
时间:2021-01-03 12:47:48

I am writing a Korn shell script. I have two arrays (say, arr1 and arr2), both containing strings, and I need to check which elements from arr1 are present (as whole strings or substrings) in arr2. The most intuitive solution is having nested for loops, and checking if each element from arr1 can be found in arr2 (through grep) like this:

我正在写一个Korn shell脚本。我有两个数组(比如arr1和arr2),两个都包含字符串,我需要检查arr2中哪些元素来自arr1(作为整个字符串或子字符串)。最直观的解决方案是嵌套for循环,并检查是否可以在arr2(通过grep)中找到arr1中的每个元素,如下所示:

for arr1Element in ${arr1[*]}; do
    for arr2Element in ${arr2[*]}; do
        # using grep to check if arr1Element is present in arr2Element
        echo $arr2Element | grep $arr1Element

The issue is that arr2 has around 3000 elements, so running a nested loop takes a long time. I am wondering if there is a better way to do this in Bash.


If I were doing this in Java, I could have calculated hashes for elements in one of the arrays, and then looked for those hashes in the other array, but I don't think Bash has any functionality for doing something like this (unless I was willing to write a hash calculating function in Bash).


Any suggestions?


5 个解决方案



Since version 4.0 Bash has associative arrays:


$ declare -A elements
$ elements[hello]=world
$ echo ${elements[hello]}

You can use this in the same way you would a Java Map.

您可以像使用Java Map一样使用它。

declare -A map
for el in "${arr1[@]}"; do 

for el in "${arr2[@]}"; do 
    if [ -n "${map[$el]}" ] ; then 
       echo "${el}"

Dealing with substrings is an altogether more weighty problem, and would be a challenge in any language, short of the brute-force algorithm you're already using. You could build a binary-tree index of character sequences, but I wouldn't try that in Bash!




BashFAQ #36 describes doing set arithmetic (unions, disjoint sets, etc) in bash with comm.


Assuming your values can't contain literal newlines, the following will emit a line per item in both arr1 and arr2:


comm -12 <(printf '%s\n' "${arr1[@]}" | sort -u) \
         <(printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}" | sort -u)

If your arrays are pre-sorted, you can remove the sorts (which will make this extremely memory- and time-efficient with large arrays, moreso than the grep-based approach).




Since you're OK with using grep, and since you want to match substrings as well as full strings, one approach is to write:


printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}" \
  | grep -o -F "$(printf '%s\n' "${arr1[@]}")

and let grep optimize as it sees fit.




Here's a bash/awk idea:

这是一个bash / awk的想法:

# some sample arrays

$ arr1=( my first string "hello wolrd")
$ arr2=( my last  stringbean strings "well, hello world!)

# break array elements into separate lines

$ printf '%s\n' "${arr1[@]}"
hello world

$ printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}"
well, hello world!

# use the 'printf' command output as input to our awk command

$ awk '
NR==FNR { a[NR]=$0 ; next }
{ for (i in a)
      if ($0 ~ a[i]) print "array1 string {"a[i]"} is a substring of array2 string {"$0"}" }
' <( printf '%s\n' "${arr1[@]}" ) \
  <( printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}" )

array1 string {my} is a substring of array2 string {my}
array1 string {string} is a substring of array2 string {stringbean}
array1 string {string} is a substring of array2 string {strings}
array1 string {hello world} is a substring of array2 string {well, hello world!}
  • NR==FNR : for file #1 only: store elements into awk array named 'a'
  • NR == FNR:仅用于文件#1:将元素存储到名为'a'的awk数组中
  • next : process next line in file #1; at this point rest of awk script is ignored for file #1; the for each line in file #2 ...
  • next:处理文件#1中的下一行;此时,文件#1会忽略其余的awk脚本;对于文件#2中的每一行...
  • for (i in a) : for each index 'i' in array 'a' ...
  • for(i in a):对于数组'a'中的每个索引'i'...
  • if ($0 ~ a[i] ) : see if a[i] is a substring of the current line ($0) from file #2 and if so ...
  • if($ 0~a [i]):查看a [i]是否是文件#2中当前行($ 0)的子字符串,如果是的话......
  • print "array1... : output info about the match
  • print“array1 ...:输出有关匹配的信息

A test run using the following data:


arr1 == 3300 elements
arr2 ==  500 elements

When all arr2 elements have a substring/pattern match in arr1 (ie, 500 matches), total time to run is ~27 seconds ... so the repetitive looping through the array takes a toll.


Obviously (?) need to reduce the volume of repetitive actions ...


  • for an exact string match the comm solution by Charles Duffy makes sense (it runs against the same 3300/500 test set in about 0.5 seconds)
  • 对于精确的字符串匹配,Charles Duffy的comm解决方案是有意义的(它在大约0.5秒内针对相同的3300/500测试集运行)
  • for a substring/pattern match I was able to get a egrep solution to run in about 5 seconds (see my other answer/post)
  • 对于子串/模式匹配,我能够获得一个egrep解决方案在大约5秒钟内运行(参见我的其他答案/帖子)



An egrep solution for substring/pattern matching ...


egrep -f <(printf '.*%s.*\n' "${arr1[@]}") \
         <(printf '%s\n'     "${arr2[@]}")
  • egrep -f : take patterns to search from the file designated by the -f, which in this case is ...
  • egrep -f:从-f指定的文件中搜索模式,在这种情况下是...
  • <(printf '.*%s.*\n' "${arr1[@]}") : convert arr1 elements into 1 pattern per line, appending a regex wild card character (.*) for prefix and suffix
  • <(printf'。*%s。* \ n'“$ {arr1 [@]}”):将arr1元素转换为每行1个模式,为前缀和后缀附加正则表达式通配符(。*)
  • <(printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}") : convert arr2 elements into 1 string per line
  • <(printf'%s \ n'“$ {arr2 [@]}”):将arr2元素转换为每行1个字符串

When run against a sample data set like:


arr1 == 3300 elements
arr2 ==  500 elements

... with 500 matches, total run time is ~5 seconds; there's still a good bit of repetitive processing going on with egrep but not as bad as seen with my other answer (bash/awk) ... and of course not as fast the comm solution which eliminates the repetitive processing.

...有500场比赛,总运行时间约为5秒;还有一些重复处理正在进行egrep,但没有看到我的其他答案(bash / awk)那么糟糕...当然没有那么快的通信解决方案,消除了重复处理。



Since version 4.0 Bash has associative arrays:


$ declare -A elements
$ elements[hello]=world
$ echo ${elements[hello]}

You can use this in the same way you would a Java Map.

您可以像使用Java Map一样使用它。

declare -A map
for el in "${arr1[@]}"; do 

for el in "${arr2[@]}"; do 
    if [ -n "${map[$el]}" ] ; then 
       echo "${el}"

Dealing with substrings is an altogether more weighty problem, and would be a challenge in any language, short of the brute-force algorithm you're already using. You could build a binary-tree index of character sequences, but I wouldn't try that in Bash!




BashFAQ #36 describes doing set arithmetic (unions, disjoint sets, etc) in bash with comm.


Assuming your values can't contain literal newlines, the following will emit a line per item in both arr1 and arr2:


comm -12 <(printf '%s\n' "${arr1[@]}" | sort -u) \
         <(printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}" | sort -u)

If your arrays are pre-sorted, you can remove the sorts (which will make this extremely memory- and time-efficient with large arrays, moreso than the grep-based approach).




Since you're OK with using grep, and since you want to match substrings as well as full strings, one approach is to write:


printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}" \
  | grep -o -F "$(printf '%s\n' "${arr1[@]}")

and let grep optimize as it sees fit.




Here's a bash/awk idea:

这是一个bash / awk的想法:

# some sample arrays

$ arr1=( my first string "hello wolrd")
$ arr2=( my last  stringbean strings "well, hello world!)

# break array elements into separate lines

$ printf '%s\n' "${arr1[@]}"
hello world

$ printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}"
well, hello world!

# use the 'printf' command output as input to our awk command

$ awk '
NR==FNR { a[NR]=$0 ; next }
{ for (i in a)
      if ($0 ~ a[i]) print "array1 string {"a[i]"} is a substring of array2 string {"$0"}" }
' <( printf '%s\n' "${arr1[@]}" ) \
  <( printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}" )

array1 string {my} is a substring of array2 string {my}
array1 string {string} is a substring of array2 string {stringbean}
array1 string {string} is a substring of array2 string {strings}
array1 string {hello world} is a substring of array2 string {well, hello world!}
  • NR==FNR : for file #1 only: store elements into awk array named 'a'
  • NR == FNR:仅用于文件#1:将元素存储到名为'a'的awk数组中
  • next : process next line in file #1; at this point rest of awk script is ignored for file #1; the for each line in file #2 ...
  • next:处理文件#1中的下一行;此时,文件#1会忽略其余的awk脚本;对于文件#2中的每一行...
  • for (i in a) : for each index 'i' in array 'a' ...
  • for(i in a):对于数组'a'中的每个索引'i'...
  • if ($0 ~ a[i] ) : see if a[i] is a substring of the current line ($0) from file #2 and if so ...
  • if($ 0~a [i]):查看a [i]是否是文件#2中当前行($ 0)的子字符串,如果是的话......
  • print "array1... : output info about the match
  • print“array1 ...:输出有关匹配的信息

A test run using the following data:


arr1 == 3300 elements
arr2 ==  500 elements

When all arr2 elements have a substring/pattern match in arr1 (ie, 500 matches), total time to run is ~27 seconds ... so the repetitive looping through the array takes a toll.


Obviously (?) need to reduce the volume of repetitive actions ...


  • for an exact string match the comm solution by Charles Duffy makes sense (it runs against the same 3300/500 test set in about 0.5 seconds)
  • 对于精确的字符串匹配,Charles Duffy的comm解决方案是有意义的(它在大约0.5秒内针对相同的3300/500测试集运行)
  • for a substring/pattern match I was able to get a egrep solution to run in about 5 seconds (see my other answer/post)
  • 对于子串/模式匹配,我能够获得一个egrep解决方案在大约5秒钟内运行(参见我的其他答案/帖子)



An egrep solution for substring/pattern matching ...


egrep -f <(printf '.*%s.*\n' "${arr1[@]}") \
         <(printf '%s\n'     "${arr2[@]}")
  • egrep -f : take patterns to search from the file designated by the -f, which in this case is ...
  • egrep -f:从-f指定的文件中搜索模式,在这种情况下是...
  • <(printf '.*%s.*\n' "${arr1[@]}") : convert arr1 elements into 1 pattern per line, appending a regex wild card character (.*) for prefix and suffix
  • <(printf'。*%s。* \ n'“$ {arr1 [@]}”):将arr1元素转换为每行1个模式,为前缀和后缀附加正则表达式通配符(。*)
  • <(printf '%s\n' "${arr2[@]}") : convert arr2 elements into 1 string per line
  • <(printf'%s \ n'“$ {arr2 [@]}”):将arr2元素转换为每行1个字符串

When run against a sample data set like:


arr1 == 3300 elements
arr2 ==  500 elements

... with 500 matches, total run time is ~5 seconds; there's still a good bit of repetitive processing going on with egrep but not as bad as seen with my other answer (bash/awk) ... and of course not as fast the comm solution which eliminates the repetitive processing.

...有500场比赛,总运行时间约为5秒;还有一些重复处理正在进行egrep,但没有看到我的其他答案(bash / awk)那么糟糕...当然没有那么快的通信解决方案,消除了重复处理。