如何确定SQL Server是使用默认实例还是命名实例安装的?

时间:2022-09-03 09:03:17

I have a requirement where I need to find out whether SQL is installed with default instance or named instance.


Can someone please help me here how to find it?


Thanks in advance, Sasikumar.


1 个解决方案



Go to Start > All programs > SQL Server xxxx > Configuration Tools > Configuration Manager and have a look:

转到开始>所有程序> SQL Server xxxx>配置工具>配置管理器,看看:

如何确定SQL Server是使用默认实例还是命名实例安装的?

If the entry SQL Server has (MSSQLSERVER) after it --> it's the (unnamed) default instance.

如果SQL Server后面的条目(MSSQLSERVER) - >它是(未命名的)默认实例。

Otherwise, you'll find the instance name in brackets after the SQL Server

否则,您将在SQL Server后面的括号中找到实例名称



Go to Start > All programs > SQL Server xxxx > Configuration Tools > Configuration Manager and have a look:

转到开始>所有程序> SQL Server xxxx>配置工具>配置管理器,看看:

如何确定SQL Server是使用默认实例还是命名实例安装的?

If the entry SQL Server has (MSSQLSERVER) after it --> it's the (unnamed) default instance.

如果SQL Server后面的条目(MSSQLSERVER) - >它是(未命名的)默认实例。

Otherwise, you'll find the instance name in brackets after the SQL Server

否则,您将在SQL Server后面的括号中找到实例名称