I'm looking for an algorithm to perform some kind of extended array sorting when relationships between elements can contradict each other.
so we have a set I (items) consisting of n items i1...in
所以我们有一组I(项目)由n项i1 ... in组成
There is a set R (relationships) consisting of m relationships defined between items in I
the relationships can contradict each other so that, e.g., one relationship says that A>B
and the other that A<B
这些关系可以相互矛盾,例如,一个关系表示A> B,另一个关系表示A 。
generally, r and m (sizes of sets) can be any positive integers.
the task is to sort I so the items go in such a way that preferably the lower ones (based on relationships) go before higher ones...
I'm looking for an algorithm which will sort the set so that it is as close to the "optimal" order as possible. I guess there must be a well known algorithm to solve problems like this.
1 个解决方案
I think the most sensible way to measure the quality of a particular ordering is the number of given relationships that it violates. If you decide to use this measure, then the problem is equivalent to (Minimum) Feedback Arc Set. Unfortunately, this problem is NP-hard, so no efficient (polynomial-time) algorithm is likely to exist.
In the Feedback Arc Set problem, you are given a directed graph, and asked to find a minimum-size set of edges which, if deleted, would destroy all cycles in the graph.
To see how this corresponds to your problem, observe that we can represent each item as a vertex in a graph, and each relationship as a directed edge between two vertices (pointing to, say, the smaller one). There is a conflict if and only if there is a cycle in this graph -- that is, if there is an ordered list of 2 or more distinct vertices v_1, v_2, ..., v_k such that v_i < v_(i+1) for all i < k, and also v_k < v_1. It is impossible to order these k vertices without violating at least one constraint. Conversely, if no cycle exists -- that is, if the graph is a directed acyclic graph -- then topological sort can quickly (in linear time) find a valid order that violates no constraints. Thus the size of a feedback arc set is the smallest number of edges that you would need to remove in order to obtain a graph that can be ordered without violating any constraint -- or equivalently, the smallest number of edges that must be violated in any ordering.
要了解这与您的问题如何对应,请注意我们可以将每个项目表示为图形中的顶点,并将每个关系表示为两个顶点之间的有向边缘(指向较小的顶点)。当且仅当此图中存在循环时才会发生冲突 - 即,如果存在2个或更多不同顶点v_1,v_2,...,v_k的有序列表,则v_i
I think the most sensible way to measure the quality of a particular ordering is the number of given relationships that it violates. If you decide to use this measure, then the problem is equivalent to (Minimum) Feedback Arc Set. Unfortunately, this problem is NP-hard, so no efficient (polynomial-time) algorithm is likely to exist.
In the Feedback Arc Set problem, you are given a directed graph, and asked to find a minimum-size set of edges which, if deleted, would destroy all cycles in the graph.
To see how this corresponds to your problem, observe that we can represent each item as a vertex in a graph, and each relationship as a directed edge between two vertices (pointing to, say, the smaller one). There is a conflict if and only if there is a cycle in this graph -- that is, if there is an ordered list of 2 or more distinct vertices v_1, v_2, ..., v_k such that v_i < v_(i+1) for all i < k, and also v_k < v_1. It is impossible to order these k vertices without violating at least one constraint. Conversely, if no cycle exists -- that is, if the graph is a directed acyclic graph -- then topological sort can quickly (in linear time) find a valid order that violates no constraints. Thus the size of a feedback arc set is the smallest number of edges that you would need to remove in order to obtain a graph that can be ordered without violating any constraint -- or equivalently, the smallest number of edges that must be violated in any ordering.
要了解这与您的问题如何对应,请注意我们可以将每个项目表示为图形中的顶点,并将每个关系表示为两个顶点之间的有向边缘(指向较小的顶点)。当且仅当此图中存在循环时才会发生冲突 - 即,如果存在2个或更多不同顶点v_1,v_2,...,v_k的有序列表,则v_i