
时间:2022-10-19 14:30:20

In Django, how do we iterate over lists in template for something like [[1,[2,[3]],[4,[]]],[2,[3]]].


Please note that the above is just a random example. Each element of list can have any number of nested lists further inside. I would like to iterate through each and every value inside and also have an idea of what is the parent so that we can appropriately style the HTML.


Although there is one way to generate HTML in the view itself by recursion and use the corresponding variable in template, this makes the django template and view dependent which is not desired(loose coupling principle). One example of using views is here but a representation in template system itself would be better than this type of implementation.


2 个解决方案



Django template is not designed to handle complex logics.
For example, you can't write nested logic by using include tag like this:


# foo.html
{% if nodes|iterable %}
{% for x in nodes %}
  {% include "foo.html" with nodes=x %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<li>{{ nodes }}</li>
{% endif %}

Because Django template nodes get parsed and compiled before they get rendered, and the compiling of the above code could fall into loops and fail by hitting maximum recursion depth.


Normally, a template tag just like {% nested nodes %}, which works like a view but belongs to the scope of Django template, is all you need.


Moreover, you could transform the data to a flat one through a filter, then loop over it easily:


{% for x in nodes|nested_to_flat %}
{% if x.start_nodes %}<ul>{% endif %}
{% if x.end_nodes %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% if x.start_node %}<li>{% endif %}
{% if x.end_node %}</li>{% endif %}
{% if x.is_data %}{{ }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

# nested_to_flat
def nested_to_flat(nodes):
    if isinstance(nodes, list):
        yield {'start_nodes': True}
        for node in nodes:
            yield {'start_node': True}
            for i in nested_to_flat(node):
                yield i
            yield {'end_node': True}
        yield {'end_nodes': True}
        yield {'data': nodes, 'is_data': True}

This is similar to the idea of rendering a mptt tree or threaded comments.




As mentioned in the above comments django-mptt is a premade solution, which should fit your problem quite good.


If you want to roll you own template tags, you can have a look at custom template tags in the django documentation.


Some hints:


  • By creating markup with unlimited nesting you might run into usability problems because screen real estate is limited and probably want to consider limiting the depth of the data structure for this reason. If you have to stick with your data structure, you can use for loops in the template according to the number of levels.
  • 通过创建具有无限嵌套的标记,您可能会遇到可用性问题,因为屏幕空间有限,因此可能需要考虑限制数据结构的深度。如果必须坚持使用数据结构,可以根据级别的数量在模板中使用for循环。
  • If you prefer the built-in template tags, you will be much better of using a list of nested dictionaries (containing lists wherever order is important), which also will be easier to read in the template.
  • 如果您更喜欢内置的模板标记,那么您将会更好地使用嵌套字典列表(在任何顺序重要的地方都包含列表),这也将更容易在模板中读取。
  • Loose coupling is fine as a general principle. But as the views main purpose in Django is to prepare the data structure for the template, you can't decouple it totally.
  • 松耦合作为一个通用的原则是很好的。但由于Django的视图主要目的是为模板准备数据结构,所以不能完全解耦。



Django template is not designed to handle complex logics.
For example, you can't write nested logic by using include tag like this:


# foo.html
{% if nodes|iterable %}
{% for x in nodes %}
  {% include "foo.html" with nodes=x %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<li>{{ nodes }}</li>
{% endif %}

Because Django template nodes get parsed and compiled before they get rendered, and the compiling of the above code could fall into loops and fail by hitting maximum recursion depth.


Normally, a template tag just like {% nested nodes %}, which works like a view but belongs to the scope of Django template, is all you need.


Moreover, you could transform the data to a flat one through a filter, then loop over it easily:


{% for x in nodes|nested_to_flat %}
{% if x.start_nodes %}<ul>{% endif %}
{% if x.end_nodes %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% if x.start_node %}<li>{% endif %}
{% if x.end_node %}</li>{% endif %}
{% if x.is_data %}{{ }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

# nested_to_flat
def nested_to_flat(nodes):
    if isinstance(nodes, list):
        yield {'start_nodes': True}
        for node in nodes:
            yield {'start_node': True}
            for i in nested_to_flat(node):
                yield i
            yield {'end_node': True}
        yield {'end_nodes': True}
        yield {'data': nodes, 'is_data': True}

This is similar to the idea of rendering a mptt tree or threaded comments.




As mentioned in the above comments django-mptt is a premade solution, which should fit your problem quite good.


If you want to roll you own template tags, you can have a look at custom template tags in the django documentation.


Some hints:


  • By creating markup with unlimited nesting you might run into usability problems because screen real estate is limited and probably want to consider limiting the depth of the data structure for this reason. If you have to stick with your data structure, you can use for loops in the template according to the number of levels.
  • 通过创建具有无限嵌套的标记,您可能会遇到可用性问题,因为屏幕空间有限,因此可能需要考虑限制数据结构的深度。如果必须坚持使用数据结构,可以根据级别的数量在模板中使用for循环。
  • If you prefer the built-in template tags, you will be much better of using a list of nested dictionaries (containing lists wherever order is important), which also will be easier to read in the template.
  • 如果您更喜欢内置的模板标记,那么您将会更好地使用嵌套字典列表(在任何顺序重要的地方都包含列表),这也将更容易在模板中读取。
  • Loose coupling is fine as a general principle. But as the views main purpose in Django is to prepare the data structure for the template, you can't decouple it totally.
  • 松耦合作为一个通用的原则是很好的。但由于Django的视图主要目的是为模板准备数据结构,所以不能完全解耦。