This is from cracking the Coding Interview Book.
Design an algorithm and write code to remove the duplicate characters in a string without using any additional buffer. NOTE: One or two additional variables are fine. An extra copy of the array is not.
In the book it says time complexity is $O(N^2)$. How can we tell that the time complexity is $O(N^2)$ from the solution? I have questions as to how the solution is removing duplicate characters. I have included them in the inline comments below.
在书中时间复杂度是O(N ^ 2)美元。我们如何告诉时间复杂度是O(N ^ 2)美元的解决方案吗?我对如何删除重复字符有疑问。我已经将它们包含在下面的内联注释中。
public static void removeDuplicates(char[] str) {
if (str == null) return; // if the array is empty return nothing?
int len = str.length; // get the length of the array
if (len < 2) return; // if the array length is only 1 return nothing?
int tail = 1; // initialise tail variable as 1 !
// Why are we starting at second character here (at i = 1),why not start at i = 0 ?
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < tail; ++j) { // so are we checking if j is less then 1 as tail has been initialized to 1
if (str[i] == str[j]) break; // stop, if we find duplicate.
if (j == tail) { why are we comparing j to tail(1) here ?
str[tail] = str[i]; // assigning the value
++tail; // incrementing tail
str[tail] = 0; //setting last element as 0
4 个解决方案
I completly rely on @pbabcdefp comment as I'm to lazy to test it, but it seems like your algorithm does not work.
I did not like it anyway, here how I would do it with explanation in comments :
public static void main(String[] args) {
removeDuplicates(new char[]{'a','a','b','b','c','d','c'});
public static final void removeDuplicates(char[] str)
* If the str is not instantiated, or there is maximum 1 char there is no need to remove duplicates as
* it is just impossible to have duplicate with 1 char.
if (str == null || str.length < 2)
//loop over each char
for(int i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
//no need to check with earlier character as they were already checked, so we start at i + 1
for(int j = i + 1; j < str.length; j++)
//if they match we clear
if(str[j] == str[i])
str[j] = ' ';
That would output a b cd
这会输出一个b cd。
First of all, this is a great book, I wish to recommend to everyone!
Generally if you are allowed to use a lots of memory, you can save time, if you are allowed to use a few variables, then you still can solve this problem by a slower algorithm. And there is the complete brute-force algorithm, when you check every possible solution.
public static void removeDuplicates(char[] str) {
if (str == null) return; // if the array is empty return nothing?
The input is a string pointer, so the string exists somewhere in the memory, the code will may modify it, but it stays at the same place. That's why the return type of the function is void, so it doesn't return anything. When it returns, the string at its original place is without duplication.
int len = str.length; // get the length of the array
if (len < 2) return; // if the array length is only 1 return nothing?
Same as above, no return value. If the string is less then 2 character, then it cannot contain a duplication.
From here the logic is the following: Take the i-th character. Check if it was existing before this place in the string. If it exists, then the algorithm deletes the i-th character. If it doesn't exists then it stays in the string.
The proof that it's the right algorithm: None of the characters will stay which existed earlier in the string. If a character would exists later in the string, it would be deleted because of the previous rule.
If this would be the algorithm, it would work fine, but there would be "Empty" characters in the string. The string wouldn't be smaller, even tough it should contain less characters.
That's why the algorithm keeps track on the "tail of the output string". That's why the tail is equals 1 at the beginning, since the 1st character will be definitely part of the result string. When the current character should be deleted, the output string's tail wont move, no new character added to the result. When the current character should be part of the result, then it gets copied to the tail of the result string.
When the algorithm reaches the end of the input string, it closes the result string.
Complexity: It means, relative to the size of the input, which is called 'n' how many steps the algorithm has to take. Typically cycles and recursions counts only. This code has 2 for loop embedded into each other. The external goes from 1 to n every time. The internal one goes from 0 to tail where tail goes from 1 to n. So the worst case scenario, the internal one goes by average from 1 to n/2. This means your complexity is n*(n/2). Since 2 is a constant, your complexity is n*n.
The O time complexity is about worst-case. Ignoring the array you get and the actions you do on it, when you have 2 nested for loops bounded by the length of the string, your complexity couldn't be higher than n^2, and thus it is O(n^2) (it is only an upper bound, if you'd like to show that it's also a lower bound more work should be done).
O时间复杂度是最坏情况。忽略了数组和行动你做,当你有两个嵌套的循环以该字符串的长度为界,你的复杂性不能高于n ^ 2,因此它是O(n ^ 2)(只有一个上限,如果你想显示它也是一个下界应该做更多的工作)。
O(N^2) basically means that as the number of inputs increases, N being the number of inputs, the complexity (number of operations performed) will scale porportional to N^2 + some constant value.
O(N ^ 2)基本上意味着随着输入的数量增加,N被输入的数量,规模复杂性(操作)将porportional N ^ 2 +一个常数的值。
So looking at the code, str.length is N. For each element, you compare it to each other element, N compared N times = N^2.
所以看代码,str.length N为每个元素,你比较每个其他元素,N N次相比= N ^ 2。
Now O(N^2) is not meant to be exact. By definition it is concerned with only the non-constant factors that contribute to complexity growth. It will never tell you how quickly a particular algorithm will run, it purely tells you how the time it takes to run will scale with fluctuations in the number of elements being operated on.
现在O(N ^ 2)并不意味着是恰当的。根据定义,它只关心导致复杂性增长的非常数因素。它永远不会告诉你一个特定的算法会运行多快,它只会告诉你它运行的时间会随着运行的元素数量的波动而变化。
I completly rely on @pbabcdefp comment as I'm to lazy to test it, but it seems like your algorithm does not work.
I did not like it anyway, here how I would do it with explanation in comments :
public static void main(String[] args) {
removeDuplicates(new char[]{'a','a','b','b','c','d','c'});
public static final void removeDuplicates(char[] str)
* If the str is not instantiated, or there is maximum 1 char there is no need to remove duplicates as
* it is just impossible to have duplicate with 1 char.
if (str == null || str.length < 2)
//loop over each char
for(int i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
//no need to check with earlier character as they were already checked, so we start at i + 1
for(int j = i + 1; j < str.length; j++)
//if they match we clear
if(str[j] == str[i])
str[j] = ' ';
That would output a b cd
这会输出一个b cd。
First of all, this is a great book, I wish to recommend to everyone!
Generally if you are allowed to use a lots of memory, you can save time, if you are allowed to use a few variables, then you still can solve this problem by a slower algorithm. And there is the complete brute-force algorithm, when you check every possible solution.
public static void removeDuplicates(char[] str) {
if (str == null) return; // if the array is empty return nothing?
The input is a string pointer, so the string exists somewhere in the memory, the code will may modify it, but it stays at the same place. That's why the return type of the function is void, so it doesn't return anything. When it returns, the string at its original place is without duplication.
int len = str.length; // get the length of the array
if (len < 2) return; // if the array length is only 1 return nothing?
Same as above, no return value. If the string is less then 2 character, then it cannot contain a duplication.
From here the logic is the following: Take the i-th character. Check if it was existing before this place in the string. If it exists, then the algorithm deletes the i-th character. If it doesn't exists then it stays in the string.
The proof that it's the right algorithm: None of the characters will stay which existed earlier in the string. If a character would exists later in the string, it would be deleted because of the previous rule.
If this would be the algorithm, it would work fine, but there would be "Empty" characters in the string. The string wouldn't be smaller, even tough it should contain less characters.
That's why the algorithm keeps track on the "tail of the output string". That's why the tail is equals 1 at the beginning, since the 1st character will be definitely part of the result string. When the current character should be deleted, the output string's tail wont move, no new character added to the result. When the current character should be part of the result, then it gets copied to the tail of the result string.
When the algorithm reaches the end of the input string, it closes the result string.
Complexity: It means, relative to the size of the input, which is called 'n' how many steps the algorithm has to take. Typically cycles and recursions counts only. This code has 2 for loop embedded into each other. The external goes from 1 to n every time. The internal one goes from 0 to tail where tail goes from 1 to n. So the worst case scenario, the internal one goes by average from 1 to n/2. This means your complexity is n*(n/2). Since 2 is a constant, your complexity is n*n.
The O time complexity is about worst-case. Ignoring the array you get and the actions you do on it, when you have 2 nested for loops bounded by the length of the string, your complexity couldn't be higher than n^2, and thus it is O(n^2) (it is only an upper bound, if you'd like to show that it's also a lower bound more work should be done).
O时间复杂度是最坏情况。忽略了数组和行动你做,当你有两个嵌套的循环以该字符串的长度为界,你的复杂性不能高于n ^ 2,因此它是O(n ^ 2)(只有一个上限,如果你想显示它也是一个下界应该做更多的工作)。
O(N^2) basically means that as the number of inputs increases, N being the number of inputs, the complexity (number of operations performed) will scale porportional to N^2 + some constant value.
O(N ^ 2)基本上意味着随着输入的数量增加,N被输入的数量,规模复杂性(操作)将porportional N ^ 2 +一个常数的值。
So looking at the code, str.length is N. For each element, you compare it to each other element, N compared N times = N^2.
所以看代码,str.length N为每个元素,你比较每个其他元素,N N次相比= N ^ 2。
Now O(N^2) is not meant to be exact. By definition it is concerned with only the non-constant factors that contribute to complexity growth. It will never tell you how quickly a particular algorithm will run, it purely tells you how the time it takes to run will scale with fluctuations in the number of elements being operated on.
现在O(N ^ 2)并不意味着是恰当的。根据定义,它只关心导致复杂性增长的非常数因素。它永远不会告诉你一个特定的算法会运行多快,它只会告诉你它运行的时间会随着运行的元素数量的波动而变化。