
时间:2021-04-11 13:42:37

This is related to the results I received in this question:


Query which displays a table along with indications of which rows match another table


With some query results or a table I'm trying to identify, for each Box id, if all instances of that Box id has a 'yes' in another column, or if there is at least one 'no'. All yes's would result in yes, any no's would result in no.

对于一些查询结果或我试图识别的表,对于每个Box id,如果该Box id的所有实例在另一列中都有'yes',或者至少有一个'no'。所有的肯定会导致是,任何不会导致否。



If this was a table:


ID, Box, Match
1,Box100, yes
2,Box100, yes
3,Box100, yes
4,Box200, yes
5,Box200, no
6,Box200, yes
7,Box300, yes
8,Box300, yes
9,Box300, yes
10,Box400, no
11,Box400, no
12,Box400, yes

What would be the query to provide these results


Box100, yes
Box200, no
Box300, yes
Box400, no

I tried to union two queries, one for the yes one for the no, using the UNIQUE statement to return only one, but that of course returns:


Box100, yes
Box200, yes
Box200, no
Box300, yes
Box400, yes
Box400, no

Which isn't what I am looking for.


I also found this to be very difficult to determine what to call this, and therefore search for solutions, hence my perhaps convoluted title. So apologies in advance.


I feel like the solution is probably pretty easy but I can't quite wrap my head around it.




2 个解决方案



Assuming no and yes are strings, you can simply use aggregation:


select box, min(match) as match
from t
group by box;

This works because of the alphabetical ordering of the values. A more general solution is:


select box,
       (case when sum(case when match = 'no' then 1 else 0 end) > 0
             then 'no' else 'yes'
        end) as match
from t
group by box;



Gordon's answer is what I would most likely use, however you could do it this way ....


declare @example as table (
    exampleID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered
,   box       varchar(255) not null
,   match     varchar(25) not null

insert into @example (box, match) 

select 'Box100', 'yes' union all
select 'Box100', 'yes' union all
select 'Box100', 'yes' union all
select 'Box200', 'yes' union all
select 'Box200', 'no' union all
select 'Box200', 'yes' union all
select 'Box300', 'yes' union all
select 'Box300', 'yes' union all
select 'Box300', 'yes' union all
select 'Box400', 'no' union all
select 'Box400', 'no' union all
select 'Box400', 'yes';

    select distinct a.box
         , isnull(b.match, c.match) match
      from @example a
 left join @example b
        on a.box = b.box
       and b.match = 'no'
 left join @example c
        on a.box = c.box
       and c.match = 'yes'

Result Set:


box     match
Box100  yes
Box200  no
Box300  yes
Box400  no



Assuming no and yes are strings, you can simply use aggregation:


select box, min(match) as match
from t
group by box;

This works because of the alphabetical ordering of the values. A more general solution is:


select box,
       (case when sum(case when match = 'no' then 1 else 0 end) > 0
             then 'no' else 'yes'
        end) as match
from t
group by box;



Gordon's answer is what I would most likely use, however you could do it this way ....


declare @example as table (
    exampleID int identity(1,1) not null primary key clustered
,   box       varchar(255) not null
,   match     varchar(25) not null

insert into @example (box, match) 

select 'Box100', 'yes' union all
select 'Box100', 'yes' union all
select 'Box100', 'yes' union all
select 'Box200', 'yes' union all
select 'Box200', 'no' union all
select 'Box200', 'yes' union all
select 'Box300', 'yes' union all
select 'Box300', 'yes' union all
select 'Box300', 'yes' union all
select 'Box400', 'no' union all
select 'Box400', 'no' union all
select 'Box400', 'yes';

    select distinct a.box
         , isnull(b.match, c.match) match
      from @example a
 left join @example b
        on a.box = b.box
       and b.match = 'no'
 left join @example c
        on a.box = c.box
       and c.match = 'yes'

Result Set:


box     match
Box100  yes
Box200  no
Box300  yes
Box400  no