
时间:2021-12-06 14:05:06

In ER diagrams, is it possible to relate two weak entities each other? If possible, how can uniquely identify records in them?


1 个解决方案



It's certainly possible. Consider the following ER diagram in which invoices are composed of lines, and receipts are decomposed into corresponding lines which are allocated to invoice lines. Multiple receipt lines can be allocated to the same InvoiceLine. It's perhaps a bit contrived but it'll serve as an example.



The InvoiceLine entity set is identified by (InvoiceNumber, LineNumber). Similarly, the ReceiptLine entity set is identified by (ReceiptNumber, LineNumber).

InvoiceLine实体集由(InvoiceNumber, LineNumber)标识。类似地,ReceiptLine实体集由(ReceiptNumber、LineNumber)标识。

The determinant of a relationship between any entity sets is a combination of the determinants of the entity sets in many-roles. It doesn't matter whether the entity sets are weak or regular, or whether you have two or more entity sets involved in the relationship. In the case of 1:1 (or 1:1:1, etc) relationship, any of the entity sets involved can be used as a determinant.


In our example, ReceiptLine is the only entity set in a many-role (indicated by an N next to the Paid relationship diamond). This means the relationship is determined by the determinant of ReceiptLine, which is (ReceiptNumber, LineNumber).


If we translate our ER diagram to a tabular model, we get the following:



I translated it directly to help you see the correspondence between the diagrams, but in practice we could denormalize the Paid relationship relation into the ReceiptLine entity relation for a simpler physical model. That can only be done for relationships with a single determining entity set, so it's important that you understand the general approach first.





It's certainly possible. Consider the following ER diagram in which invoices are composed of lines, and receipts are decomposed into corresponding lines which are allocated to invoice lines. Multiple receipt lines can be allocated to the same InvoiceLine. It's perhaps a bit contrived but it'll serve as an example.



The InvoiceLine entity set is identified by (InvoiceNumber, LineNumber). Similarly, the ReceiptLine entity set is identified by (ReceiptNumber, LineNumber).

InvoiceLine实体集由(InvoiceNumber, LineNumber)标识。类似地,ReceiptLine实体集由(ReceiptNumber、LineNumber)标识。

The determinant of a relationship between any entity sets is a combination of the determinants of the entity sets in many-roles. It doesn't matter whether the entity sets are weak or regular, or whether you have two or more entity sets involved in the relationship. In the case of 1:1 (or 1:1:1, etc) relationship, any of the entity sets involved can be used as a determinant.


In our example, ReceiptLine is the only entity set in a many-role (indicated by an N next to the Paid relationship diamond). This means the relationship is determined by the determinant of ReceiptLine, which is (ReceiptNumber, LineNumber).


If we translate our ER diagram to a tabular model, we get the following:



I translated it directly to help you see the correspondence between the diagrams, but in practice we could denormalize the Paid relationship relation into the ReceiptLine entity relation for a simpler physical model. That can only be done for relationships with a single determining entity set, so it's important that you understand the general approach first.

