
时间:2021-01-09 09:11:11

I have a data frame with one column and I'd like to split it into two columns, with one column header as 'fips' and the other 'row'


My dataframe df looks like this:


0    00000 UNITED STATES
1    01000 ALABAMA
2    01001 Autauga County, AL
3    01003 Baldwin County, AL
4    01005 Barbour County, AL

I do not know how to use df.row.str[:] to achieve my goal of splitting the row cell. I can use df['fips'] = hello to add a new column and populate it with hello. Any ideas?

我不知道如何使用df.row.str [:]来实现分割行单元格的目标。我可以使用df ['fips'] = hello添加一个新列并用hello填充它。有任何想法吗?

         fips       row
0    00000 UNITED STATES
1    01000 ALABAMA 
2    01001 Autauga County, AL
3    01003 Baldwin County, AL
4    01005 Barbour County, AL

8 个解决方案



There might be a better way, but this here's one approach:


In [34]: import pandas as pd

In [35]: df
0       00000 UNITED STATES
1             01000 ALABAMA
2  01001 Autauga County, AL
3  01003 Baldwin County, AL
4  01005 Barbour County, AL

In [36]: df = pd.DataFrame(df.row.str.split(' ',1).tolist(),
                                   columns = ['flips','row'])

In [37]: df
   flips                 row
0  00000       UNITED STATES
1  01000             ALABAMA
2  01001  Autauga County, AL
3  01003  Baldwin County, AL
4  01005  Barbour County, AL



TL;DR version:

For the simple case of:


  • I have a text column with a delimiter and I want two columns
  • 我有一个带分隔符的文本列,我想要两列

The simplest solution is:


df['A'], df['B'] = df['AB'].str.split(' ', 1).str

Or you can create create a DataFrame with one column for each entry of the split automatically with:


df['AB'].str.split(' ', 1, expand=True)

Notice how, in either case, the .tolist() method is not necessary. Neither is zip().

请注意,在任何一种情况下,都不需要.tolist()方法。 zip()也不是。

In detail:

Andy Hayden's solution is most excellent in demonstrating the power of the str.extract() method.

Andy Hayden的解决方案在展示str.extract()方法的强大功能方面非常出色。

But for a simple split over a known separator (like, splitting by dashes, or splitting by whitespace), the .str.split() method is enough1. It operates on a column (Series) of strings, and returns a column (Series) of lists:


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'AB': ['A1-B1', 'A2-B2']})
>>> df

0  A1-B1
1  A2-B2
>>> df['AB_split'] = df['AB'].str.split('-')
>>> df

      AB  AB_split
0  A1-B1  [A1, B1]
1  A2-B2  [A2, B2]

1: If you're unsure what the first two parameters of .str.split() do, I recommend the docs for the plain Python version of the method.


But how do you go from:


  • a column containing two-element lists
  • 包含两个元素列表的列



  • two columns, each containing the respective element of the lists?
  • 两列,每列包含列表的相应元素?

Well, we need to take a closer look at the .str attribute of a column.


It's a magical object that is used to collect methods that treat each element in a column as a string, and then apply the respective method in each element as efficient as possible:


>>> upper_lower_df = pd.DataFrame({"U": ["A", "B", "C"]})
>>> upper_lower_df

0  A
1  B
2  C
>>> upper_lower_df["L"] = upper_lower_df["U"].str.lower()
>>> upper_lower_df

   U  L
0  A  a
1  B  b
2  C  c

But it also has an "indexing" interface for getting each element of a string by its index:


>>> df['AB'].str[0]

0    A
1    A
Name: AB, dtype: object

>>> df['AB'].str[1]

0    1
1    2
Name: AB, dtype: object

Of course, this indexing interface of .str doesn't really care if each element it's indexing is actually a string, as long as it can be indexed, so:


>>> df['AB'].str.split('-', 1).str[0]

0    A1
1    A2
Name: AB, dtype: object

>>> df['AB'].str.split('-', 1).str[1]

0    B1
1    B2
Name: AB, dtype: object

Then, it's a simple matter of taking advantage of the Python tuple unpacking of iterables to do


>>> df['A'], df['B'] = df['AB'].str.split('-', 1).str
>>> df

      AB  AB_split   A   B
0  A1-B1  [A1, B1]  A1  B1
1  A2-B2  [A2, B2]  A2  B2

Of course, getting a DataFrame out of splitting a column of strings is so useful that the .str.split() method can do it for you with the expand=True parameter:

当然,从分割一列字符串中获取DataFrame非常有用,以至于.str.split()方法可以使用expand = True参数为您完成:

>>> df['AB'].str.split('-', 1, expand=True)

    0   1
0  A1  B1
1  A2  B2

So, another way of accomplishing what we wanted is to do:


>>> df = df[['AB']]
>>> df

0  A1-B1
1  A2-B2

>>> df.join(df['AB'].str.split('-', 1, expand=True).rename(columns={0:'A', 1:'B'}))

      AB   A   B
0  A1-B1  A1  B1
1  A2-B2  A2  B2



You can extract the different parts out quite neatly using a regex pattern:


In [11]: df.row.str.extract('(?P<fips>\d{5})((?P<state>[A-Z ]*$)|(?P<county>.*?), (?P<state_code>[A-Z]{2}$))')
    fips                    1           state           county state_code
0  00000        UNITED STATES   UNITED STATES              NaN        NaN
1  01000              ALABAMA         ALABAMA              NaN        NaN
2  01001   Autauga County, AL             NaN   Autauga County         AL
3  01003   Baldwin County, AL             NaN   Baldwin County         AL
4  01005   Barbour County, AL             NaN   Barbour County         AL

[5 rows x 5 columns]

To explain the somewhat long regex:


  • Matches the five digits (\d) and names them "fips".
  • 匹配五位数字(\ d)并将它们命名为“fips”。

The next part:


((?P<state>[A-Z ]*$)|(?P<county>.*?), (?P<state_code>[A-Z]{2}$))

Does either (|) one of two things:


(?P<state>[A-Z ]*$)
  • Matches any number (*) of capital letters or spaces ([A-Z ]) and names this "state" before the end of the string ($),
  • 匹配任意数量(*)的大写字母或空格([A-Z])并在字符串结尾($)之前命名此“状态”,



(?P<county>.*?), (?P<state_code>[A-Z]{2}$))
  • matches anything else (.*) then
  • 然后匹配其他任何东西(。*)
  • a comma and a space then
  • 然后是一个逗号和一个空格
  • matches the two digit state_code before the end of the string ($).
  • 匹配字符串结尾前的两位数state_code($)。

In the example:
Note that the first two rows hit the "state" (leaving NaN in the county and state_code columns), whilst the last three hit the county, state_code (leaving NaN in the state column).




If you don't want to create a new dataframe, or if your dataframe has more columns than just the ones you want to split, you could:


df["flips"], df["row_name"] = zip(*df["row"].str.split().tolist())
del df["row"]  



If you want to split a string into more than two columns based on a delimiter you can omit the 'maximum splits' parameter.
You can use:

如果要根据分隔符将字符串拆分为两列以上,则可以省略“maximum splits”参数。您可以使用:

df['column_name'].str.split('/', expand=True)

This will automatically create as many columns as the maximum number of fields included in any of your initial strings.




You can use str.split by whitespace (default separator) and parameter expand=True for DataFrame with assign to new columns:

您可以使用空格(默认分隔符)的str.split和DataFrame的参数expand = True并分配给新列:

df = pd.DataFrame({'row': ['00000 UNITED STATES', '01000 ALABAMA', 
                           '01001 Autauga County, AL', '01003 Baldwin County, AL', 
                           '01005 Barbour County, AL']})
print (df)
0       00000 UNITED STATES
1             01000 ALABAMA
2  01001 Autauga County, AL
3  01003 Baldwin County, AL
4  01005 Barbour County, AL

df[['a','b']] = df['row'].str.split(n=1, expand=True)
print (df)
                        row      a                   b
0       00000 UNITED STATES  00000       UNITED STATES
1             01000 ALABAMA  01000             ALABAMA
2  01001 Autauga County, AL  01001  Autauga County, AL
3  01003 Baldwin County, AL  01003  Baldwin County, AL
4  01005 Barbour County, AL  01005  Barbour County, AL

Modification if need remove original column with DataFrame.pop


df[['a','b']] = df.pop('row').str.split(n=1, expand=True)
print (df)
       a                   b
0  00000       UNITED STATES
1  01000             ALABAMA
2  01001  Autauga County, AL
3  01003  Baldwin County, AL
4  01005  Barbour County, AL

What is same like:


df[['a','b']] = df['row'].str.split(n=1, expand=True)
df = df.drop('row', axis=1)
print (df)

       a                   b
0  00000       UNITED STATES
1  01000             ALABAMA
2  01001  Autauga County, AL
3  01003  Baldwin County, AL
4  01005  Barbour County, AL

If get error:


#remove n=1 for split by all whitespaces
df[['a','b']] = df['row'].str.split(expand=True)

ValueError: Columns must be same length as key


You can check and it return 4 column DataFrame, not only 2:


print (df['row'].str.split(expand=True))
       0        1        2     3
0  00000   UNITED   STATES  None
1  01000  ALABAMA     None  None
2  01001  Autauga  County,    AL
3  01003  Baldwin  County,    AL
4  01005  Barbour  County,    AL

Then solution is append new DataFrame by join:


df = pd.DataFrame({'row': ['00000 UNITED STATES', '01000 ALABAMA', 
                           '01001 Autauga County, AL', '01003 Baldwin County, AL', 
                           '01005 Barbour County, AL'],
print (df)
   a                       row
0  0       00000 UNITED STATES
1  1             01000 ALABAMA
2  2  01001 Autauga County, AL
3  3  01003 Baldwin County, AL
4  4  01005 Barbour County, AL

df = df.join(df['row'].str.split(expand=True))
print (df)

   a                       row      0        1        2     3
0  0       00000 UNITED STATES  00000   UNITED   STATES  None
1  1             01000 ALABAMA  01000  ALABAMA     None  None
2  2  01001 Autauga County, AL  01001  Autauga  County,    AL
3  3  01003 Baldwin County, AL  01003  Baldwin  County,    AL
4  4  01005 Barbour County, AL  01005  Barbour  County,    AL

With remove original column (if there are also another columns):


df = df.join(df.pop('row').str.split(expand=True))
print (df)
   a      0        1        2     3
0  0  00000   UNITED   STATES  None
1  1  01000  ALABAMA     None  None
2  2  01001  Autauga  County,    AL
3  3  01003  Baldwin  County,    AL
4  4  01005  Barbour  County,    AL   



df[['fips', 'row']] = df['row'].str.split(' ', n=1, expand=True)



I prefer exporting the corresponding pandas series (i.e. the columns I need), using the apply function to split the column content into multiple series and then join the generated columns to the existing DataFrame. Of course, the source column should be removed.




 col1 = df["<col_name>"].apply(<function>)
 col2 = ...
 df = df.join(col1.to_frame(name="<name1>"))
 df = df.join(col2.toframe(name="<name2>"))
 df = df.drop(["<col_name>"], axis=1)

To split two words strings function should be something like that:


lambda x: x.split(" ")[0] # for the first element
lambda x: x.split(" ")[-1] # for the last element



There might be a better way, but this here's one approach:


In [34]: import pandas as pd

In [35]: df
0       00000 UNITED STATES
1             01000 ALABAMA
2  01001 Autauga County, AL
3  01003 Baldwin County, AL
4  01005 Barbour County, AL

In [36]: df = pd.DataFrame(df.row.str.split(' ',1).tolist(),
                                   columns = ['flips','row'])

In [37]: df
   flips                 row
0  00000       UNITED STATES
1  01000             ALABAMA
2  01001  Autauga County, AL
3  01003  Baldwin County, AL
4  01005  Barbour County, AL



TL;DR version:

For the simple case of:


  • I have a text column with a delimiter and I want two columns
  • 我有一个带分隔符的文本列,我想要两列

The simplest solution is:


df['A'], df['B'] = df['AB'].str.split(' ', 1).str

Or you can create create a DataFrame with one column for each entry of the split automatically with:


df['AB'].str.split(' ', 1, expand=True)

Notice how, in either case, the .tolist() method is not necessary. Neither is zip().

请注意,在任何一种情况下,都不需要.tolist()方法。 zip()也不是。

In detail:

Andy Hayden's solution is most excellent in demonstrating the power of the str.extract() method.

Andy Hayden的解决方案在展示str.extract()方法的强大功能方面非常出色。

But for a simple split over a known separator (like, splitting by dashes, or splitting by whitespace), the .str.split() method is enough1. It operates on a column (Series) of strings, and returns a column (Series) of lists:


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'AB': ['A1-B1', 'A2-B2']})
>>> df

0  A1-B1
1  A2-B2
>>> df['AB_split'] = df['AB'].str.split('-')
>>> df

      AB  AB_split
0  A1-B1  [A1, B1]
1  A2-B2  [A2, B2]

1: If you're unsure what the first two parameters of .str.split() do, I recommend the docs for the plain Python version of the method.


But how do you go from:


  • a column containing two-element lists
  • 包含两个元素列表的列



  • two columns, each containing the respective element of the lists?
  • 两列,每列包含列表的相应元素?

Well, we need to take a closer look at the .str attribute of a column.


It's a magical object that is used to collect methods that treat each element in a column as a string, and then apply the respective method in each element as efficient as possible:


>>> upper_lower_df = pd.DataFrame({"U": ["A", "B", "C"]})
>>> upper_lower_df

0  A
1  B
2  C
>>> upper_lower_df["L"] = upper_lower_df["U"].str.lower()
>>> upper_lower_df

   U  L
0  A  a
1  B  b
2  C  c

But it also has an "indexing" interface for getting each element of a string by its index:


>>> df['AB'].str[0]

0    A
1    A
Name: AB, dtype: object

>>> df['AB'].str[1]

0    1
1    2
Name: AB, dtype: object

Of course, this indexing interface of .str doesn't really care if each element it's indexing is actually a string, as long as it can be indexed, so:


>>> df['AB'].str.split('-', 1).str[0]

0    A1
1    A2
Name: AB, dtype: object

>>> df['AB'].str.split('-', 1).str[1]

0    B1
1    B2
Name: AB, dtype: object

Then, it's a simple matter of taking advantage of the Python tuple unpacking of iterables to do


>>> df['A'], df['B'] = df['AB'].str.split('-', 1).str
>>> df

      AB  AB_split   A   B
0  A1-B1  [A1, B1]  A1  B1
1  A2-B2  [A2, B2]  A2  B2

Of course, getting a DataFrame out of splitting a column of strings is so useful that the .str.split() method can do it for you with the expand=True parameter:

当然,从分割一列字符串中获取DataFrame非常有用,以至于.str.split()方法可以使用expand = True参数为您完成:

>>> df['AB'].str.split('-', 1, expand=True)

    0   1
0  A1  B1
1  A2  B2

So, another way of accomplishing what we wanted is to do:


>>> df = df[['AB']]
>>> df

0  A1-B1
1  A2-B2

>>> df.join(df['AB'].str.split('-', 1, expand=True).rename(columns={0:'A', 1:'B'}))

      AB   A   B
0  A1-B1  A1  B1
1  A2-B2  A2  B2



You can extract the different parts out quite neatly using a regex pattern:


In [11]: df.row.str.extract('(?P<fips>\d{5})((?P<state>[A-Z ]*$)|(?P<county>.*?), (?P<state_code>[A-Z]{2}$))')
    fips                    1           state           county state_code
0  00000        UNITED STATES   UNITED STATES              NaN        NaN
1  01000              ALABAMA         ALABAMA              NaN        NaN
2  01001   Autauga County, AL             NaN   Autauga County         AL
3  01003   Baldwin County, AL             NaN   Baldwin County         AL
4  01005   Barbour County, AL             NaN   Barbour County         AL

[5 rows x 5 columns]

To explain the somewhat long regex:


  • Matches the five digits (\d) and names them "fips".
  • 匹配五位数字(\ d)并将它们命名为“fips”。

The next part:


((?P<state>[A-Z ]*$)|(?P<county>.*?), (?P<state_code>[A-Z]{2}$))

Does either (|) one of two things:


(?P<state>[A-Z ]*$)
  • Matches any number (*) of capital letters or spaces ([A-Z ]) and names this "state" before the end of the string ($),
  • 匹配任意数量(*)的大写字母或空格([A-Z])并在字符串结尾($)之前命名此“状态”,



(?P<county>.*?), (?P<state_code>[A-Z]{2}$))
  • matches anything else (.*) then
  • 然后匹配其他任何东西(。*)
  • a comma and a space then
  • 然后是一个逗号和一个空格
  • matches the two digit state_code before the end of the string ($).
  • 匹配字符串结尾前的两位数state_code($)。

In the example:
Note that the first two rows hit the "state" (leaving NaN in the county and state_code columns), whilst the last three hit the county, state_code (leaving NaN in the state column).




If you don't want to create a new dataframe, or if your dataframe has more columns than just the ones you want to split, you could:


df["flips"], df["row_name"] = zip(*df["row"].str.split().tolist())
del df["row"]  



If you want to split a string into more than two columns based on a delimiter you can omit the 'maximum splits' parameter.
You can use:

如果要根据分隔符将字符串拆分为两列以上,则可以省略“maximum splits”参数。您可以使用:

df['column_name'].str.split('/', expand=True)

This will automatically create as many columns as the maximum number of fields included in any of your initial strings.




You can use str.split by whitespace (default separator) and parameter expand=True for DataFrame with assign to new columns:

您可以使用空格(默认分隔符)的str.split和DataFrame的参数expand = True并分配给新列:

df = pd.DataFrame({'row': ['00000 UNITED STATES', '01000 ALABAMA', 
                           '01001 Autauga County, AL', '01003 Baldwin County, AL', 
                           '01005 Barbour County, AL']})
print (df)
0       00000 UNITED STATES
1             01000 ALABAMA
2  01001 Autauga County, AL
3  01003 Baldwin County, AL
4  01005 Barbour County, AL

df[['a','b']] = df['row'].str.split(n=1, expand=True)
print (df)
                        row      a                   b
0       00000 UNITED STATES  00000       UNITED STATES
1             01000 ALABAMA  01000             ALABAMA
2  01001 Autauga County, AL  01001  Autauga County, AL
3  01003 Baldwin County, AL  01003  Baldwin County, AL
4  01005 Barbour County, AL  01005  Barbour County, AL

Modification if need remove original column with DataFrame.pop


df[['a','b']] = df.pop('row').str.split(n=1, expand=True)
print (df)
       a                   b
0  00000       UNITED STATES
1  01000             ALABAMA
2  01001  Autauga County, AL
3  01003  Baldwin County, AL
4  01005  Barbour County, AL

What is same like:


df[['a','b']] = df['row'].str.split(n=1, expand=True)
df = df.drop('row', axis=1)
print (df)

       a                   b
0  00000       UNITED STATES
1  01000             ALABAMA
2  01001  Autauga County, AL
3  01003  Baldwin County, AL
4  01005  Barbour County, AL

If get error:


#remove n=1 for split by all whitespaces
df[['a','b']] = df['row'].str.split(expand=True)

ValueError: Columns must be same length as key


You can check and it return 4 column DataFrame, not only 2:


print (df['row'].str.split(expand=True))
       0        1        2     3
0  00000   UNITED   STATES  None
1  01000  ALABAMA     None  None
2  01001  Autauga  County,    AL
3  01003  Baldwin  County,    AL
4  01005  Barbour  County,    AL

Then solution is append new DataFrame by join:


df = pd.DataFrame({'row': ['00000 UNITED STATES', '01000 ALABAMA', 
                           '01001 Autauga County, AL', '01003 Baldwin County, AL', 
                           '01005 Barbour County, AL'],
print (df)
   a                       row
0  0       00000 UNITED STATES
1  1             01000 ALABAMA
2  2  01001 Autauga County, AL
3  3  01003 Baldwin County, AL
4  4  01005 Barbour County, AL

df = df.join(df['row'].str.split(expand=True))
print (df)

   a                       row      0        1        2     3
0  0       00000 UNITED STATES  00000   UNITED   STATES  None
1  1             01000 ALABAMA  01000  ALABAMA     None  None
2  2  01001 Autauga County, AL  01001  Autauga  County,    AL
3  3  01003 Baldwin County, AL  01003  Baldwin  County,    AL
4  4  01005 Barbour County, AL  01005  Barbour  County,    AL

With remove original column (if there are also another columns):


df = df.join(df.pop('row').str.split(expand=True))
print (df)
   a      0        1        2     3
0  0  00000   UNITED   STATES  None
1  1  01000  ALABAMA     None  None
2  2  01001  Autauga  County,    AL
3  3  01003  Baldwin  County,    AL
4  4  01005  Barbour  County,    AL   



df[['fips', 'row']] = df['row'].str.split(' ', n=1, expand=True)



I prefer exporting the corresponding pandas series (i.e. the columns I need), using the apply function to split the column content into multiple series and then join the generated columns to the existing DataFrame. Of course, the source column should be removed.




 col1 = df["<col_name>"].apply(<function>)
 col2 = ...
 df = df.join(col1.to_frame(name="<name1>"))
 df = df.join(col2.toframe(name="<name2>"))
 df = df.drop(["<col_name>"], axis=1)

To split two words strings function should be something like that:


lambda x: x.split(" ")[0] # for the first element
lambda x: x.split(" ")[-1] # for the last element