将SSIS添加到现有SQL Server实例

时间:2020-12-26 10:20:15

I am trying to add Integration Services an existing SQL Server 2008 instance.

我正在尝试将Integration Services添加到现有的SQL Server 2008实例中。

I went to the SQL Server Installation Center and clicked the option to "New installation or add features to an existing installation." At this point, a file system window pops up. I am asked to browse for SQL Server 2008 R2 Installation Media.

我转到SQL Server安装中心,然后单击“新安装或向现有安装添加功能”选项。此时,弹出一个文件系统窗口。我被要求浏览SQL Server 2008 R2安装媒体。

I tried C:Program Files\MicrosoftSQLServer but got the error message that it was not accepted as a "valid installation folder." I went deeper into the MicrosoftSQLServer folder and found \SetupBootstrap but this was not accepted either. It appears that the only way to proceed is to find the Installation Media Folder but I'm not exactly sure what it's asking for.

我尝试了C:Program Files \ MicrosoftSQLServer,但收到的错误消息是它不被接受为“有效的安装文件夹”。我深入了解了MicrosoftSQLServer文件夹并找到了\ SetupBootstrap,但这也未被接受。似乎唯一的方法是找到安装媒体文件夹,但我不确定它的要求是什么。

How can I find the Installation Media folder? Alternatively, other methods for adding SSIS to an existing instance of SQL Server 2008 are welcome.

如何找到Installation Media文件夹?或者,欢迎使用其他方法将SSIS添加到现有的SQL Server 2008实例中。



5 个解决方案



To add features to an existing instance go to:


  1. Control Panel -> Add remove programs

    控制面板 - >添加删除程序

  2. Click the SQL Server instance you want to add features to and click Change. Click the Add button in the dialog

    单击要添加功能的SQL Server实例,然后单击“更改”。单击对话框中的“添加”按钮

  3. Browse to the SQL Server installation file (.exe file), and select the Add features to an existing instance of SQL Server option.

    浏览到SQL Server安装文件(.exe文件),然后选择“向现有SQL Server实例添加功能”选项。

  4. From the features list select the Integration Services and finish the installation.

    从功能列表中选择Integration Services并完成安装。

Find more detailed information you can find here: How to: Add Integration Services to an Existing Instance of SQL Server 2005 it applies to SQL Server 2008 also

在此处可以找到更多详细信息:如何:将Integration Services添加到SQL Server 2005的现有实例,它也适用于SQL Server 2008

Hope this helps




If you've downloaded SQL from the Microsoft site, rename the file to a zip file and then you can extract the files inside to a folder, then choose that one when you "Browse for SQL server Installation Media"

如果您已从Microsoft站点下载SQL,请将该文件重命名为zip文件,然后您可以将文件内部解压缩到文件夹,然后在“浏览SQL Server安装介质”时选择该文件。


7zip will open it (standard Windows zip doesn't work though)

Extract to something like C:\SQLInstallMedia

You will get folders like 1033_enu_lp, resources, x64 and a bunch of files.

Idea from this article: SQL Server Installation - What is the Installation Media Folder?

本文的想法:SQL Server安装 - 什么是安装媒体文件夹?



How did you originally install SQL Server 2008 (DVD or download)? That's what the program is asking for. If DVD, pop the DVD in the player, then browse to there. If downloaded, you'll need to extract the files into a folder, then browse to that folder.

你是如何安装SQL Server 2008(DVD或下载)的?这就是该计划所要求的。如果是DVD,请在播放器中弹出DVD,然后浏览到那里。如果已下载,则需要将文件解压缩到一个文件夹中,然后浏览到该文件夹​​。



It appears like it looks for a file. But It can take folder. Just go to the folder where SQL Server is stored. Click on the folder name itself, And click OK. It will take it. And you are done!

它看起来像是在查找文件。但它可以采取文件夹。只需转到存储SQL Server的文件夹即可。单击文件夹名称本身,然后单击“确定”。它需要它。你完成了!



You can do it simply like this:


1.) Download the SQL Server installation package (e.g. SQLEXPADV_etc.exe)

1.)下载SQL Server安装包(例如SQLEXPADV_etc.exe)

2.) Run the installation (only up until it's done extracting the files and shows you the Planning/Install/Maintenance/etc menu). Now leave the installer alone

2.)运行安装(直到完成解压缩文件并显示Planning / Install / Maintenance / etc菜单)。现在单独留下安装程序

3.) Open explorer, browser to C:\, look for the the latest created folder (will be something like this C:\fae78db1ec127d051abf56)

3.)打开资源管理器,浏览器到C:\,查找最新创建的文件夹(将是这样的C:\ fae78db1ec127d051abf56)

4.) All your SQL install files are in there, you can point the Add/Remove Components dialog at this folder.




To add features to an existing instance go to:


  1. Control Panel -> Add remove programs

    控制面板 - >添加删除程序

  2. Click the SQL Server instance you want to add features to and click Change. Click the Add button in the dialog

    单击要添加功能的SQL Server实例,然后单击“更改”。单击对话框中的“添加”按钮

  3. Browse to the SQL Server installation file (.exe file), and select the Add features to an existing instance of SQL Server option.

    浏览到SQL Server安装文件(.exe文件),然后选择“向现有SQL Server实例添加功能”选项。

  4. From the features list select the Integration Services and finish the installation.

    从功能列表中选择Integration Services并完成安装。

Find more detailed information you can find here: How to: Add Integration Services to an Existing Instance of SQL Server 2005 it applies to SQL Server 2008 also

在此处可以找到更多详细信息:如何:将Integration Services添加到SQL Server 2005的现有实例,它也适用于SQL Server 2008

Hope this helps




If you've downloaded SQL from the Microsoft site, rename the file to a zip file and then you can extract the files inside to a folder, then choose that one when you "Browse for SQL server Installation Media"

如果您已从Microsoft站点下载SQL,请将该文件重命名为zip文件,然后您可以将文件内部解压缩到文件夹,然后在“浏览SQL Server安装介质”时选择该文件。


7zip will open it (standard Windows zip doesn't work though)

Extract to something like C:\SQLInstallMedia

You will get folders like 1033_enu_lp, resources, x64 and a bunch of files.

Idea from this article: SQL Server Installation - What is the Installation Media Folder?

本文的想法:SQL Server安装 - 什么是安装媒体文件夹?



How did you originally install SQL Server 2008 (DVD or download)? That's what the program is asking for. If DVD, pop the DVD in the player, then browse to there. If downloaded, you'll need to extract the files into a folder, then browse to that folder.

你是如何安装SQL Server 2008(DVD或下载)的?这就是该计划所要求的。如果是DVD,请在播放器中弹出DVD,然后浏览到那里。如果已下载,则需要将文件解压缩到一个文件夹中,然后浏览到该文件夹​​。



It appears like it looks for a file. But It can take folder. Just go to the folder where SQL Server is stored. Click on the folder name itself, And click OK. It will take it. And you are done!

它看起来像是在查找文件。但它可以采取文件夹。只需转到存储SQL Server的文件夹即可。单击文件夹名称本身,然后单击“确定”。它需要它。你完成了!



You can do it simply like this:


1.) Download the SQL Server installation package (e.g. SQLEXPADV_etc.exe)

1.)下载SQL Server安装包(例如SQLEXPADV_etc.exe)

2.) Run the installation (only up until it's done extracting the files and shows you the Planning/Install/Maintenance/etc menu). Now leave the installer alone

2.)运行安装(直到完成解压缩文件并显示Planning / Install / Maintenance / etc菜单)。现在单独留下安装程序

3.) Open explorer, browser to C:\, look for the the latest created folder (will be something like this C:\fae78db1ec127d051abf56)

3.)打开资源管理器,浏览器到C:\,查找最新创建的文件夹(将是这样的C:\ fae78db1ec127d051abf56)

4.) All your SQL install files are in there, you can point the Add/Remove Components dialog at this folder.
