SQL Server,将命名实例转换为默认实例?

时间:2022-12-27 10:21:21

I need to convert a named instance of SQL server 2005, to a default instance.

我需要将SQL server 2005的命名实例转换为默认实例。

Is there a way to do this without a reinstall?


The problem is, 2 out of 6 of the developers, installed with a named instance. So its becoming a pain changing connection strings for the other 4 of us. I am looking for the path of least resistance to getting these 2 back on to our teams standard setup.


Each has expressed that this is going to be, too much trouble and that it will take away from their development time. I assumed that it would take some time to resolve, in the best interest of all involved, I tried combing through configuration apps installed and didn't see anything, so I figured someone with more knowledge of the inner workings would be here.


7 个解决方案



As far as I know, no. One reason is the folder structure on the hard drive; they will have a name like MSSQL10.[instancename]




I also wanted to convert a named instance to default - my reason was to access it with just the machine name from various applications.


If you want to access a named instance from any connection string without using the instance name, and using only the server name and/or IP address, then you can do the following:


  • Open SQL Server Configuration Manager
  • 打开SQL Server配置管理器
  • Click SQL Server Network Configuration
  • 单击SQL Server网络配置
  • Click Protocols for INSTANCENAME you want to make available (i.e. SQLExpress)
  • 单击要提供的实例名的协议(例如,SQLExpress)
  • Right-click TCP/IP and click Enabled
  • 右键单击TCP/IP并单击启用。
  • Right-click TCP/IP and go to Properties
    • Go to the IP Addresses tab
    • 转到IP地址选项卡。
    • Scroll down to the IPAll section
    • 向下滚动到IPAll部分。
    • Clear the field TCP Dynamic Ports (i.e. empty/blank)
    • 清除字段TCP动态端口(即空/空)
    • Set TCP Port to 1433
    • 将TCP端口设置为1433
    • Click Ok
    • 单击Ok
  • 右键单击TCP/IP,转到属性转到IP地址选项卡向下滚动到IPAll部分,清除字段TCP动态端口(即空/空),将TCP端口设置为1433,单击Ok
  • Go to SQL Server Services
  • 转到SQL Server服务
  • Right-click your SQL Server (INSTANCENAME) and click Restart
  • 右键单击SQL Server (INSTANCENAME)并单击Restart

SQL Server,将命名实例转换为默认实例?

This will make the named instance listen on the default port. Note : You can have only one instance configured like this - no two instances can have same port on the IP All section unless the instance is a failover cluster.

这将使命名实例侦听缺省端口。注意:您只能有一个这样配置的实例——没有两个实例可以在IP All部分上有相同的端口,除非该实例是一个故障转移集群。



This is why a lot of companies store their applications' connection strings at the machine level instead of the application level.


Just take the connection string out of the source code entirely. Then have everyone put their connection string in their machine.config.


This has the added benefit of avoiding unnecessary app-specific environment logic, i.e. when you copy your application to the staging server, the staging server already "knows" what database to use.




The only way to change the instance name is to re-install - uninstall and install as default instance.




A lot of times I'll use client alias to point an application at a different sql server than the ones it's connection string is for, esp. handy when working on DTS or an application with a hard coded connection string. Have everybody use a commonly named alias, use the alias in the connection string and point the alias’s on each dev box to the to the different instances. That way you won't have to worry about if the server is the default instance or not.




You shouldn't ever really need to do this. Most software that claims to require the default instance (like Great Plains or Dynamics) doesn't actually.

你不应该真的需要这么做。大多数声称需要默认实例(如Great Plains或Dynamics)的软件实际上并不需要。

If you repost with your situation (installed X, then Y, but need to accomplish Z) I bet you'll get some good workarounds.




I think you can migrate your data from Sql Server without having default instance installed. You can just specify the port number of your Sql Server instance in Oracle Sql Developer and you can connect just using the server name, not using the server name and the instance. Like this: connect to "MYSERVER, 1433"

我认为您可以从Sql Server迁移数据,而无需安装默认实例。您可以在Oracle Sql Developer中指定Sql Server实例的端口号,您可以只使用服务器名进行连接,而不使用服务器名和实例。像这样:连接到“MYSERVER, 1433”



As far as I know, no. One reason is the folder structure on the hard drive; they will have a name like MSSQL10.[instancename]




I also wanted to convert a named instance to default - my reason was to access it with just the machine name from various applications.


If you want to access a named instance from any connection string without using the instance name, and using only the server name and/or IP address, then you can do the following:


  • Open SQL Server Configuration Manager
  • 打开SQL Server配置管理器
  • Click SQL Server Network Configuration
  • 单击SQL Server网络配置
  • Click Protocols for INSTANCENAME you want to make available (i.e. SQLExpress)
  • 单击要提供的实例名的协议(例如,SQLExpress)
  • Right-click TCP/IP and click Enabled
  • 右键单击TCP/IP并单击启用。
  • Right-click TCP/IP and go to Properties
    • Go to the IP Addresses tab
    • 转到IP地址选项卡。
    • Scroll down to the IPAll section
    • 向下滚动到IPAll部分。
    • Clear the field TCP Dynamic Ports (i.e. empty/blank)
    • 清除字段TCP动态端口(即空/空)
    • Set TCP Port to 1433
    • 将TCP端口设置为1433
    • Click Ok
    • 单击Ok
  • 右键单击TCP/IP,转到属性转到IP地址选项卡向下滚动到IPAll部分,清除字段TCP动态端口(即空/空),将TCP端口设置为1433,单击Ok
  • Go to SQL Server Services
  • 转到SQL Server服务
  • Right-click your SQL Server (INSTANCENAME) and click Restart
  • 右键单击SQL Server (INSTANCENAME)并单击Restart

SQL Server,将命名实例转换为默认实例?

This will make the named instance listen on the default port. Note : You can have only one instance configured like this - no two instances can have same port on the IP All section unless the instance is a failover cluster.

这将使命名实例侦听缺省端口。注意:您只能有一个这样配置的实例——没有两个实例可以在IP All部分上有相同的端口,除非该实例是一个故障转移集群。



This is why a lot of companies store their applications' connection strings at the machine level instead of the application level.


Just take the connection string out of the source code entirely. Then have everyone put their connection string in their machine.config.


This has the added benefit of avoiding unnecessary app-specific environment logic, i.e. when you copy your application to the staging server, the staging server already "knows" what database to use.




The only way to change the instance name is to re-install - uninstall and install as default instance.




A lot of times I'll use client alias to point an application at a different sql server than the ones it's connection string is for, esp. handy when working on DTS or an application with a hard coded connection string. Have everybody use a commonly named alias, use the alias in the connection string and point the alias’s on each dev box to the to the different instances. That way you won't have to worry about if the server is the default instance or not.




You shouldn't ever really need to do this. Most software that claims to require the default instance (like Great Plains or Dynamics) doesn't actually.

你不应该真的需要这么做。大多数声称需要默认实例(如Great Plains或Dynamics)的软件实际上并不需要。

If you repost with your situation (installed X, then Y, but need to accomplish Z) I bet you'll get some good workarounds.




I think you can migrate your data from Sql Server without having default instance installed. You can just specify the port number of your Sql Server instance in Oracle Sql Developer and you can connect just using the server name, not using the server name and the instance. Like this: connect to "MYSERVER, 1433"

我认为您可以从Sql Server迁移数据,而无需安装默认实例。您可以在Oracle Sql Developer中指定Sql Server实例的端口号,您可以只使用服务器名进行连接,而不使用服务器名和实例。像这样:连接到“MYSERVER, 1433”