
时间:2022-10-23 10:21:23

I'm using Excel to translate data from one system which outputs .csv files to another which can read in .xls files. One column is sizes, which frequently includes terms like 4-6, 6-8, etc. When the csv is opened in Excel, these are automatically(?) converted to dates (6-Apr, 8-Jun, etc.) I can use .NumberFormat = "m-d" to get the data to *look like it should, but of course it's still a date value, and any operations I try to perform with it convert back to date. Is there any way to convert it to text in exactly that format? If I declare the .NumberFormat as "@", it just changes the value to a serial. I use the size, along with several other columns to create one long product ID code for inventory purposes.... when the size changes to a date value, I end up missing some of the data.

我正在使用Excel将数据从一个输出.csv文件的系统转换为另一个可以读入.xls文件的系统。一列是大小,通常包括4-6,6-8等术语。当在Excel中打开csv时,它们会自动(?)转换为日期(6月4日,8月6日等)I可以使用.NumberFormat =“md”来获取数据*看起来应该如此,但当然它仍然是一个日期值,我尝试用它执行的任何操作都会转换回日期。有没有办法将其转换为完全相同格式的文本?如果我将.NumberFormat声明为“@”,它只是将值更改为序列。我使用大小以及其他几个列来创建一个长的产品ID代码用于库存目的....当大小更改为日期值时,我最终错过了一些数据。

1 个解决方案



I found a solution to this problem that runs entirely from VBA - i.e., doesn't depend on special import conditions. I would appreciate any pointers or recommendations, especially if this has the potential to create unforeseen errors:

我找到了完全从VBA运行的这个问题的解决方案 - 即,不依赖于特殊的导入条件。我会很感激任何指针或建议,特别是如果这有可能产生无法预料的错误:

Dim Size as String
For i = 2 To LastRow
    If IsDate(Range("H" & i).Value) Then
        Size = Month(Range("H" & i)) & "-" & Day(Range("H" & i))
        Range("H" & i).NumberFormat = "@"
        Range("H" & i) = Size
    End If
Next i

The column I'm testing includes size values that are string (XL, SM, 12T, etc), along with values that get converted to dates (4-6, 6-8). This seems to convert it back to a string value, and then properly treats it as a string value on all future uses (concatenations and logical tests)




I found a solution to this problem that runs entirely from VBA - i.e., doesn't depend on special import conditions. I would appreciate any pointers or recommendations, especially if this has the potential to create unforeseen errors:

我找到了完全从VBA运行的这个问题的解决方案 - 即,不依赖于特殊的导入条件。我会很感激任何指针或建议,特别是如果这有可能产生无法预料的错误:

Dim Size as String
For i = 2 To LastRow
    If IsDate(Range("H" & i).Value) Then
        Size = Month(Range("H" & i)) & "-" & Day(Range("H" & i))
        Range("H" & i).NumberFormat = "@"
        Range("H" & i) = Size
    End If
Next i

The column I'm testing includes size values that are string (XL, SM, 12T, etc), along with values that get converted to dates (4-6, 6-8). This seems to convert it back to a string value, and then properly treats it as a string value on all future uses (concatenations and logical tests)
