The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
Subclasses should be substitutable for their base classes.
This principle was coined by Barbar Liskov in her work regarding data abstraction
and type theory. It also derives from the concept of Design by Contract (DBC) by
Bertrand Meyer.
这个原则由Barbar Liskov在他考虑关于数据抽象和分类理论的工作中创建,它也来源于Bertrand Meyer的紧缩设计(DBC) 概念。
The concept, as stated above, derived classes should be
substitutable for their base classes. That is, a user of a base class should continue to
function properly if a derivative of that base class is passed to it.
In other words, if some function User takes an argument ot type Base, then as
shown in Listing 2-4, it should be legal to pass in an instance of Derived to that