连接SQL Server中的列值

时间:2022-01-05 09:36:12

I want to select two columns (first and last name) from a database, combine them into one, and stick them into a data set to be displayed in a datagrid. I also need to add a space between them for formatting.


My normal SQL statement:


SELECT first_name + ' ' + last_name as userName from Table

My current VB statement:


strSQL = "SELECT first_name + ' ' + last_name as userName from Table"

When I attempt to do this, my application throws the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Add a name or single space as the alias name.

当我尝试这样做时,我的应用程序会抛出以下错误:System.Data.SqlClient。SqlException:对象或列名丢失或为空。对于SELECT INTO语句,请验证每个列都有一个名称。对于其他语句,请查找空别名名称。定义为“”或[]的别名是不允许的。添加一个名称或一个空格作为别名。

EDIT: For those asking about the database and/or if this is the correct query, if I format my VB query as follows:


strSQL = "SELECT first_name + last_name as userName from Table"

I get the proper results, but then the column looks like FirstLast and is very difficult to read.


I'm guessing there's something small I'm missing on how to do this properly within VB. Can anyone advise?


Things I've tried:


strSQL = "Name = TU1.first_name + ' ' + TU1.last_name"

This throws the same error. However...


strSQL = "Name = TU1.first_name + '' + TU1.last_name"

gives me a result of First'Last


1 个解决方案



Use the SPACE() function to rule out quoting inconsistencies when formatting strings in SQL:


strSQL = "SELECT first_name + SPACE(1) + last_name as userName from Table"

That being said, this type of formatting is best left to the presentation, not data layer.




Use the SPACE() function to rule out quoting inconsistencies when formatting strings in SQL:


strSQL = "SELECT first_name + SPACE(1) + last_name as userName from Table"

That being said, this type of formatting is best left to the presentation, not data layer.
