Here is an example of a DF:
df<- data.frame(v1,v2,v3)
For this example my intention is to remove the row with the v1=1, v2=457 and v3=659.
对于此示例,我的目的是删除v1 = 1,v2 = 457和v3 = 659的行。
I'm trying different ways (subset or even []), for example:
subset(df,df$v1!=1 & df$v2!=457 & df$v3!=659)
df[df$v1!=1 & df$v2!=457 & df$v3!=659,]
However in both cases all rows with v1=1 are removed. How should I write this in order that just the row with v1=1, v2=457 and v3=659 is removed?
但是,在这两种情况下,都删除了v1 = 1的所有行。为了只删除v1 = 1,v2 = 457和v3 = 659的行,我该怎么写呢?
So the final DF should be like this:
df<- data.frame(v1,v2,v3)
2 个解决方案
Close the conditions inside a bracket preceded by exclamation mark:
subset(df, !(df[,1] == 1 & df[,2] == 457 & df[,3] == 659))
This seems to be correct logic
df[!(df$v1 == 1 & df$v2 == 457 & df$v3 == 659),]
What you are doing is removing all rows where v1!= 1
and v2!=457
and v3!=659
你正在做的是删除v1!= 1和v2!= 457和v3!= 659的所有行
> v1<-c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3)
> v2<-c(234,457,234,675,235,205,347,578,695,783,200,697)
> v3<-c(528,659,102,236,358,562,987,102,235,474,888,362)
> df<- data.frame(v1,v2,v3)
> df
v1 v2 v3
1 1 234 528
2 1 457 659
3 1 234 102
4 1 675 236
5 2 235 358
6 2 205 562
7 2 347 987
8 2 578 102
9 3 695 235
10 3 783 474
11 3 200 888
12 3 697 362
> df[!(df$v1 == 1 & df$v2 == 457 & df$v3 == 659),]
v1 v2 v3
1 1 234 528
3 1 234 102
4 1 675 236
5 2 235 358
6 2 205 562
7 2 347 987
8 2 578 102
9 3 695 235
10 3 783 474
11 3 200 888
12 3 697 362
Close the conditions inside a bracket preceded by exclamation mark:
subset(df, !(df[,1] == 1 & df[,2] == 457 & df[,3] == 659))
This seems to be correct logic
df[!(df$v1 == 1 & df$v2 == 457 & df$v3 == 659),]
What you are doing is removing all rows where v1!= 1
and v2!=457
and v3!=659
你正在做的是删除v1!= 1和v2!= 457和v3!= 659的所有行
> v1<-c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3)
> v2<-c(234,457,234,675,235,205,347,578,695,783,200,697)
> v3<-c(528,659,102,236,358,562,987,102,235,474,888,362)
> df<- data.frame(v1,v2,v3)
> df
v1 v2 v3
1 1 234 528
2 1 457 659
3 1 234 102
4 1 675 236
5 2 235 358
6 2 205 562
7 2 347 987
8 2 578 102
9 3 695 235
10 3 783 474
11 3 200 888
12 3 697 362
> df[!(df$v1 == 1 & df$v2 == 457 & df$v3 == 659),]
v1 v2 v3
1 1 234 528
3 1 234 102
4 1 675 236
5 2 235 358
6 2 205 562
7 2 347 987
8 2 578 102
9 3 695 235
10 3 783 474
11 3 200 888
12 3 697 362