如何使用findBy魔术查找函数WITH $ fields可选参数?

时间:2022-03-04 11:17:37

Was considering utilizing the magic findBy functions on a model today and encountered an issue when attempting to set optional parameters for the function. Here is what I tried.


$result = $this->findById($id['Alpha.name']);

So to explain, I'm attempting to find a record with a specific id and only return the value of the name field. According to the documentation, there is a way to do this.


The findBy magic functions also accept some optional parameters: findBy<fieldName>(string $value[, mixed $fields[, mixed $order]]);

findBy魔术函数也接受一些可选参数:findBy (string $ value [,mixed $ fields [,mixed $ order]]);

CakePHP 1.3 Book :: findBy

CakePHP 1.3 Book :: findBy

When I do a simple findBy($id) I do get a result set. But with parameters, I get nothing. I know there are other ways to do this but was just curious if anyone has had any success using these magic functions with additional parameters?

当我做一个简单的findBy($ id)时,我得到一个结果集。但有了参数,我什么都没得到。我知道还有其他方法可以做到这一点,但只是好奇,如果有人使用这些神奇功能与其他参数取得任何成功?

1 个解决方案



try this:


$result = $this->findById($id, array('Alpha.name'));

where $id is an id of record you're searching for and Alpha.name is a field you need (e.g. name from model Alpha)

其中$ id是您要搜索的记录的ID,Alpha.name是您需要的字段(例如,来自模型Alpha的名称)



try this:


$result = $this->findById($id, array('Alpha.name'));

where $id is an id of record you're searching for and Alpha.name is a field you need (e.g. name from model Alpha)

其中$ id是您要搜索的记录的ID,Alpha.name是您需要的字段(例如,来自模型Alpha的名称)