
时间:2021-10-03 10:50:40

Suppose I have an existing assembly, and some of the classes have overloaded methods, with default behavior or values assumed for some of those overloads. I think this is a pretty typical pattern;


Type2 _defaultValueForParam2 = foo;
Type3 _defaultValueForParam3 = bar;

public ReturnType TheMethod(Type1 param1)
   return TheMethod(param1, _defaultValueForParam2);
public ReturnType TheMethod(Type1 param1, Type2 param2)
   return TheMethod(param1, param2, _defaultValueForParam3);
public ReturnType TheMethod(Type1 param1, Type2 param2, Type3 param3)
   // actually implement the method here. 

And I understand that optional params in C# is supposed to let me consolidated that down to a single method. If I produce a method with some params marked optional, will it work with downlevel callers of the assembly?


EDIT: By "work" I mean, a downlevel caller, an app compiled with the C# 2.0 or 3.5 compiler, will be able to invoke the method with one, two or three params, just as if I had used overloads, and the downlevel compiler won't complain.


I do want to refactor and eliminate all the overloads in my library, but I don't want to force the downlevel callers using the refactored library to provide every parameter.


3 个解决方案


I haven't read the docs on the new language standard, but I would assume that your pre-4.0 callers will have to pass all declared parameters, just as they do now. This is because of the way parameter-passing works.


When you call a method, the arguments are pushed onto the stack. If three 32-bit arguments are passed, then 12 bytes will be pushed onto the stack; if four 32-bit arguments are passed, then 16 bytes will be pushed onto the stack. The number of bytes pushed onto the stack is implicit in the call: the callee assumes that the correct number of arguments was passed.


So if a function takes four 32-bit parameters, it will look on the stack at the 16 bytes preceding the return address of the caller. If the caller has passed only 12 bytes, then the callee will read 4 bytes of whatever was already on the stack before the call was made. It has no way of knowing that all 16 expected bytes was not passed.


This is the way it works now. There's no changing that for existing compilers.


To support optional parameters, one of two things has to happen:


  1. The caller can pass an additional value that explicitly tells the callee how many arguments (or bytes) were pushed onto the stack. The callee can then fill in the default values for any omitted parameters.
  2. 调用者可以传递一个额外的值,该值明确告诉被调用者将多少个参数(或字节)压入堆栈。然后被调用者可以填写任何省略的参数的默认值。

  3. The caller can continue passing all declared parameters, substituting default values (which would be read from the callee's metadata) for any optional parameters omitted in the code. The callee then reads all parameter values from the stack, just as it does now.
  4. 调用者可以继续传递所有声明的参数,用代码中省略的任何可选参数替换默认值(可以从被调用者的元数据中读取)。然后被调用者从堆栈中读取所有参数值,就像现在一样。

I suspect that it will be implemented as in (2) above. This is similar to how it's done in C++ (although C++, lacking metadata, requires that the default parameters be specified in the header file), is more efficient that option (1), as it is all done at compile time and doesn't require an additional value to pushed onto the stack, and is the most straightforward implementation. The drawback to option (2) is that, if the default values change, all callers must be recompiled, or else they will continue to pass the old defaults, since they've been compiled in as constants. This is similar to the way public constants work now. Note that option (1) does not suffer this drawback.

我怀疑它将按照上面的(2)实施。这类似于在C ++中完成的操作(尽管C ++,缺少元数据,要求在头文件中指定默认参数),比选项(1)更有效,因为它全部在编译时完成而不是需要一个额外的值来推入堆栈,这是最直接的实现。选项(2)的缺点是,如果默认值发生变化,则必须重新编译所有调用者,否则它们将继续传递旧的默认值,因为它们已作为常量编译。这类似于现在公共常量的工作方式。注意,选项(1)没有这个缺点。

Option (1) also does not support named parameter passing, whereby given a function declared like this:


static void Foo(int a, int b = 0, int c = 0){}

it can be called like this:


Foo(1, c: 2);

Option (1) could be modified to allow for this, by making the extra hidden value a bitmap of omitted arguments, where each bit represents one optional parameter. This arbitrarily limits the number of optional parameters a function can accept, although given that this limitation would be at least 32, that may not be such a bad thing. It does make it exceedingly unlikely that this is the actual implementation, however.


Given either implementation, the calling code must understand the mechanics of optional parameters in order to omit any arguments in the call. Additionally, with option (1), an extra hidden parameter must be passed, which older compilers would not even know about, unless it was added as a formal parameter in the metadata.



In c# 4.0, when an optional parameter is omitted, a default value for that parameter is substituted, to wit:


public void SendMail(string toAddress, string bodyText, bool ccAdministrator = true, bool isBodyHtml = false)
    // Full implementation here   

For your downlevel callers, this means that if they use one of the variants that is missing parameters, c# will substitute the default value you have provided for the missing parameter. This article explains the process in greater detail.


Your existing downlevel calls should all still work, but you will have to recompile your clients in c# 4.0.



Well, I think that if you replace all 3 methods by a single method with optional parameters, the code that uses your library will still work, but will need to be recompiled.



I haven't read the docs on the new language standard, but I would assume that your pre-4.0 callers will have to pass all declared parameters, just as they do now. This is because of the way parameter-passing works.


When you call a method, the arguments are pushed onto the stack. If three 32-bit arguments are passed, then 12 bytes will be pushed onto the stack; if four 32-bit arguments are passed, then 16 bytes will be pushed onto the stack. The number of bytes pushed onto the stack is implicit in the call: the callee assumes that the correct number of arguments was passed.


So if a function takes four 32-bit parameters, it will look on the stack at the 16 bytes preceding the return address of the caller. If the caller has passed only 12 bytes, then the callee will read 4 bytes of whatever was already on the stack before the call was made. It has no way of knowing that all 16 expected bytes was not passed.


This is the way it works now. There's no changing that for existing compilers.


To support optional parameters, one of two things has to happen:


  1. The caller can pass an additional value that explicitly tells the callee how many arguments (or bytes) were pushed onto the stack. The callee can then fill in the default values for any omitted parameters.
  2. 调用者可以传递一个额外的值,该值明确告诉被调用者将多少个参数(或字节)压入堆栈。然后被调用者可以填写任何省略的参数的默认值。

  3. The caller can continue passing all declared parameters, substituting default values (which would be read from the callee's metadata) for any optional parameters omitted in the code. The callee then reads all parameter values from the stack, just as it does now.
  4. 调用者可以继续传递所有声明的参数,用代码中省略的任何可选参数替换默认值(可以从被调用者的元数据中读取)。然后被调用者从堆栈中读取所有参数值,就像现在一样。

I suspect that it will be implemented as in (2) above. This is similar to how it's done in C++ (although C++, lacking metadata, requires that the default parameters be specified in the header file), is more efficient that option (1), as it is all done at compile time and doesn't require an additional value to pushed onto the stack, and is the most straightforward implementation. The drawback to option (2) is that, if the default values change, all callers must be recompiled, or else they will continue to pass the old defaults, since they've been compiled in as constants. This is similar to the way public constants work now. Note that option (1) does not suffer this drawback.

我怀疑它将按照上面的(2)实施。这类似于在C ++中完成的操作(尽管C ++,缺少元数据,要求在头文件中指定默认参数),比选项(1)更有效,因为它全部在编译时完成而不是需要一个额外的值来推入堆栈,这是最直接的实现。选项(2)的缺点是,如果默认值发生变化,则必须重新编译所有调用者,否则它们将继续传递旧的默认值,因为它们已作为常量编译。这类似于现在公共常量的工作方式。注意,选项(1)没有这个缺点。

Option (1) also does not support named parameter passing, whereby given a function declared like this:


static void Foo(int a, int b = 0, int c = 0){}

it can be called like this:


Foo(1, c: 2);

Option (1) could be modified to allow for this, by making the extra hidden value a bitmap of omitted arguments, where each bit represents one optional parameter. This arbitrarily limits the number of optional parameters a function can accept, although given that this limitation would be at least 32, that may not be such a bad thing. It does make it exceedingly unlikely that this is the actual implementation, however.


Given either implementation, the calling code must understand the mechanics of optional parameters in order to omit any arguments in the call. Additionally, with option (1), an extra hidden parameter must be passed, which older compilers would not even know about, unless it was added as a formal parameter in the metadata.



In c# 4.0, when an optional parameter is omitted, a default value for that parameter is substituted, to wit:


public void SendMail(string toAddress, string bodyText, bool ccAdministrator = true, bool isBodyHtml = false)
    // Full implementation here   

For your downlevel callers, this means that if they use one of the variants that is missing parameters, c# will substitute the default value you have provided for the missing parameter. This article explains the process in greater detail.


Your existing downlevel calls should all still work, but you will have to recompile your clients in c# 4.0.



Well, I think that if you replace all 3 methods by a single method with optional parameters, the code that uses your library will still work, but will need to be recompiled.
