稳扎稳打Silverlight(11) - 2.0动画之ColorAnimation, DoubleAnimation, PointAnimation, 内插关键帧动画
作者: webabcd
Silverlight 2.0 动画:
ColorAnimation - 在两个 Color 值之间做线性内插动画处理
DoubleAnimation - 在两个 Double 值之间做线性内插动画处理
PointAnimation - 在两个 Point 值之间做线性内插动画处理
内插关键帧动画 - 在 Color 或 Double 或 Point 动画中内插关键帧,以做线性, 离散, 三次贝塞尔曲线的动画处理
动态改变动画 - 通过程序控制,动态地改变动画
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
< Ellipse x:Name ="ellipse" Fill ="Red" Width ="200" Height ="100" >
< Ellipse.Triggers >
RoutedEvent - 所属对象的路由事件,仅有Loaded这个事件
< EventTrigger RoutedEvent ="Ellipse.Loaded" >
< BeginStoryboard x:Name ="beginStoryboard" >
< Storyboard x:Name ="storyboard" >
<!-- ColorAnimation - 在两个 Color 值之间做线性内插动画处理 -->
Storyboard.TargetName - 要进行动画处理的对象的名称
Storyboard.TargetProperty - 要进行动画处理的对象的属性
BeginTime - 时间线在被触发 BeginTime 的时间后才能开始播放
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数](可为正;可为负;可为空;默认值为 0)
From - 动画的起始值
To - 动画的结束值
By - 动画从起始值开始计算,所需变化的总量(To 优先于 By)
Duration - 时间线的持续时间
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
Automatic - 自动确定
Forever - 无限长
AutoReverse - 动画完成后是否要原路返回。默认值为 false
RepeatBehavior - 动画重复播放的时间、次数或类型
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
nx - 播放次数。1x, 2x, 3x
Forever - 永久播放
SpeedRatio - 时间线的速率的倍数。默认值 1
FillBehavior - 动画结束后的行为 [System.Windows.Media.Animation.FillBehavior枚举]
FillBehavior.HoldEnd - 动画结束后,保留动画属性的结束值。默认值
FillBehavior.Stop - 动画结束后,恢复动画属性为其初始值
< ColorAnimation
Storyboard.TargetName ="ellipse"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="(Ellipse.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)"
BeginTime ="00:00:0"
From ="Red"
To ="Yellow"
Duration ="Automatic"
AutoReverse ="True"
RepeatBehavior ="3x" >
</ ColorAnimation >
</ Storyboard >
</ BeginStoryboard >
</ EventTrigger >
</ Ellipse.Triggers >
</ Ellipse >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
< Ellipse x:Name ="ellipse" Fill ="Red" Width ="200" Height ="100" >
< Ellipse.Triggers >
RoutedEvent - 所属对象的路由事件,仅有Loaded这个事件
< EventTrigger RoutedEvent ="Ellipse.Loaded" >
< BeginStoryboard x:Name ="beginStoryboard" >
< Storyboard x:Name ="storyboard" >
<!-- ColorAnimation - 在两个 Color 值之间做线性内插动画处理 -->
Storyboard.TargetName - 要进行动画处理的对象的名称
Storyboard.TargetProperty - 要进行动画处理的对象的属性
BeginTime - 时间线在被触发 BeginTime 的时间后才能开始播放
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数](可为正;可为负;可为空;默认值为 0)
From - 动画的起始值
To - 动画的结束值
By - 动画从起始值开始计算,所需变化的总量(To 优先于 By)
Duration - 时间线的持续时间
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
Automatic - 自动确定
Forever - 无限长
AutoReverse - 动画完成后是否要原路返回。默认值为 false
RepeatBehavior - 动画重复播放的时间、次数或类型
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
nx - 播放次数。1x, 2x, 3x
Forever - 永久播放
SpeedRatio - 时间线的速率的倍数。默认值 1
FillBehavior - 动画结束后的行为 [System.Windows.Media.Animation.FillBehavior枚举]
FillBehavior.HoldEnd - 动画结束后,保留动画属性的结束值。默认值
FillBehavior.Stop - 动画结束后,恢复动画属性为其初始值
< ColorAnimation
Storyboard.TargetName ="ellipse"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="(Ellipse.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)"
BeginTime ="00:00:0"
From ="Red"
To ="Yellow"
Duration ="Automatic"
AutoReverse ="True"
RepeatBehavior ="3x" >
</ ColorAnimation >
</ Storyboard >
</ BeginStoryboard >
</ EventTrigger >
</ Ellipse.Triggers >
</ Ellipse >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
< Rectangle x:Name ="rectangle" Width ="200" Height ="100" Stroke ="Black" StrokeThickness ="6" RadiusX ="25" RadiusY ="25" >
< Rectangle.Fill >
< ImageBrush ImageSource ="/Silverlight20;component/Images/Logo.jpg" Stretch ="Fill" />
</ Rectangle.Fill >
</ Rectangle >
< StackPanel.Resources >
< BeginStoryboard x:Name ="beginStoryboard" >
< Storyboard x:Name ="storyboard" >
<!-- DoubleAnimation - 在两个 Double 值之间做线性内插动画处理 -->
Storyboard.TargetName - 要进行动画处理的对象的名称
Storyboard.TargetProperty - 要进行动画处理的对象的属性
BeginTime - 时间线在被触发 BeginTime 的时间后才能开始播放
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数](可为正;可为负;可为空;默认值为 0)
From - 动画的起始值
To - 动画的结束值
By - 动画从起始值开始计算,所需变化的总量(To 优先于 By)
Duration - 时间线的持续时间
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
Automatic - 自动确定
Forever - 无限长
AutoReverse - 动画完成后是否要原路返回。默认值为 false
RepeatBehavior - 动画重复播放的时间、次数或类型
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
nx - 播放次数。1x, 2x, 3x
Forever - 永久播放
SpeedRatio - 时间线的速率的倍数。默认值 1
FillBehavior - 动画结束后的行为 [System.Windows.Media.Animation.FillBehavior枚举]
FillBehavior.HoldEnd - 动画结束后,保留动画属性的结束值。默认值
FillBehavior.Stop - 动画结束后,恢复动画属性为其初始值
< DoubleAnimation
Storyboard.TargetName ="rectangle"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Width"
From ="100"
By ="100"
BeginTime ="0:0:3"
Duration ="00:00:03"
AutoReverse ="False"
RepeatBehavior ="Forever" >
</ DoubleAnimation >
</ Storyboard >
</ BeginStoryboard >
</ StackPanel.Resources >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
< Rectangle x:Name ="rectangle" Width ="200" Height ="100" Stroke ="Black" StrokeThickness ="6" RadiusX ="25" RadiusY ="25" >
< Rectangle.Fill >
< ImageBrush ImageSource ="/Silverlight20;component/Images/Logo.jpg" Stretch ="Fill" />
</ Rectangle.Fill >
</ Rectangle >
< StackPanel.Resources >
< BeginStoryboard x:Name ="beginStoryboard" >
< Storyboard x:Name ="storyboard" >
<!-- DoubleAnimation - 在两个 Double 值之间做线性内插动画处理 -->
Storyboard.TargetName - 要进行动画处理的对象的名称
Storyboard.TargetProperty - 要进行动画处理的对象的属性
BeginTime - 时间线在被触发 BeginTime 的时间后才能开始播放
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数](可为正;可为负;可为空;默认值为 0)
From - 动画的起始值
To - 动画的结束值
By - 动画从起始值开始计算,所需变化的总量(To 优先于 By)
Duration - 时间线的持续时间
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
Automatic - 自动确定
Forever - 无限长
AutoReverse - 动画完成后是否要原路返回。默认值为 false
RepeatBehavior - 动画重复播放的时间、次数或类型
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
nx - 播放次数。1x, 2x, 3x
Forever - 永久播放
SpeedRatio - 时间线的速率的倍数。默认值 1
FillBehavior - 动画结束后的行为 [System.Windows.Media.Animation.FillBehavior枚举]
FillBehavior.HoldEnd - 动画结束后,保留动画属性的结束值。默认值
FillBehavior.Stop - 动画结束后,恢复动画属性为其初始值
< DoubleAnimation
Storyboard.TargetName ="rectangle"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Width"
From ="100"
By ="100"
BeginTime ="0:0:3"
Duration ="00:00:03"
AutoReverse ="False"
RepeatBehavior ="Forever" >
</ DoubleAnimation >
</ Storyboard >
</ BeginStoryboard >
</ StackPanel.Resources >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
< StackPanel Orientation ="Horizontal" >
< Button Click ="Animation_Begin" Width ="65" Height ="30" Margin ="2" Content ="Begin" />
< Button Click ="Animation_Pause" Width ="65" Height ="30" Margin ="2" Content ="Pause" />
< Button Click ="Animation_Resume" Width ="65" Height ="30" Margin ="2" Content ="Resume" />
< Button Click ="Animation_Stop" Width ="65" Height ="30" Margin ="2" Content ="Stop" />
</ StackPanel >
< Path Fill ="Red" >
< Path.Data >
< EllipseGeometry x:Name ="ellipseGeometry" Center ="50,50" RadiusX ="15" RadiusY ="15" />
</ Path.Data >
</ Path >
< StackPanel.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="storyboard" >
<!-- PointAnimation - 在两个 Point 值之间做线性内插动画处理 -->
Storyboard.TargetName - 要进行动画处理的对象的名称
Storyboard.TargetProperty - 要进行动画处理的对象的属性
BeginTime - 时间线在被触发 BeginTime 的时间后才能开始播放
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数](可为正;可为负;可为空;默认值为 0)
From - 动画的起始值
To - 动画的结束值
By - 动画从起始值开始计算,所需变化的总量(To 优先于 By)
Duration - 时间线的持续时间
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
Automatic - 自动确定
Forever - 无限长
AutoReverse - 动画完成后是否要原路返回。默认值为 false
RepeatBehavior - 动画重复播放的时间、次数或类型
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
nx - 播放次数。1x, 2x, 3x
Forever - 永久播放
SpeedRatio - 时间线的速率的倍数。默认值 1
FillBehavior - 动画结束后的行为 [System.Windows.Media.Animation.FillBehavior枚举]
FillBehavior.HoldEnd - 动画结束后,保留动画属性的结束值。默认值
FillBehavior.Stop - 动画结束后,恢复动画属性为其初始值
< PointAnimation
Storyboard.TargetName ="ellipseGeometry"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Center"
BeginTime ="00:00:00"
From ="50,50"
To ="300,500"
Duration ="0:0:3"
AutoReverse ="True"
RepeatBehavior ="00:00:10" >
</ PointAnimation >
</ Storyboard >
</ StackPanel.Resources >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
< StackPanel Orientation ="Horizontal" >
< Button Click ="Animation_Begin" Width ="65" Height ="30" Margin ="2" Content ="Begin" />
< Button Click ="Animation_Pause" Width ="65" Height ="30" Margin ="2" Content ="Pause" />
< Button Click ="Animation_Resume" Width ="65" Height ="30" Margin ="2" Content ="Resume" />
< Button Click ="Animation_Stop" Width ="65" Height ="30" Margin ="2" Content ="Stop" />
</ StackPanel >
< Path Fill ="Red" >
< Path.Data >
< EllipseGeometry x:Name ="ellipseGeometry" Center ="50,50" RadiusX ="15" RadiusY ="15" />
</ Path.Data >
</ Path >
< StackPanel.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="storyboard" >
<!-- PointAnimation - 在两个 Point 值之间做线性内插动画处理 -->
Storyboard.TargetName - 要进行动画处理的对象的名称
Storyboard.TargetProperty - 要进行动画处理的对象的属性
BeginTime - 时间线在被触发 BeginTime 的时间后才能开始播放
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数](可为正;可为负;可为空;默认值为 0)
From - 动画的起始值
To - 动画的结束值
By - 动画从起始值开始计算,所需变化的总量(To 优先于 By)
Duration - 时间线的持续时间
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
Automatic - 自动确定
Forever - 无限长
AutoReverse - 动画完成后是否要原路返回。默认值为 false
RepeatBehavior - 动画重复播放的时间、次数或类型
TimeSpan - [-][日.]时:分:秒[.1位到7为的秒后的小数]
nx - 播放次数。1x, 2x, 3x
Forever - 永久播放
SpeedRatio - 时间线的速率的倍数。默认值 1
FillBehavior - 动画结束后的行为 [System.Windows.Media.Animation.FillBehavior枚举]
FillBehavior.HoldEnd - 动画结束后,保留动画属性的结束值。默认值
FillBehavior.Stop - 动画结束后,恢复动画属性为其初始值
< PointAnimation
Storyboard.TargetName ="ellipseGeometry"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Center"
BeginTime ="00:00:00"
From ="50,50"
To ="300,500"
Duration ="0:0:3"
AutoReverse ="True"
RepeatBehavior ="00:00:10" >
</ PointAnimation >
</ Storyboard >
</ StackPanel.Resources >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace Silverlight20.Animation
public partial class PointAnimation : UserControl
public PointAnimation()
private void Animation_Begin(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 播放
private void Animation_Pause(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 暂停
private void Animation_Resume(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 继续
private void Animation_Stop(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 停止
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace Silverlight20.Animation
public partial class PointAnimation : UserControl
public PointAnimation()
private void Animation_Begin(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 播放
private void Animation_Pause(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 暂停
private void Animation_Resume(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 继续
private void Animation_Stop(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// 停止
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames - 在一组 KeyFrame 中所设置的多个 Color 值之间做动画处理
DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames - 在一组 KeyFrame 中所设置的多个 Double 值之间做动画处理
PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames - 在一组 KeyFrame 中所设置的多个 Point 值之间做动画处理
LinearColorKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Color 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行线性内插动画处理
DiscreteColorKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Color 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行离散内插动画处理
SplineColorKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Color 值及其自己的 Value 之间按 三次贝塞尔曲线 进行内插动画处理
LinearDoubleKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Double 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行线性内插动画处理
DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Double 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行离散内插动画处理
SplineDoubleKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Double 值及其自己的 Value 之间按 三次贝塞尔曲线 进行内插动画处理
LinearPointKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Point 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行线性内插动画处理
DiscretePointKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Point 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行离散内插动画处理
SplinePointKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Point 值及其自己的 Value 之间按 三次贝塞尔曲线 进行内插动画处理
Value - 关键帧的目标值
KeyTime - 到达关键帧目标值的时间
KeySpline - 三次贝塞尔曲线的两个控制点:x1,y1 x2,y2(该三次贝塞尔曲线的起点为0,0,终点为1,1)
< Grid Margin ="5" >
< Grid.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="caStoryboard" >
< ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames
Storyboard.TargetName ="caBrush"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Color"
Duration ="0:0:10"
< LinearColorKeyFrame Value ="Green" KeyTime ="0:0:3" />
< DiscreteColorKeyFrame Value ="Blue" KeyTime ="0:0:4" />
< SplineColorKeyFrame Value ="Red" KeySpline ="0.6,0.0 0.9,0.00" KeyTime ="0:0:6" />
</ ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames >
</ Storyboard >
</ Grid.Resources >
< Rectangle x:Name ="caRectangle" MouseLeftButtonDown ="caRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown" Width ="100" Height ="50" >
< Rectangle.Fill >
< SolidColorBrush x:Name ="caBrush" Color ="Red" />
</ Rectangle.Fill >
</ Rectangle >
</ Grid >
< Grid Margin ="5" >
< Grid.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="daStoryboard" >
< DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
Storyboard.TargetName ="daTransform"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="X"
Duration ="0:0:10"
< LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value ="500" KeyTime ="0:0:3" />
< DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value ="400" KeyTime ="0:0:4" />
< SplineDoubleKeyFrame Value ="0" KeySpline ="0.6,0.0 0.9,0.00" KeyTime ="0:0:6" />
</ DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames >
</ Storyboard >
</ Grid.Resources >
< Rectangle x:Name ="daRectangle" MouseLeftButtonDown ="daRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown" Fill ="Red" Width ="100" Height ="50" >
< Rectangle.RenderTransform >
< TranslateTransform x:Name ="daTransform" X ="0" Y ="0" />
</ Rectangle.RenderTransform >
</ Rectangle >
</ Grid >
< Grid Margin ="5" >
< Grid.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="paStoryboard" >
< PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames
Storyboard.TargetName ="paGeometry"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Center"
Duration ="0:0:10"
< LinearPointKeyFrame Value ="100,100" KeyTime ="0:0:3" />
< DiscretePointKeyFrame Value ="200,200" KeyTime ="0:0:4" />
< SplinePointKeyFrame Value ="50,50" KeySpline ="0.6,0.0 0.9,0.00" KeyTime ="0:0:6" />
</ PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames >
</ Storyboard >
</ Grid.Resources >
< Path Fill ="Red" MouseLeftButtonDown ="paPath_MouseLeftButtonDown" >
< Path.Data >
< EllipseGeometry x:Name ="paGeometry" Center ="50,50" RadiusX ="15" RadiusY ="15" />
</ Path.Data >
</ Path >
</ Grid >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames - 在一组 KeyFrame 中所设置的多个 Color 值之间做动画处理
DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames - 在一组 KeyFrame 中所设置的多个 Double 值之间做动画处理
PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames - 在一组 KeyFrame 中所设置的多个 Point 值之间做动画处理
LinearColorKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Color 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行线性内插动画处理
DiscreteColorKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Color 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行离散内插动画处理
SplineColorKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Color 值及其自己的 Value 之间按 三次贝塞尔曲线 进行内插动画处理
LinearDoubleKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Double 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行线性内插动画处理
DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Double 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行离散内插动画处理
SplineDoubleKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Double 值及其自己的 Value 之间按 三次贝塞尔曲线 进行内插动画处理
LinearPointKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Point 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行线性内插动画处理
DiscretePointKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Point 值及其自己的 Value 之间进行离散内插动画处理
SplinePointKeyFrame - 在前一个关键帧的 Point 值及其自己的 Value 之间按 三次贝塞尔曲线 进行内插动画处理
Value - 关键帧的目标值
KeyTime - 到达关键帧目标值的时间
KeySpline - 三次贝塞尔曲线的两个控制点:x1,y1 x2,y2(该三次贝塞尔曲线的起点为0,0,终点为1,1)
< Grid Margin ="5" >
< Grid.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="caStoryboard" >
< ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames
Storyboard.TargetName ="caBrush"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Color"
Duration ="0:0:10"
< LinearColorKeyFrame Value ="Green" KeyTime ="0:0:3" />
< DiscreteColorKeyFrame Value ="Blue" KeyTime ="0:0:4" />
< SplineColorKeyFrame Value ="Red" KeySpline ="0.6,0.0 0.9,0.00" KeyTime ="0:0:6" />
</ ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames >
</ Storyboard >
</ Grid.Resources >
< Rectangle x:Name ="caRectangle" MouseLeftButtonDown ="caRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown" Width ="100" Height ="50" >
< Rectangle.Fill >
< SolidColorBrush x:Name ="caBrush" Color ="Red" />
</ Rectangle.Fill >
</ Rectangle >
</ Grid >
< Grid Margin ="5" >
< Grid.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="daStoryboard" >
< DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
Storyboard.TargetName ="daTransform"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="X"
Duration ="0:0:10"
< LinearDoubleKeyFrame Value ="500" KeyTime ="0:0:3" />
< DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Value ="400" KeyTime ="0:0:4" />
< SplineDoubleKeyFrame Value ="0" KeySpline ="0.6,0.0 0.9,0.00" KeyTime ="0:0:6" />
</ DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames >
</ Storyboard >
</ Grid.Resources >
< Rectangle x:Name ="daRectangle" MouseLeftButtonDown ="daRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown" Fill ="Red" Width ="100" Height ="50" >
< Rectangle.RenderTransform >
< TranslateTransform x:Name ="daTransform" X ="0" Y ="0" />
</ Rectangle.RenderTransform >
</ Rectangle >
</ Grid >
< Grid Margin ="5" >
< Grid.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="paStoryboard" >
< PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames
Storyboard.TargetName ="paGeometry"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Center"
Duration ="0:0:10"
< LinearPointKeyFrame Value ="100,100" KeyTime ="0:0:3" />
< DiscretePointKeyFrame Value ="200,200" KeyTime ="0:0:4" />
< SplinePointKeyFrame Value ="50,50" KeySpline ="0.6,0.0 0.9,0.00" KeyTime ="0:0:6" />
</ PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames >
</ Storyboard >
</ Grid.Resources >
< Path Fill ="Red" MouseLeftButtonDown ="paPath_MouseLeftButtonDown" >
< Path.Data >
< EllipseGeometry x:Name ="paGeometry" Center ="50,50" RadiusX ="15" RadiusY ="15" />
</ Path.Data >
</ Path >
</ Grid >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace Silverlight20.Animation
public partial class KeyFrame : UserControl
public KeyFrame()
private void caRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
private void daRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
private void paPath_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace Silverlight20.Animation
public partial class KeyFrame : UserControl
public KeyFrame()
private void caRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
private void daRectangle_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
private void paPath_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
MouseLeftButtonDown - 在该Canvas上单击鼠标后所执行的事件
< Canvas x:Name ="canvas" Background ="Yellow" Width ="640" Height ="480" MouseLeftButtonDown ="Canvas_MouseLeftButtonDown" >
< Path Fill ="Red" >
< Path.Data >
< EllipseGeometry x:Name ="ellipseGeometry" Center ="200,100" RadiusX ="15" RadiusY ="15" />
</ Path.Data >
</ Path >
</ Canvas >
< StackPanel.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="storyboard" >
< PointAnimation
x:Name ="pointAnimation"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Center"
Storyboard.TargetName ="ellipseGeometry"
Duration ="0:0:2" />
</ Storyboard >
</ StackPanel.Resources >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
MouseLeftButtonDown - 在该Canvas上单击鼠标后所执行的事件
< Canvas x:Name ="canvas" Background ="Yellow" Width ="640" Height ="480" MouseLeftButtonDown ="Canvas_MouseLeftButtonDown" >
< Path Fill ="Red" >
< Path.Data >
< EllipseGeometry x:Name ="ellipseGeometry" Center ="200,100" RadiusX ="15" RadiusY ="15" />
</ Path.Data >
</ Path >
</ Canvas >
< StackPanel.Resources >
< Storyboard x:Name ="storyboard" >
< PointAnimation
x:Name ="pointAnimation"
Storyboard.TargetProperty ="Center"
Storyboard.TargetName ="ellipseGeometry"
Duration ="0:0:2" />
</ Storyboard >
</ StackPanel.Resources >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace Silverlight20.Animation
public partial class Programmatically : UserControl
public Programmatically()
private void Canvas_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// 鼠标相对与canvas的坐标
double newX = e.GetPosition(canvas).X;
double newY = e.GetPosition(canvas).Y;
Point myPoint = new Point(newX, newY);
// 将动画的结束值设置为鼠标的当前坐标
pointAnimation.To = myPoint;
// 播放动画
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace Silverlight20.Animation
public partial class Programmatically : UserControl
public Programmatically()
private void Canvas_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
// 鼠标相对与canvas的坐标
double newX = e.GetPosition(canvas).X;
double newY = e.GetPosition(canvas).Y;
Point myPoint = new Point(newX, newY);
// 将动画的结束值设置为鼠标的当前坐标
pointAnimation.To = myPoint;
// 播放动画