XSLT - XML到XML的转换,使用xsl:for-each

时间:2022-02-04 14:27:18

The XML I'm trying to transform looks as follows. I can't post the actual file as it contains sensitive information.


   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
           <displayText> Value </displayText>
           <displayText> Value </displayText>
           <displayText> Value </displayText>
           <displayText> Value </displayText>

Here's a simple XSLT stylesheet I wrote to extract the data from the child nodes. It works as expected, however it only returns data from ONE of the TimesheetEntryDetails


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:template match="/TimeSheetDetails">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="timeAllocations"/>

<xsl:template match="timeAllocations">

<xsl:for-each select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails">
      <xsl:for-each select=".">  
          <xsl:value-of select="displayText"/>


My expected output should look something like



one for each TimeSheetAllocationEntryDetails node under timeheetAllocations.


Any help appreciated. I'm new to XSLT and I have a feeling I'm not using the xsl:for-each construct correctly.


Output I'm getting looks like (just one element ... the first)



2 个解决方案



Sample output not matching what I get

Your sample output does not match mine. You say you're getting:



When I run your XSL against your sample input XML, I get this:



I do indeed get one <DisplayText> element per input <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> element, as expected. These elements are also empty, as expected.

我确实得到了每个输入一个 元素 元素,如预期的那样。正如预期的那样,这些元素也是空的。

Breaking down issues in your code

Your first template is in order:


<xsl:template match="/TimeSheetDetails">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="timeAllocations"/>

<TimeSheetDetails> is indeed the topmost element in the input XML, and this has <timeAllocations> children.

确实是输入XML中最顶层的元素,它具有< timeallocation >子元素。

The next template has some problems:


<xsl:template match="timeAllocations">
    <xsl:for-each select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails">
        <xsl:for-each select=".">  
                <xsl:value-of select="displayText"/>

One stylistic issue is the use of <xsl:for-each select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails"> here. Since the <timeAllocations> element has <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> children, it is more common to use <xsl:apply-templates/>, optionally specifying select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails", and then define a template for handling these elements -- much as you do in your first template.

一个风格上的问题是在这里使用 。由于< timeallocation >元素具有 子元素,所以更常见的方法是使用 ,可以选择性地指定select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails",然后定义一个模板来处理这些元素——就像您在第一个模板中所做的那样。

That aside, you process each <TimeAllocationEntryDetails>, and then within each one of these, you have another <xsl:for-each select=".">. This selects ., which means "the context element" -- which is just the current <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> again. This second nested for-each is thus wholly unnecessary.

除此之外,您将处理每个 ,然后在其中的每一个中,都有另一个

Within the for-each structure, you next have:


            <xsl:value-of select="displayText"/>

So for each <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> element, we create one <DisplayText> element. We have four <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> elements in the input XML, and four <DisplayText> elements in the output XML -- so this works just fine.

因此,对于每个 元素,我们创建一个 元素。我们在输入XML中有4个 元素,在输出XML中有4个 元素——所以这很好。

Within that <DisplayText> element, you try to get the value of the <displayText> element that is a child of the <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> context element. Since no such <displayText> element exists, this value-of produces nothing -- so the output <DisplayText> elements are all empty.

在这个 元素中,您尝试获取 元素的值,它是 上下文元素的子元素。因为不存在这样的 元素,所以这个值什么都不会产生——所以输出 元素都是空的。


Your edit changed your input XML. This is what I was responding to:


            .. some child nodes 
            .. some child nodes 
            .. some child nodes 
            .. some child nodes 

With your new input XML, the <displayText> elements now exist, but not at the XPath you're using in <xsl:value-of select="displayText"/>. This again is looking for the value of the <displayText> element that is an immediate child of the context element, which in your case would be the <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> element. Since <displayText> is not an immediate child, this call to value-of produces nothing.

使用新的输入XML, 元素现在已经存在,但不在 中使用的XPath上。这同样是在寻找 元素的值,它是上下文元素的直接子元素,在您的例子中,它是 元素。因为 不是一个立即的子元素,所以调用value-of不会产生任何结果。

If you want to just output the string value of the entire context XML structure, you could just use <xsl:value-of select="."/> instead.


If you want only the value of the <displayText> element to the exclusion of anything else, either 1) specify the exact XPath to this element, as <xsl:value-of select="activity/displayText"/>, or 2) use the descendant:: axis, as <xsl:value-of select="descendant::displayText"/>, or 3) use the // shorthand for descendant::, as <xsl:value-of select=".//displayText"/> (note that you need the ., or //displayText equates to the collection of all displayText elements anywhere in the entire file).

如果您只想要 元素的值而不包含任何其他元素,要么1)指定这个元素的确切XPath,如 ,或者2)使用子代::axis,如 (注意,您需要.或//displayText等于整个文件中任何地方的所有displayText元素的集合)。



You can simply replace the .(current node) with a *(all child elements of the current node) in the second for-each.


<xsl:for-each select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails">
  <xsl:for-each select="*">          <!-- here -->



Sample output not matching what I get

Your sample output does not match mine. You say you're getting:



When I run your XSL against your sample input XML, I get this:



I do indeed get one <DisplayText> element per input <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> element, as expected. These elements are also empty, as expected.

我确实得到了每个输入一个 元素 元素,如预期的那样。正如预期的那样,这些元素也是空的。

Breaking down issues in your code

Your first template is in order:


<xsl:template match="/TimeSheetDetails">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="timeAllocations"/>

<TimeSheetDetails> is indeed the topmost element in the input XML, and this has <timeAllocations> children.

确实是输入XML中最顶层的元素,它具有< timeallocation >子元素。

The next template has some problems:


<xsl:template match="timeAllocations">
    <xsl:for-each select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails">
        <xsl:for-each select=".">  
                <xsl:value-of select="displayText"/>

One stylistic issue is the use of <xsl:for-each select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails"> here. Since the <timeAllocations> element has <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> children, it is more common to use <xsl:apply-templates/>, optionally specifying select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails", and then define a template for handling these elements -- much as you do in your first template.

一个风格上的问题是在这里使用 。由于< timeallocation >元素具有 子元素,所以更常见的方法是使用 ,可以选择性地指定select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails",然后定义一个模板来处理这些元素——就像您在第一个模板中所做的那样。

That aside, you process each <TimeAllocationEntryDetails>, and then within each one of these, you have another <xsl:for-each select=".">. This selects ., which means "the context element" -- which is just the current <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> again. This second nested for-each is thus wholly unnecessary.

除此之外,您将处理每个 ,然后在其中的每一个中,都有另一个

Within the for-each structure, you next have:


            <xsl:value-of select="displayText"/>

So for each <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> element, we create one <DisplayText> element. We have four <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> elements in the input XML, and four <DisplayText> elements in the output XML -- so this works just fine.

因此,对于每个 元素,我们创建一个 元素。我们在输入XML中有4个 元素,在输出XML中有4个 元素——所以这很好。

Within that <DisplayText> element, you try to get the value of the <displayText> element that is a child of the <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> context element. Since no such <displayText> element exists, this value-of produces nothing -- so the output <DisplayText> elements are all empty.

在这个 元素中,您尝试获取 元素的值,它是 上下文元素的子元素。因为不存在这样的 元素,所以这个值什么都不会产生——所以输出 元素都是空的。


Your edit changed your input XML. This is what I was responding to:


            .. some child nodes 
            .. some child nodes 
            .. some child nodes 
            .. some child nodes 

With your new input XML, the <displayText> elements now exist, but not at the XPath you're using in <xsl:value-of select="displayText"/>. This again is looking for the value of the <displayText> element that is an immediate child of the context element, which in your case would be the <TimeAllocationEntryDetails> element. Since <displayText> is not an immediate child, this call to value-of produces nothing.

使用新的输入XML, 元素现在已经存在,但不在 中使用的XPath上。这同样是在寻找 元素的值,它是上下文元素的直接子元素,在您的例子中,它是 元素。因为 不是一个立即的子元素,所以调用value-of不会产生任何结果。

If you want to just output the string value of the entire context XML structure, you could just use <xsl:value-of select="."/> instead.


If you want only the value of the <displayText> element to the exclusion of anything else, either 1) specify the exact XPath to this element, as <xsl:value-of select="activity/displayText"/>, or 2) use the descendant:: axis, as <xsl:value-of select="descendant::displayText"/>, or 3) use the // shorthand for descendant::, as <xsl:value-of select=".//displayText"/> (note that you need the ., or //displayText equates to the collection of all displayText elements anywhere in the entire file).

如果您只想要 元素的值而不包含任何其他元素,要么1)指定这个元素的确切XPath,如 ,或者2)使用子代::axis,如 (注意,您需要.或//displayText等于整个文件中任何地方的所有displayText元素的集合)。



You can simply replace the .(current node) with a *(all child elements of the current node) in the second for-each.


<xsl:for-each select="TimeAllocationEntryDetails">
  <xsl:for-each select="*">          <!-- here -->