单击JQuery UI选项卡时刷新选项卡内容

时间:2022-05-09 14:24:01

Content of TAB1 is loaded by ajax from remote url. When TAB1 is selected, I have to switch to TAB2 and then back to TAB1 to refresh the loaded content.


How to make TAB1 refresh loaded content when click on its tab?


Edit: HTML code is as below


<div id="tabs">
        <li><a href="url1">Tab1</a></li>
        <li><a href="url2">Tab2</a></li>
<script type="text/javascript"> 
        $tabs = $("#tabs").tabs({
            select: function(event, ui) {
                $('a', ui.tab).click(function() {
                    return true;

12 个解决方案



Another simple way to refresh a tab in jQuery is to use the load method:


$('#my_tabs').tabs('load', 0);

The numeric value is the zero based index of the tab you wish to refresh.




1) When defining your tabs that load ajax content, make sure to use a title attribute, which puts that value into the loaded div's id. In my case the title was "alert-tab". Otherwise the jquery generated div has an arcane id:


<li><a href="/alert/index" title="alert-tab">Alert</a></li>

2) Now use this inside whatever event you want to reload the tab:


var href = "/alert/index/";  



You can simply remove the content of the tab that was clicked and reload it with the same content (or anything you want). For instance:


$( "#tabs" ).tabs({                                                                  
    //Remove the content of the current tab
    //load the file you want into current panel

In this case, for example if the second tab is clicked, the panel is emptied and reloaded with content2.php




Here's how I did it. One thing to note is that I have found the IDs assigned to the DIVs rendering each tab's content to be named pretty predictably, and to always correspond with the href of the anchor in the selected tab. This solution depends on that being the case, so it could be criticized as "too brittle" I suppose. The form I'm pulling the code from is a sort of re-usable control that may or may not be hosted within a tab, so that's why I check the value of parentID before doing the .each().


//I get the parentID of the div hosting my form and then use it to find the appropriate anchor.
var parentID = '#' + $('#tblUserForm').parent().attr('id');
//Trying to enable click on an already selected tab.
if(parentID == '#ui-tabs-3') //The value of var parentID
     $('#tabs a').each(function() {
          if($(this).attr('href') == parentID)
              $(this).bind('click', function() {  



struggled with this issue because the tabs seem to kill click events... so i just used mousedown.


$("#tabs ul.ui-widget-header")

this question was posted a while ago, but i hope it helps someone.




I had the same problem with some ajax content in a jQuery tab.


The tab loads a flot graph but it would work only when it was the tab you loaded first.


I fixed this with a kind of cheesy work around but it was effective.


I took all of my flot js code and dumped it into a separate .js file and put it in a function

我把所有我的flot js代码并将其转储到一个单独的.js文件中并将其放入一个函数中

function doFlotGraph(data){

I then did the following within the tab



This allowed flot to do its thing since the document ready in the tab had already finished by the time the ajax $.getScript was activated.

这允许flot做它的事情,因为在ajax $ .getScript被激活时,选项卡中的文档已经完成。

You could then put the ajax within a .click for that tab.




To do this right you just need to save global link during creation:


ui_tabs = $( "#tabs" ).tabs();

After all can use it involving API load


For example: transform all links on the page sections of tabs


$('#tabs .paging a').click(function(e){
    var selected = ui_tabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
    ui_tabs.tabs('url', selected, e.target.href);
    ui_tabs.tabs('load', selected);
    return false;



Ok putting things together I have this for the click event of the jquery tabs, the surrounding div has an id of tabs, like this:


<div id="tabs">

The following gets executed in the document ready function:


 $('#tabs > ul > li > a').each(function (index, element) {
    $(element).click(function () {         
        $('#tabs').tabs('load', index); 

It registers for every tab the click event, with the index of the tab thanks to Scott Pier

它为click事件的每个选项卡注册,感谢Scott Pier的选项卡索引

I also have this in my document ready to prevent caching


    ajaxOptions: {
        cache: false,
        error: function (xhr, status, index, anchor) {
      "Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible. " +
      "If this wouldn't be a demo.");



On the "success" of the jQuery call, you can replace the html with the new html.


You have'nt posted any code so you may already be doing this but;


success: function(msg) {

the above works if you are returning html. If you are returning an object then you may need to do extra work but by and large the above should work.


Edit I should mention also that .TabOne is a class name. So your tab content holder must have a class of TabOne for the above code to work.


Remember that the class name doesn't have to actually exist as a style for this to work either.


Edit 2

Hmmm, I see what you are trying to do now and I'm at a bit of a loss. Will do some testing and might be able to get back to you.





I know this link is old, but I ran into the same situation. I tried to understand and incorporate all that was stated here, but it still was not working or it would muck up what I have.


I have a modal dialog with 4 tabs, index values 0,1,2,3 and I wanted to open on tab 1 so in my code there is the following line:



and tab 1 would always contain the previous displays data(html ajax content) until I would click on a different tab (for example tab 2) and then back (to tab 1) ...so I did the following:

并且选项卡1将始终包含先前的显示数据(html ajax内容),直到我单击其他选项卡(例如选项卡2)然后返回(选项卡1).​​..所以我执行了以下操作:

    // this forces tab content update

and it worked :)




Since this question has been answered many times over a long period of time, it couldn't hurt to post an update for more recent versions of jquery. I'm using jquery-ui 1.10.3 and the assumpsions Trevor Conn made don't seem to be valid anymore. However, his approach helped me with some modification. Let's say the tab I wish to refresh is called "tab_1" (id of the list item)

由于这个问题已经在很长一段时间内得到了很多次的回答,因此发布更新版jquery的更新并不会有什么坏处。我正在使用jquery-ui 1.10.3并且Trevor Conn所做的假设似乎不再有效。然而,他的方法帮助我做了一些修改。假设我要刷新的标签名为“tab_1”(列表项的ID)

<div id="tabs" class="tabs">
        <li id="tab_1">
            <a href="my_link">tab one</a>
        ...(other tabs)...

In my javascript method to refresh the tab content, I write (using jquery):


var tab = $('#tab_1');
var id = tab.attr('aria-controls');
var url = $('a',tab).attr('href');

The attribute "aria-controls" contains the id of the div containing the tab content. "area-controls" might have been a more logical name, but as an opera enthousiast, I'm not complaining. :-)

属性“aria-controls”包含包含选项卡内容的div的id。 “区域控制”可能是一个更合乎逻辑的名称,但作为一个歌剧家,我并没有抱怨。 :-)



I found a work around this issue. After trying all of these methods, none of them worked for me. So for simplicity I came up with this solution and while it's not the most elegant way, it still does the work.


Set the focus on a different tab first and then return the focus to the tab you want to refresh.


$("#myTabs").tabs("option", "active", 0);  
$("#myTabs").tabs("option", "active", 1); 



Another simple way to refresh a tab in jQuery is to use the load method:


$('#my_tabs').tabs('load', 0);

The numeric value is the zero based index of the tab you wish to refresh.




1) When defining your tabs that load ajax content, make sure to use a title attribute, which puts that value into the loaded div's id. In my case the title was "alert-tab". Otherwise the jquery generated div has an arcane id:


<li><a href="/alert/index" title="alert-tab">Alert</a></li>

2) Now use this inside whatever event you want to reload the tab:


var href = "/alert/index/";  



You can simply remove the content of the tab that was clicked and reload it with the same content (or anything you want). For instance:


$( "#tabs" ).tabs({                                                                  
    //Remove the content of the current tab
    //load the file you want into current panel

In this case, for example if the second tab is clicked, the panel is emptied and reloaded with content2.php




Here's how I did it. One thing to note is that I have found the IDs assigned to the DIVs rendering each tab's content to be named pretty predictably, and to always correspond with the href of the anchor in the selected tab. This solution depends on that being the case, so it could be criticized as "too brittle" I suppose. The form I'm pulling the code from is a sort of re-usable control that may or may not be hosted within a tab, so that's why I check the value of parentID before doing the .each().


//I get the parentID of the div hosting my form and then use it to find the appropriate anchor.
var parentID = '#' + $('#tblUserForm').parent().attr('id');
//Trying to enable click on an already selected tab.
if(parentID == '#ui-tabs-3') //The value of var parentID
     $('#tabs a').each(function() {
          if($(this).attr('href') == parentID)
              $(this).bind('click', function() {  



struggled with this issue because the tabs seem to kill click events... so i just used mousedown.


$("#tabs ul.ui-widget-header")

this question was posted a while ago, but i hope it helps someone.




I had the same problem with some ajax content in a jQuery tab.


The tab loads a flot graph but it would work only when it was the tab you loaded first.


I fixed this with a kind of cheesy work around but it was effective.


I took all of my flot js code and dumped it into a separate .js file and put it in a function

我把所有我的flot js代码并将其转储到一个单独的.js文件中并将其放入一个函数中

function doFlotGraph(data){

I then did the following within the tab



This allowed flot to do its thing since the document ready in the tab had already finished by the time the ajax $.getScript was activated.

这允许flot做它的事情,因为在ajax $ .getScript被激活时,选项卡中的文档已经完成。

You could then put the ajax within a .click for that tab.




To do this right you just need to save global link during creation:


ui_tabs = $( "#tabs" ).tabs();

After all can use it involving API load


For example: transform all links on the page sections of tabs


$('#tabs .paging a').click(function(e){
    var selected = ui_tabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
    ui_tabs.tabs('url', selected, e.target.href);
    ui_tabs.tabs('load', selected);
    return false;



Ok putting things together I have this for the click event of the jquery tabs, the surrounding div has an id of tabs, like this:


<div id="tabs">

The following gets executed in the document ready function:


 $('#tabs > ul > li > a').each(function (index, element) {
    $(element).click(function () {         
        $('#tabs').tabs('load', index); 

It registers for every tab the click event, with the index of the tab thanks to Scott Pier

它为click事件的每个选项卡注册,感谢Scott Pier的选项卡索引

I also have this in my document ready to prevent caching


    ajaxOptions: {
        cache: false,
        error: function (xhr, status, index, anchor) {
      "Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible. " +
      "If this wouldn't be a demo.");



On the "success" of the jQuery call, you can replace the html with the new html.


You have'nt posted any code so you may already be doing this but;


success: function(msg) {

the above works if you are returning html. If you are returning an object then you may need to do extra work but by and large the above should work.


Edit I should mention also that .TabOne is a class name. So your tab content holder must have a class of TabOne for the above code to work.


Remember that the class name doesn't have to actually exist as a style for this to work either.


Edit 2

Hmmm, I see what you are trying to do now and I'm at a bit of a loss. Will do some testing and might be able to get back to you.





I know this link is old, but I ran into the same situation. I tried to understand and incorporate all that was stated here, but it still was not working or it would muck up what I have.


I have a modal dialog with 4 tabs, index values 0,1,2,3 and I wanted to open on tab 1 so in my code there is the following line:



and tab 1 would always contain the previous displays data(html ajax content) until I would click on a different tab (for example tab 2) and then back (to tab 1) ...so I did the following:

并且选项卡1将始终包含先前的显示数据(html ajax内容),直到我单击其他选项卡(例如选项卡2)然后返回(选项卡1).​​..所以我执行了以下操作:

    // this forces tab content update

and it worked :)




Since this question has been answered many times over a long period of time, it couldn't hurt to post an update for more recent versions of jquery. I'm using jquery-ui 1.10.3 and the assumpsions Trevor Conn made don't seem to be valid anymore. However, his approach helped me with some modification. Let's say the tab I wish to refresh is called "tab_1" (id of the list item)

由于这个问题已经在很长一段时间内得到了很多次的回答,因此发布更新版jquery的更新并不会有什么坏处。我正在使用jquery-ui 1.10.3并且Trevor Conn所做的假设似乎不再有效。然而,他的方法帮助我做了一些修改。假设我要刷新的标签名为“tab_1”(列表项的ID)

<div id="tabs" class="tabs">
        <li id="tab_1">
            <a href="my_link">tab one</a>
        ...(other tabs)...

In my javascript method to refresh the tab content, I write (using jquery):


var tab = $('#tab_1');
var id = tab.attr('aria-controls');
var url = $('a',tab).attr('href');

The attribute "aria-controls" contains the id of the div containing the tab content. "area-controls" might have been a more logical name, but as an opera enthousiast, I'm not complaining. :-)

属性“aria-controls”包含包含选项卡内容的div的id。 “区域控制”可能是一个更合乎逻辑的名称,但作为一个歌剧家,我并没有抱怨。 :-)



I found a work around this issue. After trying all of these methods, none of them worked for me. So for simplicity I came up with this solution and while it's not the most elegant way, it still does the work.


Set the focus on a different tab first and then return the focus to the tab you want to refresh.


$("#myTabs").tabs("option", "active", 0);  
$("#myTabs").tabs("option", "active", 1);