
时间:2021-11-16 09:45:47

We have 3 nodejs web application running on same domain name on same vps with multiple subdomains and implementing passport authentication for each. We wanted single user be able to access all application with single account and for that we have added accounts.example.com as fourth application solely for purpose of account management. The requirement is - once user is authenticated in accounts.example.com, how to enable user to access rest of the three web application with that session.

我们有3个nodejs Web应用程序在相同的域名上运行,具有多个子域,并为每个子域实现护照验证。我们希望单个用户能够使用单个帐户访问所有应用程序,并且我们已将accounts.example.com添加为仅用于帐户管理的第四个应用程序。要求是 - 一旦用户在accounts.example.com中进行了身份验证,如何使用户能够访问该会话的三个Web应用程序的其余部分。

2 个解决方案



you can share your session in redis-server.if you use express,you can try to use connect-redis https://github.com/visionmedia/connect-redis

你可以在redis-server中分享你的会话。如果你使用express,你可以尝试使用connect-redis https://github.com/visionmedia/connect-redis



Try Hands on CanSecurity... It tops the chart for node.js Single sign on.. Hope this proves fruitful https://github.com/deitch/cansecurity

尝试动手CanSecurity ...它在node.js的图表上排名第一单点登录..希望这证明是富有成效的https://github.com/deitch/cansecurity



you can share your session in redis-server.if you use express,you can try to use connect-redis https://github.com/visionmedia/connect-redis

你可以在redis-server中分享你的会话。如果你使用express,你可以尝试使用connect-redis https://github.com/visionmedia/connect-redis



Try Hands on CanSecurity... It tops the chart for node.js Single sign on.. Hope this proves fruitful https://github.com/deitch/cansecurity

尝试动手CanSecurity ...它在node.js的图表上排名第一单点登录..希望这证明是富有成效的https://github.com/deitch/cansecurity