
时间:2021-03-20 09:10:36

I have created a Business Management System which is to be used by retailers with or without multiple sites.


It is important that a logged in user identifies his/her location, or site, so that the system can perform site related tasks automatically.


I currently have a database of locations which includes an IP Prefix field, when the user goes to the log in page it looks for the first 5 digits of the current IP address, then:

我目前有一个包含IP Prefix字段的位置数据库,当用户进入登录页面时,它会查找当前IP地址的前5位数字,然后:

  • If start of current IP matches a stored record it assumes user is at that site.
  • 如果当前IP的开始与存储的记录匹配,则假定用户在该站点。
  • If no IP matches then it asks the user which site they're in and asks them to update the IP.
  • 如果没有IP匹配则它会询问用户他们所在的站点并要求他们更新IP。

This basic, and manual check works when the sites are a fair distance away or are on different ISPs for certain, the update is usually only required after a router restart and I've been using the system myself for about 4 years with no issues... BUT... I am not confident with it, so my question is; is there a better solution?


I realise the IP address is probably not the way as the best that gives me is the location of their ISP, but that's not what I need.


In case it matters I am using ASP.NET coding in VB


Also, should mention, I'm looking for desktop based application, not mobile.


3 个解决方案



I think you are going to have to rely on user input for this one. It's impossible (or at least, very very difficult) to know whether a user is using a proxy or not, and if they are you have no way of knowing where they really are. This is right and proper; would you trust every website you access with that kind of information? I sure as hell wouldn't.




You can't use the IP address to give you 100% reliable location data if your clients connect over the internet (they could be going through a proxy or as you said you might just get the ISP's IP address)


Your best bet is to use javascript to get the users geolocation: W3 Schools Example

您最好的选择是使用javascript来获取用户地理位置:W3 Schools示例

More complex example on html5demos




No, of course it is not possible to reliably locate an user by IP Adress. That adress can be faked, so the base of your info is not reliable.




I think you are going to have to rely on user input for this one. It's impossible (or at least, very very difficult) to know whether a user is using a proxy or not, and if they are you have no way of knowing where they really are. This is right and proper; would you trust every website you access with that kind of information? I sure as hell wouldn't.




You can't use the IP address to give you 100% reliable location data if your clients connect over the internet (they could be going through a proxy or as you said you might just get the ISP's IP address)


Your best bet is to use javascript to get the users geolocation: W3 Schools Example

您最好的选择是使用javascript来获取用户地理位置:W3 Schools示例

More complex example on html5demos




No, of course it is not possible to reliably locate an user by IP Adress. That adress can be faked, so the base of your info is not reliable.
