
时间:2022-09-24 14:24:02

Dealing with a table that has a column that is a string. Here are some examples of what the strings look like:


 Fee Prorated 68%  -  $1.00  x 76
 Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.10 x 292)
 Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.00 x 242)
 Fee - Prorated 13% ($1.00 x 39)
 Prorated  Fee 45.16%  $1.00 x 256
 Fee - Prorated 26% ($1.00 x 56)
 Fee- Prorated 51.6%  $1.00 x 66
 Fee - Prorated 94% ($1.15 x 48)
 Fee - Prorated 52% ($1.10 x 120)
 Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)
 Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)
 Fees - prorated 46.67% ($1.50 x 230)
 Fees - prorated 23% ($1.25 x 989)
 Fees - prorated 87% ($1.25 x 348)
 Fees - prorated 48% ($1.25 x 210)
 Fees ($1.50 x 64) Prorated 30%
 Fees - prorated 30% ($1.50 x 51)
 Fees ($1.25 x 341) - Prorated 71%
 Fees - Prorated 58% ($1.50 x 196)
 Fees - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 224)
 Fees - Prorated 61%($1.50 x 50)

I need to get a substring that is just the percentage so I can convert it to a decimal and then multiply by that amount.


I am at a loss of how to do this except to try and use the % as a delimited and grabbing everything to the left of it until it gets to a space character - problem is I have no idea how do to it

我不知道如何做到这一点,除了尝试使用%作为分隔并抓住它左边的一切,直到它到达一个空格字符 - 问题是我不知道怎么做

3 个解决方案



using charindex(), reverse(), and left() to determine the parameters for substring():


  , substring(
    , charindex('%',col) - (charindex(' ',reverse(left(col,charindex('%',col)))+' ')-2)
    ,(charindex(' ',reverse(left(col,charindex('%',col)))+' ')-2)
    ) as Prorated
from t
where charindex('%',col)>0

rextester demo: http://rextester.com/GKVB60235




|                 col                  | Prorated |
| Fee Prorated 68%  -  $1.00  x 76     | 68       |
| Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.10 x 292)     | 50       |
| Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.00 x 242)     | 50       |
| Fee - Prorated 13% ($1.00 x 39)      | 13       |
| Prorated  Fee 45.16%  $1.00 x 256    | 45.16    |
| Fee - Prorated 26% ($1.00 x 56)      | 26       |
| Fee- Prorated 51.6%  $1.00 x 66      | 51.6     |
| Fee - Prorated 94% ($1.15 x 48)      | 94       |
| Fee - Prorated 52% ($1.10 x 120)     | 52       |
| Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)     | 10       |
| Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)     | 10       |
| Fees - prorated 46.67% ($1.50 x 230) | 46.67    |
| Fees - prorated 23% ($1.25 x 989)    | 23       |
| Fees - prorated 87% ($1.25 x 348)    | 87       |
| Fees - prorated 48% ($1.25 x 210)    | 48       |
| Fees ($1.50 x 64) Prorated 30%       | 30       |
| Fees - prorated 30% ($1.50 x 51)     | 30       |
| Fees ($1.25 x 341) - Prorated 71%    | 71       |
| Fees - Prorated 58% ($1.50 x 196)    | 58       |
| Fees - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 224)    | 10       |
| Fees - Prorated 61%($1.50 x 50)      | 61       |



Fetching data from between strings and deriving your processing on it is riskier and not beneficial in long run. So I would suggest you to find how is the % value getting loaded in the column and see if you can have a separate column to load it, along side your table.


If it is not at all possible, and also if string pattern is not fixed, then you can do it with combination of charindex,substring and reverse.


I would suggest you to check the regex approach also as mentioned in comments, as I am afraid that so many string function might slow down the query. So compare both approach and go with faster one.


Rextester Demo


            ),2,charindex(' ',reverse
    ) as percentage
  (SELECT 'Fee Prorated 68%  -  $1.00  x 76' AS col
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Fee - Prorated 50.0987% ($1.10 x 292)') t






Another option is with a Parse/Split function.

另一种选择是使用Parse / Split功能。

Here we use a [SPACE] as the delimiter, but with a little twist to ensure capture. Before we pass the string into a the parser, we replace the [PERCENT] with [PERCENT]||[SPACE]

这里我们使用[SPACE]作为分隔符,但稍加扭曲以确保捕获。在我们将字符串传递给解析器之前,我们用[PERCENT] || [SPACE]替换[PERCENT]


Select A.*
      ,Pcnt = replace(B.RetVal,'||','')
 From  YourTable A
 Cross Apply [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse-8K](replace(A.SomeCol,'%','%|| '),' ') B
 Where RetVal Like '%||'



SomeCol                              Pcnt
Fee Prorated 68% - $1.00 x 76       68%
Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.10 x 292)    50%
Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.00 x 242)    50%
Fee - Prorated 13% ($1.00 x 39)     13%
Prorated Fee 45.16% $1.00 x 256     45.16%
Fee - Prorated 26% ($1.00 x 56)     26%
Fee- Prorated 51.6% $1.00 x 66      51.6%
Fee - Prorated 94% ($1.15 x 48)     94%
Fee - Prorated 52% ($1.10 x 120)    52%
Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)    10%
Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)    10%
Fees - prorated 46.67% ($1.50 x 230)46.67%
Fees - prorated 23% ($1.25 x 989)   23%
Fees - prorated 87% ($1.25 x 348)   87%
Fees - prorated 48% ($1.25 x 210)   48%
Fees ($1.50 x 64) Prorated 30%      30%
Fees - prorated 30% ($1.50 x 51)    30%
Fees ($1.25 x 341) - Prorated 71%   71%
Fees - Prorated 58% ($1.50 x 196)   58%
Fees - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 224)   10%
Fees - Prorated 61%($1.50 x 50)     61%

The UDF if Intersted


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse-8K] (@String varchar(max),@Delimiter varchar(25))
Returns Table 
Return (  
    with   cte1(N)   As (Select 1 From (Values(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) N(N)),
           cte2(N)   As (Select Top (IsNull(DataLength(@String),0)) Row_Number() over (Order By (Select NULL)) From (Select N=1 From cte1 a,cte1 b,cte1 c,cte1 d) A ),
           cte3(N)   As (Select 1 Union All Select t.N+DataLength(@Delimiter) From cte2 t Where Substring(@String,t.N,DataLength(@Delimiter)) = @Delimiter),
           cte4(N,L) As (Select S.N,IsNull(NullIf(CharIndex(@Delimiter,@String,s.N),0)-S.N,8000) From cte3 S)

    Select RetSeq = Row_Number() over (Order By A.N)
          ,RetVal = LTrim(RTrim(Substring(@String, A.N, A.L)))
    From   cte4 A
--Orginal Source http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/
--Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse-8K]('Dog,Cat,House,Car',',')
--Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse-8K]('John||Cappelletti||was||here','||')



using charindex(), reverse(), and left() to determine the parameters for substring():


  , substring(
    , charindex('%',col) - (charindex(' ',reverse(left(col,charindex('%',col)))+' ')-2)
    ,(charindex(' ',reverse(left(col,charindex('%',col)))+' ')-2)
    ) as Prorated
from t
where charindex('%',col)>0

rextester demo: http://rextester.com/GKVB60235




|                 col                  | Prorated |
| Fee Prorated 68%  -  $1.00  x 76     | 68       |
| Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.10 x 292)     | 50       |
| Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.00 x 242)     | 50       |
| Fee - Prorated 13% ($1.00 x 39)      | 13       |
| Prorated  Fee 45.16%  $1.00 x 256    | 45.16    |
| Fee - Prorated 26% ($1.00 x 56)      | 26       |
| Fee- Prorated 51.6%  $1.00 x 66      | 51.6     |
| Fee - Prorated 94% ($1.15 x 48)      | 94       |
| Fee - Prorated 52% ($1.10 x 120)     | 52       |
| Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)     | 10       |
| Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)     | 10       |
| Fees - prorated 46.67% ($1.50 x 230) | 46.67    |
| Fees - prorated 23% ($1.25 x 989)    | 23       |
| Fees - prorated 87% ($1.25 x 348)    | 87       |
| Fees - prorated 48% ($1.25 x 210)    | 48       |
| Fees ($1.50 x 64) Prorated 30%       | 30       |
| Fees - prorated 30% ($1.50 x 51)     | 30       |
| Fees ($1.25 x 341) - Prorated 71%    | 71       |
| Fees - Prorated 58% ($1.50 x 196)    | 58       |
| Fees - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 224)    | 10       |
| Fees - Prorated 61%($1.50 x 50)      | 61       |



Fetching data from between strings and deriving your processing on it is riskier and not beneficial in long run. So I would suggest you to find how is the % value getting loaded in the column and see if you can have a separate column to load it, along side your table.


If it is not at all possible, and also if string pattern is not fixed, then you can do it with combination of charindex,substring and reverse.


I would suggest you to check the regex approach also as mentioned in comments, as I am afraid that so many string function might slow down the query. So compare both approach and go with faster one.


Rextester Demo


            ),2,charindex(' ',reverse
    ) as percentage
  (SELECT 'Fee Prorated 68%  -  $1.00  x 76' AS col
   UNION ALL SELECT 'Fee - Prorated 50.0987% ($1.10 x 292)') t






Another option is with a Parse/Split function.

另一种选择是使用Parse / Split功能。

Here we use a [SPACE] as the delimiter, but with a little twist to ensure capture. Before we pass the string into a the parser, we replace the [PERCENT] with [PERCENT]||[SPACE]

这里我们使用[SPACE]作为分隔符,但稍加扭曲以确保捕获。在我们将字符串传递给解析器之前,我们用[PERCENT] || [SPACE]替换[PERCENT]


Select A.*
      ,Pcnt = replace(B.RetVal,'||','')
 From  YourTable A
 Cross Apply [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse-8K](replace(A.SomeCol,'%','%|| '),' ') B
 Where RetVal Like '%||'



SomeCol                              Pcnt
Fee Prorated 68% - $1.00 x 76       68%
Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.10 x 292)    50%
Fee - Prorated 50% ($1.00 x 242)    50%
Fee - Prorated 13% ($1.00 x 39)     13%
Prorated Fee 45.16% $1.00 x 256     45.16%
Fee - Prorated 26% ($1.00 x 56)     26%
Fee- Prorated 51.6% $1.00 x 66      51.6%
Fee - Prorated 94% ($1.15 x 48)     94%
Fee - Prorated 52% ($1.10 x 120)    52%
Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)    10%
Fee - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 304)    10%
Fees - prorated 46.67% ($1.50 x 230)46.67%
Fees - prorated 23% ($1.25 x 989)   23%
Fees - prorated 87% ($1.25 x 348)   87%
Fees - prorated 48% ($1.25 x 210)   48%
Fees ($1.50 x 64) Prorated 30%      30%
Fees - prorated 30% ($1.50 x 51)    30%
Fees ($1.25 x 341) - Prorated 71%   71%
Fees - Prorated 58% ($1.50 x 196)   58%
Fees - Prorated 10% ($1.25 x 224)   10%
Fees - Prorated 61%($1.50 x 50)     61%

The UDF if Intersted


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse-8K] (@String varchar(max),@Delimiter varchar(25))
Returns Table 
Return (  
    with   cte1(N)   As (Select 1 From (Values(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) N(N)),
           cte2(N)   As (Select Top (IsNull(DataLength(@String),0)) Row_Number() over (Order By (Select NULL)) From (Select N=1 From cte1 a,cte1 b,cte1 c,cte1 d) A ),
           cte3(N)   As (Select 1 Union All Select t.N+DataLength(@Delimiter) From cte2 t Where Substring(@String,t.N,DataLength(@Delimiter)) = @Delimiter),
           cte4(N,L) As (Select S.N,IsNull(NullIf(CharIndex(@Delimiter,@String,s.N),0)-S.N,8000) From cte3 S)

    Select RetSeq = Row_Number() over (Order By A.N)
          ,RetVal = LTrim(RTrim(Substring(@String, A.N, A.L)))
    From   cte4 A
--Orginal Source http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/
--Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse-8K]('Dog,Cat,House,Car',',')
--Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse-8K]('John||Cappelletti||was||here','||')