
时间:2022-06-30 11:21:07

I'd like to ask whether the following code sample should compile:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>

using namespace std;

template <template <class...> class C>
struct convert_container
    using type = C<double>; 

    // Visual Studio requires this to be:
    // using type = C<double, std::allocator<doble>>

int main()
    std::cout << typeid(convert_container<std::vector>::type).name();

The code compiles fine with GCC 4.8.1 and Clang 3.4 but not with Visual Studio 2013. The error I get:

代码可以使用GCC 4.8.1和Clang 3.4编译,但不适用于Visual Studio 2013.我得到的错误:

error C2976: 'std::vector' : too few template arguments
    c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\include\vector(650) : see declaration of 'std::vector'
    c:\users\michał\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\transform\transform.cpp(14) : see reference to class template instantiation 'convert_container<std::vector>' being compiled

What does the standard say about this? Am I required to explicitly state all the parameters (including defaulted ones) when using the template template parameter C or is this just a bug in VC++?

标准对此有何看法?我是否需要在使用模板模板参数C时明确声明所有参数(包括默认参数),或者这只是VC ++中的一个错误?

Context: The issue araised from Constructor's answer to my previous question: https://*.com/a/23874768/2617356


When searching the archives I've found this question: Default values in templates with template arguments ( C++ ) It's basically about the same problem, the question author states that default parameters for template template parameter "had to be" explicitly stated. However, the asker accepted solution that's not quite applicable in my case. The question was not about what is the standard-conforming behaviour, so I believe this is not a duplicate.

在搜索档案时,我发现了这个问题:带有模板参数的模板中的默认值(C ++)这基本上是关于同一个问题,问题作者声明模板模板参数的默认参数“必须”明确说明。但是,提问者接受的解决方案在我的案例中并不适用。问题不在于什么是符合标准的行为,所以我认为这不是重复的。

2 个解决方案



Consider the similar


template <typename = void, int = 0> struct A { };
template <template <typename ...> class T> struct B : T<> { };
template class B<A>;

This is clearly covered by the standard (14.3.3p3 if you're interested, I won't quote it, as GCC and clang do both implement the rule already), where the use of A as a template argument for B is disallowed because of the non-type template parameter. That rule makes no sense if the instantiation of a template template parameter could make use of the template template argument's default template arguments, so the behaviour of MSVC and Intel is more consistent than that of GCC and clang.


Of course, the reasoning "if this were valid, the standard would have inconsistencies" doesn't actually mean it isn't valid, only that it shouldn't be valid. To actually check what the standard says:


14.1 Template parameters [temp.param]


10 The set of default template-arguments available for use with a template declaration or definition is obtained by merging the default arguments from the definition (if in scope) and all declarations in scope in the same way default function arguments are (8.3.6).


8.3.6 Default arguments [dcl.fct.default]


4 Declarations in different scopes have completely distinct sets of default arguments. That is, declarations in inner scopes do not acquire default arguments from declarations in outer scopes, and vice versa.


Although not specifically intended to address this use of default template arguments, I think it does manage to do so. Nikos Athanasiou has already included the part of the standard that says any default template arguments of C do get used:

虽然不是专门用于解决这种默认模板参数的使用,但我认为它确实设法这样做。 Nikos Athanasiou已经包含了标准的一部分,该标准表示C的任何默认模板参数都会被使用:

14.1 Template parameters [temp.param]


14 A template-parameter of a template template-parameter is permitted to have a default template-argument. When such default arguments are specified, they apply to the template template-parameter in the scope of the template template-parameter.


Since C's default template arguments are used, std::vector's aren't, and MSVC and Intel seem to be correct here.

由于使用了C的默认模板参数,因此std :: vector不是,并且MSVC和Intel似乎在这里是正确的。

And to come up with an example that clearly shows that GCC and clang cannot be considered to conform here:


template <typename = char, typename = short>
struct A { };

template <template <typename = void, typename ...> class T>
struct B {
  using type = T<>;

Both GCC and clang treat B<A>::type as A<void, short>, taking one default template argument from T, and another from A, even though the standard disallows merging of default arguments (and hence default template arguments) in declarations in different scopes.

GCC和clang都将B :: type视为A ,从T获取一个默认模板参数,从A获取另一个,即使标准不允许合并默认参数(以及默认模板参数)不同范围内的声明。 ,short>

A workaround for you, to avoid the need to type out the allocator argument, could be to use a template alias:


template <template <class...> class C>
struct convert_container
  using type = C<double>; 

template <typename T>
using vector_default_alloc = std::vector<T>;

int main()
  std::cout << typeid(convert_container<vector_default_alloc>::type).name();

I cannot test on MSVC right now, but Intel accepts it, and I see no reason why this variant would be invalid.




A (seemingly related) quote from the standard 14.1 Template parameters


14 . A template-parameter of a template template-parameter is permitted to have a default template-argument. When such default arguments are specified, they apply to the template template-parameter in the scope of the template template-parameter.


[ Example:

template <class T = float> struct B {};

template <template <class TT = float> class T> struct A {

inline void f();

inline void g();

template <template <class TT> class T> void A<T>::f() { // (*)
T<> t; // error - TT has no default template argument

template <template <class TT = char> class T> void A<T>::g() {
T<> t; // OK - T<char>

— end example ]

- 结束例子]

This is the only verse posing limitations to the use of default template parameters of template template parameters (verse 9,11,12 pose limitations on the definition/specification)


As stressed in the comments, OP's case does not involve a default parameter in convert_container (so the above does not apply explicitly). IMHO there are two ways of interpreting the situation :


  1. using type = C<double> is a type alias for a class template; that class "loses" the right to use default template parameters, since it's passed as a template template parameter and all default arguments (of that TT parameter) lie outside the scope of the "typedefing". Then VS is correct.

    using type = C 是类模板的类型别名;该类“失去”使用默认模板参数的权利,因为它作为模板模板参数传递,并且所有默认参数(该TT参数)都在“typedefing”的范围之外。然后VS是正确的。

  2. By tracking the instantiation process : Say a correct compiler instantiates the struct as so (it's just a type substitution - no actual representation of the actual instantiation process is implied)

    通过跟踪实例化过程:假设一个正确的编译器实例化结构(它只是一个类型替换 - 没有暗示实际实例化过程的实际表示)

    struct convert_container
        using type = vector<double>; 

then OP's case seems fairly legit (and gcc/clang are correct)

那么OP的案例似乎相当合法(并且gcc / clang是正确的)


This compiles in VS2013


template <template <class...> class C>
using tt = C<double>;

int main()
    std::cout << typeid(tt<std::vector>).name();

So the arguments of default template parameters being non legal to pass to template template parameters seems more and more shaky.




Consider the similar


template <typename = void, int = 0> struct A { };
template <template <typename ...> class T> struct B : T<> { };
template class B<A>;

This is clearly covered by the standard (14.3.3p3 if you're interested, I won't quote it, as GCC and clang do both implement the rule already), where the use of A as a template argument for B is disallowed because of the non-type template parameter. That rule makes no sense if the instantiation of a template template parameter could make use of the template template argument's default template arguments, so the behaviour of MSVC and Intel is more consistent than that of GCC and clang.


Of course, the reasoning "if this were valid, the standard would have inconsistencies" doesn't actually mean it isn't valid, only that it shouldn't be valid. To actually check what the standard says:


14.1 Template parameters [temp.param]


10 The set of default template-arguments available for use with a template declaration or definition is obtained by merging the default arguments from the definition (if in scope) and all declarations in scope in the same way default function arguments are (8.3.6).


8.3.6 Default arguments [dcl.fct.default]


4 Declarations in different scopes have completely distinct sets of default arguments. That is, declarations in inner scopes do not acquire default arguments from declarations in outer scopes, and vice versa.


Although not specifically intended to address this use of default template arguments, I think it does manage to do so. Nikos Athanasiou has already included the part of the standard that says any default template arguments of C do get used:

虽然不是专门用于解决这种默认模板参数的使用,但我认为它确实设法这样做。 Nikos Athanasiou已经包含了标准的一部分,该标准表示C的任何默认模板参数都会被使用:

14.1 Template parameters [temp.param]


14 A template-parameter of a template template-parameter is permitted to have a default template-argument. When such default arguments are specified, they apply to the template template-parameter in the scope of the template template-parameter.


Since C's default template arguments are used, std::vector's aren't, and MSVC and Intel seem to be correct here.

由于使用了C的默认模板参数,因此std :: vector不是,并且MSVC和Intel似乎在这里是正确的。

And to come up with an example that clearly shows that GCC and clang cannot be considered to conform here:


template <typename = char, typename = short>
struct A { };

template <template <typename = void, typename ...> class T>
struct B {
  using type = T<>;

Both GCC and clang treat B<A>::type as A<void, short>, taking one default template argument from T, and another from A, even though the standard disallows merging of default arguments (and hence default template arguments) in declarations in different scopes.

GCC和clang都将B :: type视为A ,从T获取一个默认模板参数,从A获取另一个,即使标准不允许合并默认参数(以及默认模板参数)不同范围内的声明。 ,short>

A workaround for you, to avoid the need to type out the allocator argument, could be to use a template alias:


template <template <class...> class C>
struct convert_container
  using type = C<double>; 

template <typename T>
using vector_default_alloc = std::vector<T>;

int main()
  std::cout << typeid(convert_container<vector_default_alloc>::type).name();

I cannot test on MSVC right now, but Intel accepts it, and I see no reason why this variant would be invalid.




A (seemingly related) quote from the standard 14.1 Template parameters


14 . A template-parameter of a template template-parameter is permitted to have a default template-argument. When such default arguments are specified, they apply to the template template-parameter in the scope of the template template-parameter.


[ Example:

template <class T = float> struct B {};

template <template <class TT = float> class T> struct A {

inline void f();

inline void g();

template <template <class TT> class T> void A<T>::f() { // (*)
T<> t; // error - TT has no default template argument

template <template <class TT = char> class T> void A<T>::g() {
T<> t; // OK - T<char>

— end example ]

- 结束例子]

This is the only verse posing limitations to the use of default template parameters of template template parameters (verse 9,11,12 pose limitations on the definition/specification)


As stressed in the comments, OP's case does not involve a default parameter in convert_container (so the above does not apply explicitly). IMHO there are two ways of interpreting the situation :


  1. using type = C<double> is a type alias for a class template; that class "loses" the right to use default template parameters, since it's passed as a template template parameter and all default arguments (of that TT parameter) lie outside the scope of the "typedefing". Then VS is correct.

    using type = C 是类模板的类型别名;该类“失去”使用默认模板参数的权利,因为它作为模板模板参数传递,并且所有默认参数(该TT参数)都在“typedefing”的范围之外。然后VS是正确的。

  2. By tracking the instantiation process : Say a correct compiler instantiates the struct as so (it's just a type substitution - no actual representation of the actual instantiation process is implied)

    通过跟踪实例化过程:假设一个正确的编译器实例化结构(它只是一个类型替换 - 没有暗示实际实例化过程的实际表示)

    struct convert_container
        using type = vector<double>; 

then OP's case seems fairly legit (and gcc/clang are correct)

那么OP的案例似乎相当合法(并且gcc / clang是正确的)


This compiles in VS2013


template <template <class...> class C>
using tt = C<double>;

int main()
    std::cout << typeid(tt<std::vector>).name();

So the arguments of default template parameters being non legal to pass to template template parameters seems more and more shaky.
