
时间:2021-10-08 12:01:56

I'm struggling with the appropriate logic to compare the following arrays:


$a = [
    "ip" => [
    "domain" => [


$b = [
        "id"=> 136589,
        "metaname" => "ip",
        "metavalue" => "",
        "id"=> 136590,
        "metaname" => "domain",
        "metavalue" => "example.com",

I need to loop over $a to find the key ('ip') value ('') combinations that do not exist in $b. In the array $a, I need to capture the ip '' and the domain 'another.domain'

我需要遍历$ a来找到$ b中不存在的密钥('ip')值('')组合。在数组$ a中,我需要捕获ip''和域'another.domain'

It is possible for $b to have matching values with different keys?

$ b可以使用不同的键匹配值吗?

A good example is that of 'ip' addresses. Possible IP-related metaname values are 'ip', 'ip.dst' and 'ip.src'. Back to the sample data - even if the 'ip' matches, if the metaname does not match it should be skipped.

'ip'地址就是一个很好的例子。可能与IP相关的元名值为'ip','ip.dst'和'ip.src'。返回示例数据 - 即使'ip'匹配,如果metaname不匹配,也应该跳过它。

foreach ($a as $metaName => $metaValues)
    foreach ($metaValues as $metaValue)
        foreach ($b as $row)
            if (in_array($metaName, $row) && in_array($metaValue, $row))
                # this pair exists, move on to next $metaName-$metaValue pair
            # this is where i am now, making small progress
            # more trial and error going on

In my sample code the comment is where I need help. I've tried various iterations of different checks and loops to capture the appropriate data to no avail...


  • in_array($metaValue, $row)
  • array_keys($row, $metaValue)

combined with various if statements and so on but that won't help.


In the event that my description failed to be clear maybe the following table will help.


+ A ---------------------+----+ B ------------------+ Comment ------------------------+
| ip,            | == | ip,         | Skip, no more checks            |
| ip,            | != | ip,         | Keep checking                   |
|                        | != | domain, example.com | No more B to compare, I want A! |
| domain, example.com    | != | ip,         | Keep checking                   |
|                        | == | domain, example.com | Skip, no more checks            |
| domain, another.domain | != | ip,         | Keep checking                   |
|                        | != | domain, example.com | No more B to compare, I want A! | 

1 个解决方案



With just a slight modification and the use of a reference you are pretty close. But be careful with the first foreach, the first argument is a $metaname, but the second is not yet the $metavalue, you need a second foreach to loop over them:

只需稍加修改并使用参考,您就会非常接近。但要注意第一个foreach,第一个参数是$ metaname,但第二个参数不是$ metavalue,你需要第二个foreach循环它们:

foreach ($a as $metaname => &$group) { // & is present to unset the original array
    foreach ($group as $i => $metavalue) { // here you get the distinct metavalues
        foreach ($b as $row) {
            if (!($row['metaname'] === $metaname)) {
            if ($row['metavalue'] === $metavalue) {


a var_dump() of $a afterwards

之后$ a的var_dump()

array(2) {
  array(1) {
    string(7) ""
  &array(1) {
    string(14) "another.domain"

The first foreach() would access the distinct values of $a arrays whereas $metavalue is in fact the array containing those metavalues.

第一个foreach()将访问$ a数组的不同值,而$ metavalue实际上是包含这些元数据的数组。



With just a slight modification and the use of a reference you are pretty close. But be careful with the first foreach, the first argument is a $metaname, but the second is not yet the $metavalue, you need a second foreach to loop over them:

只需稍加修改并使用参考,您就会非常接近。但要注意第一个foreach,第一个参数是$ metaname,但第二个参数不是$ metavalue,你需要第二个foreach循环它们:

foreach ($a as $metaname => &$group) { // & is present to unset the original array
    foreach ($group as $i => $metavalue) { // here you get the distinct metavalues
        foreach ($b as $row) {
            if (!($row['metaname'] === $metaname)) {
            if ($row['metavalue'] === $metavalue) {


a var_dump() of $a afterwards

之后$ a的var_dump()

array(2) {
  array(1) {
    string(7) ""
  &array(1) {
    string(14) "another.domain"

The first foreach() would access the distinct values of $a arrays whereas $metavalue is in fact the array containing those metavalues.

第一个foreach()将访问$ a数组的不同值,而$ metavalue实际上是包含这些元数据的数组。