
时间:2021-04-22 10:20:11

How can I get DateTime value in C# from row, the current code is giving me error any help is appreciated, the data is coming in from progress database:


foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
    string prodCode = r["PRD-CDE"].ToString();
    statCode = r["STAT"].ToString();
    DateTime firstIssueDate = (DateTime)(r["FISS"]); 
    DateTime endIssueDate = (DateTime)(r["EISS"]);
    if(endIssueDate > DateTime.Now)
    { /*do some thing...*/}
    else {/*user invalid...*/}

there are two ways used in getting date convert and pars, thank you all for the help


Final working Code snippet:


foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                string prodCode = r["PRD-CDE"].ToString(),statCode = r["STAT"].ToString();
               // r.<DateTime?>("FISS");
                if (r["FISS"] != DBNull.Value)
                    DateTime firstIssueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(r["FISS"]);
                    if (r["EISS"] != DBNull.Value)
                        DateTime endIssueDate = DateTime.Parse(r["EISS"].ToString());
                        if (endIssueDate > DateTime.Now)

8 个解决方案


This is just a guess but if the corresponding type in the database is DateTime, could you check if the column is nullable?


If so you may want to do a check r["column"] == DBNull.Value and then pass it to a nullable DateTime? Field.

如果是这样,你可能想检查r [“column”] == DBNull.Value然后将它传递给可以为空的DateTime?领域。

Or even easier:



If it isn't then yeah, Convert.ToDateTime() or something else should do it.



I see your final code there but is there any chance you want to do this:


DateTime? firstIssueDate = r.Field<DateTime?>("fiss"); 
DateTime? endIssueDate = r.Field<DateTime?>("eiss"); 

if (firstIssueDate.HasValue && endIssueDate.HasValue) 
    firstIssueDate.Value // blah blah 
    endIssueDate.Value // blah blah 


I would recommend using DateTime.Parse() if the row is returning a string for that index.


 string prodCode = r["PRD-CDE"].ToString(),statCode = r["STAT"].ToString();
 DateTime firstIssueDate = DateTime.Parse(r["FISS"].ToString());
 DateTime endIssueDate = DateTime.Parse(r["EISS"].ToString());

You could also use TryParse depending on your needs.



If you want to use a default value (such as DateTime.MinValue), rather than null (DateTime?) or DBNull, you could do this:


var firstIssueDate = r["FISS"] as DateTime? ?? DateTime.MinValue;
var endIssueDate = r["EISS"] as DateTime? ?? DateTime.MinValue;


foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
    string prodCode = r["PRD-CDE"].ToString();
    string statCode = r["STAT"].ToString();
    DateTime firstIssueDate = DateTime.Parse((r["FISS"]).ToString()); 
    DateTime endIssueDate = DateTime.Parse((r["EISS"]).ToString());
    if(endIssueDate > DateTime.Now)
    { /*do some thing...*/}
    else {/*user invalid...*/}

This should compile and may work for you. Though it is certainly not performing any error checking that you should do for production code. Also look into DateTime.TryParse and you may to look into adding a IFormatProvider to ensure the format is parsed as expected.



First of all, do r["FISS"].GetType() and print it to console (or pause and look at it in the debugger). If it says it's a String, then most of the above advices will help. If it says something else, please come back and update your question.

首先,执行r [“FISS”]。GetType()并将其打印到控制台(或暂停并在调试器中查看)。如果它说它是一个字符串,那么上述大多数建议都会有所帮助。如果它说了别的话,请回来更新你的问题。


As a side answer, you could use also the static function Convert.ToDateTime



DateTime.Parse(r["FISS"].ToString()) is the way to go, but it throws a "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime" error. Could you show the actual string in the r["FISS"] column, it might be a internationalisation problem....

DateTime.Parse(r [“FISS”]。ToString())是要走的路,但它会抛出“字符串未被识别为有效的DateTime”错误。你能在r [“FISS”]栏中显示实际的字符串,这可能是一个国际化问题....


If you have a DateTime string with a special format (not any standard .NET DateTime format) that needs to be converted to .NET DateTime type, you can use DateTime.ParseExact() method.

如果您具有需要转换为.NET DateTime类型的特殊格式(不是任何标准.NET DateTime格式)的DateTime字符串,则可以使用DateTime.ParseExact()方法。

Please see the MSDN document for more details including examples.


If you have multiple formats to parse, try DateTime.ParseExact Method (String, String[], IFormatProvider, DateTimeStyles)

如果要解析多种格式,请尝试DateTime.ParseExact Method(String,String [],IFormatProvider,DateTimeStyles)


This is just a guess but if the corresponding type in the database is DateTime, could you check if the column is nullable?


If so you may want to do a check r["column"] == DBNull.Value and then pass it to a nullable DateTime? Field.

如果是这样,你可能想检查r [“column”] == DBNull.Value然后将它传递给可以为空的DateTime?领域。

Or even easier:



If it isn't then yeah, Convert.ToDateTime() or something else should do it.



I see your final code there but is there any chance you want to do this:


DateTime? firstIssueDate = r.Field<DateTime?>("fiss"); 
DateTime? endIssueDate = r.Field<DateTime?>("eiss"); 

if (firstIssueDate.HasValue && endIssueDate.HasValue) 
    firstIssueDate.Value // blah blah 
    endIssueDate.Value // blah blah 


I would recommend using DateTime.Parse() if the row is returning a string for that index.


 string prodCode = r["PRD-CDE"].ToString(),statCode = r["STAT"].ToString();
 DateTime firstIssueDate = DateTime.Parse(r["FISS"].ToString());
 DateTime endIssueDate = DateTime.Parse(r["EISS"].ToString());

You could also use TryParse depending on your needs.



If you want to use a default value (such as DateTime.MinValue), rather than null (DateTime?) or DBNull, you could do this:


var firstIssueDate = r["FISS"] as DateTime? ?? DateTime.MinValue;
var endIssueDate = r["EISS"] as DateTime? ?? DateTime.MinValue;


foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
    string prodCode = r["PRD-CDE"].ToString();
    string statCode = r["STAT"].ToString();
    DateTime firstIssueDate = DateTime.Parse((r["FISS"]).ToString()); 
    DateTime endIssueDate = DateTime.Parse((r["EISS"]).ToString());
    if(endIssueDate > DateTime.Now)
    { /*do some thing...*/}
    else {/*user invalid...*/}

This should compile and may work for you. Though it is certainly not performing any error checking that you should do for production code. Also look into DateTime.TryParse and you may to look into adding a IFormatProvider to ensure the format is parsed as expected.



First of all, do r["FISS"].GetType() and print it to console (or pause and look at it in the debugger). If it says it's a String, then most of the above advices will help. If it says something else, please come back and update your question.

首先,执行r [“FISS”]。GetType()并将其打印到控制台(或暂停并在调试器中查看)。如果它说它是一个字符串,那么上述大多数建议都会有所帮助。如果它说了别的话,请回来更新你的问题。


As a side answer, you could use also the static function Convert.ToDateTime



DateTime.Parse(r["FISS"].ToString()) is the way to go, but it throws a "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime" error. Could you show the actual string in the r["FISS"] column, it might be a internationalisation problem....

DateTime.Parse(r [“FISS”]。ToString())是要走的路,但它会抛出“字符串未被识别为有效的DateTime”错误。你能在r [“FISS”]栏中显示实际的字符串,这可能是一个国际化问题....


If you have a DateTime string with a special format (not any standard .NET DateTime format) that needs to be converted to .NET DateTime type, you can use DateTime.ParseExact() method.

如果您具有需要转换为.NET DateTime类型的特殊格式(不是任何标准.NET DateTime格式)的DateTime字符串,则可以使用DateTime.ParseExact()方法。

Please see the MSDN document for more details including examples.


If you have multiple formats to parse, try DateTime.ParseExact Method (String, String[], IFormatProvider, DateTimeStyles)

如果要解析多种格式,请尝试DateTime.ParseExact Method(String,String [],IFormatProvider,DateTimeStyles)