
时间:2021-07-06 12:08:10

Given some arrays in Kotlin


let a = arrayOf("first", "second")
val b = arrayOf("first", "second")
val c = arrayOf("1st", "2nd")

Are there built-in functions to the Kotlin std-lib that tests two arrays for (value) equality for each element?

Kotlin std-lib是否有内置函数可以为每个元素测试两个数组的(值)相等性?

Thus resulting in:


a.equals(b) // true
a.equals(c) // false

equals() is actually returning false in both cases, but maybe there are built-in functions to Kotlin that one could use?


There is the static function java.utils.Arrays.deepEquals(a.toTypedArray(), b.toTypedArray()) but I would rather prefer an instance method as it would work better with optionals.


4 个解决方案



In Kotlin 1.1 you can use contentEquals and contentDeepEquals to compare two arrays for structural equality. e.g.:

在Kotlin 1.1中,您可以使用contentEquals和contentDeepEquals来比较两个数组的结构相等性。例如。:

a contentEquals b // true
b contentEquals c // false

In Kotlin 1.0 there are no "built-in functions to the Kotlin std-lib that tests two arrays for (value) equality for each element."

在Kotlin 1.0中,没有“Kotlin std-lib的内置函数,它为每个元素测试两个数组的(值)相等性。”

"Arrays are always compared using equals(), as all other objects" (Feedback Request: Limitations on Data Classes | Kotlin Blog).

“总是使用equals()比较数组,就像所有其他对象一样”(反馈请求:对数据类的限制| Kotlin博客)。

So a.equals(b) will only return true if a and b reference the same array.


You can, however, create your own "optionals"-friendly methods using extension functions. e.g.:


fun Array<*>.equalsArray(other: Array<*>) = Arrays.equals(this, other)
fun Array<*>.deepEqualsArray(other: Array<*>) = Arrays.deepEquals(this, other)

P.S. The comments on Feedback Request: Limitations on Data Classes | Kotlin Blog are worth a read as well, specifically comment 39364.

附:对反馈请求的评论:对数据类的限制| Kotlin博客也值得一读,特别是评论39364。



Kotlin 1.1 introduced extensions for comparing arrays by content: contentEquals and contentDeepEquals.

Kotlin 1.1引入了按内容比较数组的扩展:contentEquals和contentDeepEquals。

These extensions are infix, so you can use them the following way:


val areEqual = arr1 contentEquals arr2



And if you want to compare contents of two Collections ignoring the order you can add this simple extension:


infix fun <T> Collection<T>.sameContentWith(collection: Collection<T>?)
    = collection?.let { this.size == it.size && this.containsAll(it) }

...and use it like this:


a = mutableListOf<String>()
b = mutableListOf<String>()

isListsHasSameContent = a sameContentWith b



For a simple equals (not deep equals!):


otherArray.size == array.size && otherArray.filter { !array.contains(it) }.isEmpty()

This code will compare the size and the items. The items are compared with .equals().




In Kotlin 1.1 you can use contentEquals and contentDeepEquals to compare two arrays for structural equality. e.g.:

在Kotlin 1.1中,您可以使用contentEquals和contentDeepEquals来比较两个数组的结构相等性。例如。:

a contentEquals b // true
b contentEquals c // false

In Kotlin 1.0 there are no "built-in functions to the Kotlin std-lib that tests two arrays for (value) equality for each element."

在Kotlin 1.0中,没有“Kotlin std-lib的内置函数,它为每个元素测试两个数组的(值)相等性。”

"Arrays are always compared using equals(), as all other objects" (Feedback Request: Limitations on Data Classes | Kotlin Blog).

“总是使用equals()比较数组,就像所有其他对象一样”(反馈请求:对数据类的限制| Kotlin博客)。

So a.equals(b) will only return true if a and b reference the same array.


You can, however, create your own "optionals"-friendly methods using extension functions. e.g.:


fun Array<*>.equalsArray(other: Array<*>) = Arrays.equals(this, other)
fun Array<*>.deepEqualsArray(other: Array<*>) = Arrays.deepEquals(this, other)

P.S. The comments on Feedback Request: Limitations on Data Classes | Kotlin Blog are worth a read as well, specifically comment 39364.

附:对反馈请求的评论:对数据类的限制| Kotlin博客也值得一读,特别是评论39364。



Kotlin 1.1 introduced extensions for comparing arrays by content: contentEquals and contentDeepEquals.

Kotlin 1.1引入了按内容比较数组的扩展:contentEquals和contentDeepEquals。

These extensions are infix, so you can use them the following way:


val areEqual = arr1 contentEquals arr2



And if you want to compare contents of two Collections ignoring the order you can add this simple extension:


infix fun <T> Collection<T>.sameContentWith(collection: Collection<T>?)
    = collection?.let { this.size == it.size && this.containsAll(it) }

...and use it like this:


a = mutableListOf<String>()
b = mutableListOf<String>()

isListsHasSameContent = a sameContentWith b



For a simple equals (not deep equals!):


otherArray.size == array.size && otherArray.filter { !array.contains(it) }.isEmpty()

This code will compare the size and the items. The items are compared with .equals().
