log("Point", points[0].value); returns undefined.

这一行:console.log(“Point”,points [0] .value);返回undefined。

Thanks in advance!


1 个解决方案



Try including the third variable in the $scope.onClick callback, which gets defined when you click a particular bar.

尝试在$ scope.onClick回调中包含第三个变量,该变量在您单击特定栏时定义。

In the HTML:


<canvas id="bar" 
        ... other stuff ...

In the controller:


ctrl.onClick = function(_points, _event, barClicked) {
  if (barClicked) {
    var associatedLabel = barClicked._model.datasetLabel;
    console.log("Label of the bar you clicked is " + associatedLabel);

I was rendering multiple bars per year along the X-axis and originally used just the two callback variables, but all _points was giving me was all the chart elements within the year I clicked. The above gave me the exact bar I clicked.


I couldn't find this in the ChartJS docs, so I'm not sure if it is applicable in all cases, but it worked wonders for me. Cheers!




Try including the third variable in the $scope.onClick callback, which gets defined when you click a particular bar.

尝试在$ scope.onClick回调中包含第三个变量,该变量在您单击特定栏时定义。

In the HTML:


<canvas id="bar" 
        ... other stuff ...

In the controller:


ctrl.onClick = function(_points, _event, barClicked) {
  if (barClicked) {
    var associatedLabel = barClicked._model.datasetLabel;
    console.log("Label of the bar you clicked is " + associatedLabel);

I was rendering multiple bars per year along the X-axis and originally used just the two callback variables, but all _points was giving me was all the chart elements within the year I clicked. The above gave me the exact bar I clicked.


I couldn't find this in the ChartJS docs, so I'm not sure if it is applicable in all cases, but it worked wonders for me. Cheers!
