
时间:2021-08-04 12:19:52

consider the following code if insert() return the list itself.


def sieve(l):
  if not len(l):
    return []
  return sieve(filter(lambda x: x%l[0] != 0, l)).insert(0, l[0])

For now, we have to rely on a helper function to return the list after insertion.


def cons(a, l):
  l.insert(0, a)
  return l

def sieve(l):
  if not len(l):
    return []
  return cons(l[0], sieve(filter(lambda x:x%l[0] != 0, l)))

The point of mutable/immutable object is totally valid.


However, for lists that are mutable, IMHO, append() API could take one more step to return the list itself, rather than not returning anything. Java StringBuilder is a good example. I can do chained append on stringbuilder object recursively....Just wish we could have this here also.

但是,对于可变的列表,IMHO,append()API可能需要再多一步来返回列表本身,而不是返回任何内容。 Java StringBuilder就是一个很好的例子。我可以递归地对stringbuilder对象进行链接附加....希望我们也可以在这里使用它。

3 个解决方案



In Python, it is a big deal to get beginners to learn which objects are “immutable” and cannot be changed, and which are “mutable” and can be altered — in the latter case, every reference to the object sees the same change. This really seems to confuse newcomers. “I innocently called this function I wrote, and suddenly my copy of the list is changed too!”

在Python中,让初学者了解哪些对象是“不可变的”并且无法更改,哪些是“可变的”并且可以被更改是一件大事 - 在后一种情况下,对对象的每次引用都会看到相同的变化。这似乎让新人感到困惑。 “我无辜地称这个函数是我写的,突然我的列表副本也改变了!”

So Python has a convention: immutable objects, when you ask them to make an adjustment, return the newly-created object that is the answer — so:

所以Python有一个约定:不可变对象,当你要求它们进行调整时,返回新创建的对象,这就是答案 - 所以:

a = 'my string'
b = a.replace('y', 'e')

makes b get an entirely new string while a keeps its original value. Obviously such methods must return a value, since you cannot see the change, ever, by inspecting the original, immutable object itself.


But when you ask a mutable object to change itself, it does not return itself, because it does not need to — you can see the change just by looking at the original object again! This is a critical semantic signal in Python: if a method like append() does not return a new object, then you can see the change just by looking at the old object, and so can everyone else with a reference to the old object.

但是当你要求一个可变对象改变它自己时,它不会返回它自己,因为它不需要 - 你可以通过再次查看原始对象来看到更改!这是Python中的一个关键语义信号:如果像append()这样的方法没有返回一个新对象,那么只需查看旧对象就可以看到更改,其他人也可以通过引用旧对象来查看。



Since you asked about CoffeeScript...

既然你问过CoffeeScript ......

The push method modifies the array in-place. Rather than returning the newly modified array, it returns the value you just added. That's unintuitive, granted, but it can be useful. For instance, you can write things like


getNewValue -> cache.push fetchValue()

which, in one line, fetches a value, adds it to the cache, and returns it from getNewValue.


The concat method, on the other hand, doesn't modify the original array, instead returning the modified copy. It's supposed to be used for concatenating two arrays, but non-array values will be coerced, so you can use it as a push substitute if you want:


arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr = arr.concat 4
console.log arr  # [1, 2, 3, 4]

Full documentation on JavaScript's array methods is available on MDN.




Why not just create a reference? I think that will make the code more readable as well.




In Python, it is a big deal to get beginners to learn which objects are “immutable” and cannot be changed, and which are “mutable” and can be altered — in the latter case, every reference to the object sees the same change. This really seems to confuse newcomers. “I innocently called this function I wrote, and suddenly my copy of the list is changed too!”

在Python中,让初学者了解哪些对象是“不可变的”并且无法更改,哪些是“可变的”并且可以被更改是一件大事 - 在后一种情况下,对对象的每次引用都会看到相同的变化。这似乎让新人感到困惑。 “我无辜地称这个函数是我写的,突然我的列表副本也改变了!”

So Python has a convention: immutable objects, when you ask them to make an adjustment, return the newly-created object that is the answer — so:

所以Python有一个约定:不可变对象,当你要求它们进行调整时,返回新创建的对象,这就是答案 - 所以:

a = 'my string'
b = a.replace('y', 'e')

makes b get an entirely new string while a keeps its original value. Obviously such methods must return a value, since you cannot see the change, ever, by inspecting the original, immutable object itself.


But when you ask a mutable object to change itself, it does not return itself, because it does not need to — you can see the change just by looking at the original object again! This is a critical semantic signal in Python: if a method like append() does not return a new object, then you can see the change just by looking at the old object, and so can everyone else with a reference to the old object.

但是当你要求一个可变对象改变它自己时,它不会返回它自己,因为它不需要 - 你可以通过再次查看原始对象来看到更改!这是Python中的一个关键语义信号:如果像append()这样的方法没有返回一个新对象,那么只需查看旧对象就可以看到更改,其他人也可以通过引用旧对象来查看。



Since you asked about CoffeeScript...

既然你问过CoffeeScript ......

The push method modifies the array in-place. Rather than returning the newly modified array, it returns the value you just added. That's unintuitive, granted, but it can be useful. For instance, you can write things like


getNewValue -> cache.push fetchValue()

which, in one line, fetches a value, adds it to the cache, and returns it from getNewValue.


The concat method, on the other hand, doesn't modify the original array, instead returning the modified copy. It's supposed to be used for concatenating two arrays, but non-array values will be coerced, so you can use it as a push substitute if you want:


arr = [1, 2, 3]
arr = arr.concat 4
console.log arr  # [1, 2, 3, 4]

Full documentation on JavaScript's array methods is available on MDN.




Why not just create a reference? I think that will make the code more readable as well.
