Being new to Objective-C (but a long term C/++) programmer I'm looking for advice/recommendations on naming conventions for variables.
作为Objective-C(但是长期的C / ++)程序员的新手,我正在寻找有关变量命名约定的建议/建议。
My personal preference would be to utilize a prefix for instance variables both for clarity within functions and to prevent shadowing of function parameters. However I'm a fan of properties which rules out prefixes (unless you also prefix your property names, which doesn't work too well and looks daft). Similarly I could use the "self.variable" convention, but only if I make EVERYTHING a property.
So given the code below what's your preferred naming style for instance/function variables? And if you don't bother, how do you deal with shadowing on function params?
@interface GridItem : NSObject
CGRect _rect;
-(void) initFromRect:(CGRect)rect
_rect = rect;
10 个解决方案
Most Cocoa projects use underbar as a non-IBOutlet
instance variable prefix, and use no prefix for IBOutlet
instance variables.
The reason I don't use underbars for IBOutlet
instance variables is that when a nib file is loaded, if you have a setter method for a connected outlet, that setter will be called. However this mechanism does not use Key-Value Coding, so an IBOutlet whose name is prefixed with an underbar (e.g. _myField
) will not be set unless the setter is named exactly like the outlet (e.g. set_myField:
), which is non-standard and gross.
我没有为IBOutlet实例变量使用下划线的原因是,当加载nib文件时,如果你有一个连接插座的setter方法,那么将调用该setter。然而,这种机制不使用键值编码,因此不会设置名称以下划线为前缀的IBOutlet(例如_myField),除非setter的名称与插座完全相同(例如set_myField :),这是非标准的毛。
Also, be aware that using properties like self.myProp
is not the same as accessing instance variables. You are sending a message when you use a property, just like if you used bracket notation like [self myProp]
. All properties do is give you a concise syntax for specifying both the getter and setter in a single line, and allow you to synthesize their implementation; they do not actually short-circuit the message dispatch mechanism. If you want to access an instance variable directly but prefix it with self
you need to treat self
as a pointer, like self->myProp
which really is a C-style field access.
另外,请注意使用self.myProp等属性与访问实例变量不同。您在使用属性时发送消息,就像使用[self myProp]之类的括号表示法一样。所有属性都为您提供了一个简洁的语法,用于在一行中指定getter和setter,并允许您合成它们的实现;它们实际上并没有使消息调度机制短路。如果你想直接访问一个实例变量但是用self作为前缀,你需要将self视为一个指针,比如self-> myProp,它实际上是一个C风格的字段访问。
Finally, never use Hungarian notation when writing Cocoa code, and shy away from other prefixes like "f" and "m_" — that will mark the code as having been written by someone who doesn't "get it" and will cause it to be viewed by suspicion by other Cocoa developers.
最后,在编写Cocoa代码时永远不要使用匈牙利符号,并回避其他前缀如“f”和“m_” - 这会将代码标记为由没有“得到它”的人编写并将导致它被其他Cocoa开发者怀疑。
In general, follow the advice in the Coding Guidelines for Cocoa document at the Apple Developer Connection, and other developers will be able to pick up and understand your code, and your code will work well with all of the Cocoa features that use runtime introspection.
通常,请遵循Apple Developer Connection中的Cocoa编码指南文档中的建议,其他开发人员将能够学习和理解您的代码,并且您的代码将适用于使用运行时内省的所有Cocoa功能。
Here's what a window controller class might look like, using my conventions:
// EmployeeWindowController.h
#import <AppKit/NSWindowController.h>
@interface EmployeeWindowController : NSWindowController {
// model object this window is presenting
Employee *_employee;
// outlets connected to views in the window
IBOutlet NSTextField *nameField;
IBOutlet NSTextField *titleField;
- (id)initWithEmployee:(Employee *)employee;
@property(readwrite, retain) Employee *employee;
// EmployeeWindowController.m
#import "EmployeeWindowController.h"
@implementation EmployeeWindowController
@synthesize employee = _employee;
- (id)initWithEmployee:(Employee *)employee {
if (self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"Employee"]) {
_employee = [employee retain];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[_employee release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)windowDidLoad {
// populates the window's controls, not necessary if using bindings
[titleField setStringValue:self.employee.title];
You'll see that I'm using the instance variable that references an Employee
directly in my -init
and -dealloc
method, while I'm using the property in other methods. That's generally a good pattern with properties: Only ever touch the underlying instance variable for a property in initializers, in -dealloc
, and in the getter and setter for the property.
I follow Chris Hanson's advice in regards to the underscore ivar prefix, though I admit I do use underscore's for IBOutlets as well. However, I've recently starting moving my IBOutlet
declarations to the @property
line, as per @mmalc's suggestion. The benefit is that all my ivars now have an underscore and standard KVC setters are called (i.e. setNameField:
). Also, the outlet names don't have underscores in Interface Builder.
我遵循Chris Hanson关于下划线ivar前缀的建议,但我承认我也使用下划线来表示IBOutlets。但是,根据@ mmalc的建议,我最近开始将我的IBOutlet声明移到@property行。好处是我的所有ivars现在都有一个下划线,并且调用标准的KVC setter(即setNameField :)。此外,插座名称在Interface Builder中没有下划线。
@interface EmployeeWindowController : NSWindowController {
// model object this window is presenting
Employee *_employee;
// outlets connected to views in the window
NSTextField *_nameField;
NSTextField *_titleField;
- (id)initWithEmployee:(Employee *)employee;
@property(readwrite, retain) Employee *employee;
@property(nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *nameField;
@property(nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *titleField;
You can use the underbar prefix on your ivars and still use the non-underbar name for your properties. For synthesized accessors, just do this:
@synthesize foo = _foo;
This tells the compiler to synthesize the foo property using the_foo ivar.
这告诉编译器使用the_foo ivar合成foo属性。
If you write your own accessors, then you just use the underbar ivar in your implementation and keep the non-underbar method name.
如果您编写自己的访问器,那么您只需在实现中使用underbar ivar并保留非underbar方法名称。
Personally, I follow the Cocoa naming conventions, using camel-casing for functions and variables, and capitalized camel-casing for object names (without the leading NS of course).
I find type prefixing makes code more opaque to anyone who didn't write it (since everyone invariably uses different prefixes), and in a modern IDE it's not really that difficult to figure out something's type.
With the introduction of properties I see no need for prefixing "_" to class instance variables. You can set a simple rule (described in your header file) that any variables to be accessed external to the class must be accessed via the property, or by using custom methods on the class to affect values. This to me seems much cleaner than having names with "_" stuck on the front of them. It also properly encapsulates the values so that you can control how they are changed.
I don't like using underscores as prefixes for any identifiers, because C and C++ both reserve certain underscore prefixes for use by the implementation.
我不喜欢使用下划线作为任何标识符的前缀,因为C和C ++都保留了某些下划线前缀供实现使用。
I think using "self.variable" is ugly.
In general, I use unadorned identifiers (that is, no prefixes nor suffixes) for instance variables. If your class is so complicated that you can't remember the instance variables, you're in trouble. So for your example, I'd use "rect" as the name of the instance variable and "newRect" or "aRect" as the parameter name.
Andrew: There actually are plenty of Cocoa developers who don't use instance variable prefixes at all. It's also extremely common in the Smalltalk world (in fact, I'd say it's nearly unheard-of in Smalltalk to use prefixes on instance variables).
Prefixes on instance variables have always struck me as a C++-ism that was brought over to Java and then to C#. Since the Objective-C world was largely parallel to the C++ world, where as the Java and C# worlds are successors to it, that would explain the "cultural" difference you might see on this between the different sets of developers.
实例变量的前缀总是让我感到震惊,因为C ++ - 主义被带到Java然后被带到C#。由于Objective-C世界在很大程度上与C ++世界平行,因为Java和C#世界是它的继承者,这可以解释您在不同的开发人员之间可能会看到的“文化”差异。
My style is hybrid and really a holdover from PowerPlant days:
THe most useful prefixes I use are "in" and "out" for function/method parameters. This helps you know what the parameters are for at a glance and really helps prevent conflicts between method parameters and instance variables (how many times have you seen the parameter "table" conflict with an instance variable of the same name). E.g.:
- (void)doSomethingWith:(id)inSomeObject error:(NSError **)outError;
Then I use the bare name for instance variables and property names:
Then I use "the" as a prefix for local variables: theTable, theURL, etc. Again this helps differentiate between local and and instance variables.
Then following PowerPlant styling I use a handful of other prefixes: k for constants, E for enums, g for globals, and s for statics.
I've been using this style for something like 12 years now.
While I love using the underscore prefix for ivars, I loathe writing @synthesize
lines because of all the duplication (it's not very DRY). I created a macro to help do this and reduce code duplication. Thus, instead of:
@synthesize employee = _employee;
I write this:
It's a simple macro using token pasting to add an underscore to the right hand side:
#define ddsynthesize(_X_) @synthesize _X_ = _##_X_
The only downside is that it will confuse Xcode's refactoring tool, and it won't get renamed, if you rename the property by refactoring.
Along with what's been said here, be sure to read the Cocoa documentation on Key Value Observing compliant naming. Strictly following this pattern will help you greatly in the long run.
除了这里所说的内容之外,请务必阅读关于Key Value Observing兼容命名的Cocoa文档。从长远来看,严格遵循这种模式将对您有很大帮助。
Most Cocoa projects use underbar as a non-IBOutlet
instance variable prefix, and use no prefix for IBOutlet
instance variables.
The reason I don't use underbars for IBOutlet
instance variables is that when a nib file is loaded, if you have a setter method for a connected outlet, that setter will be called. However this mechanism does not use Key-Value Coding, so an IBOutlet whose name is prefixed with an underbar (e.g. _myField
) will not be set unless the setter is named exactly like the outlet (e.g. set_myField:
), which is non-standard and gross.
我没有为IBOutlet实例变量使用下划线的原因是,当加载nib文件时,如果你有一个连接插座的setter方法,那么将调用该setter。然而,这种机制不使用键值编码,因此不会设置名称以下划线为前缀的IBOutlet(例如_myField),除非setter的名称与插座完全相同(例如set_myField :),这是非标准的毛。
Also, be aware that using properties like self.myProp
is not the same as accessing instance variables. You are sending a message when you use a property, just like if you used bracket notation like [self myProp]
. All properties do is give you a concise syntax for specifying both the getter and setter in a single line, and allow you to synthesize their implementation; they do not actually short-circuit the message dispatch mechanism. If you want to access an instance variable directly but prefix it with self
you need to treat self
as a pointer, like self->myProp
which really is a C-style field access.
另外,请注意使用self.myProp等属性与访问实例变量不同。您在使用属性时发送消息,就像使用[self myProp]之类的括号表示法一样。所有属性都为您提供了一个简洁的语法,用于在一行中指定getter和setter,并允许您合成它们的实现;它们实际上并没有使消息调度机制短路。如果你想直接访问一个实例变量但是用self作为前缀,你需要将self视为一个指针,比如self-> myProp,它实际上是一个C风格的字段访问。
Finally, never use Hungarian notation when writing Cocoa code, and shy away from other prefixes like "f" and "m_" — that will mark the code as having been written by someone who doesn't "get it" and will cause it to be viewed by suspicion by other Cocoa developers.
最后,在编写Cocoa代码时永远不要使用匈牙利符号,并回避其他前缀如“f”和“m_” - 这会将代码标记为由没有“得到它”的人编写并将导致它被其他Cocoa开发者怀疑。
In general, follow the advice in the Coding Guidelines for Cocoa document at the Apple Developer Connection, and other developers will be able to pick up and understand your code, and your code will work well with all of the Cocoa features that use runtime introspection.
通常,请遵循Apple Developer Connection中的Cocoa编码指南文档中的建议,其他开发人员将能够学习和理解您的代码,并且您的代码将适用于使用运行时内省的所有Cocoa功能。
Here's what a window controller class might look like, using my conventions:
// EmployeeWindowController.h
#import <AppKit/NSWindowController.h>
@interface EmployeeWindowController : NSWindowController {
// model object this window is presenting
Employee *_employee;
// outlets connected to views in the window
IBOutlet NSTextField *nameField;
IBOutlet NSTextField *titleField;
- (id)initWithEmployee:(Employee *)employee;
@property(readwrite, retain) Employee *employee;
// EmployeeWindowController.m
#import "EmployeeWindowController.h"
@implementation EmployeeWindowController
@synthesize employee = _employee;
- (id)initWithEmployee:(Employee *)employee {
if (self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"Employee"]) {
_employee = [employee retain];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[_employee release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)windowDidLoad {
// populates the window's controls, not necessary if using bindings
[titleField setStringValue:self.employee.title];
You'll see that I'm using the instance variable that references an Employee
directly in my -init
and -dealloc
method, while I'm using the property in other methods. That's generally a good pattern with properties: Only ever touch the underlying instance variable for a property in initializers, in -dealloc
, and in the getter and setter for the property.
I follow Chris Hanson's advice in regards to the underscore ivar prefix, though I admit I do use underscore's for IBOutlets as well. However, I've recently starting moving my IBOutlet
declarations to the @property
line, as per @mmalc's suggestion. The benefit is that all my ivars now have an underscore and standard KVC setters are called (i.e. setNameField:
). Also, the outlet names don't have underscores in Interface Builder.
我遵循Chris Hanson关于下划线ivar前缀的建议,但我承认我也使用下划线来表示IBOutlets。但是,根据@ mmalc的建议,我最近开始将我的IBOutlet声明移到@property行。好处是我的所有ivars现在都有一个下划线,并且调用标准的KVC setter(即setNameField :)。此外,插座名称在Interface Builder中没有下划线。
@interface EmployeeWindowController : NSWindowController {
// model object this window is presenting
Employee *_employee;
// outlets connected to views in the window
NSTextField *_nameField;
NSTextField *_titleField;
- (id)initWithEmployee:(Employee *)employee;
@property(readwrite, retain) Employee *employee;
@property(nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *nameField;
@property(nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *titleField;
You can use the underbar prefix on your ivars and still use the non-underbar name for your properties. For synthesized accessors, just do this:
@synthesize foo = _foo;
This tells the compiler to synthesize the foo property using the_foo ivar.
这告诉编译器使用the_foo ivar合成foo属性。
If you write your own accessors, then you just use the underbar ivar in your implementation and keep the non-underbar method name.
如果您编写自己的访问器,那么您只需在实现中使用underbar ivar并保留非underbar方法名称。
Personally, I follow the Cocoa naming conventions, using camel-casing for functions and variables, and capitalized camel-casing for object names (without the leading NS of course).
I find type prefixing makes code more opaque to anyone who didn't write it (since everyone invariably uses different prefixes), and in a modern IDE it's not really that difficult to figure out something's type.
With the introduction of properties I see no need for prefixing "_" to class instance variables. You can set a simple rule (described in your header file) that any variables to be accessed external to the class must be accessed via the property, or by using custom methods on the class to affect values. This to me seems much cleaner than having names with "_" stuck on the front of them. It also properly encapsulates the values so that you can control how they are changed.
I don't like using underscores as prefixes for any identifiers, because C and C++ both reserve certain underscore prefixes for use by the implementation.
我不喜欢使用下划线作为任何标识符的前缀,因为C和C ++都保留了某些下划线前缀供实现使用。
I think using "self.variable" is ugly.
In general, I use unadorned identifiers (that is, no prefixes nor suffixes) for instance variables. If your class is so complicated that you can't remember the instance variables, you're in trouble. So for your example, I'd use "rect" as the name of the instance variable and "newRect" or "aRect" as the parameter name.
Andrew: There actually are plenty of Cocoa developers who don't use instance variable prefixes at all. It's also extremely common in the Smalltalk world (in fact, I'd say it's nearly unheard-of in Smalltalk to use prefixes on instance variables).
Prefixes on instance variables have always struck me as a C++-ism that was brought over to Java and then to C#. Since the Objective-C world was largely parallel to the C++ world, where as the Java and C# worlds are successors to it, that would explain the "cultural" difference you might see on this between the different sets of developers.
实例变量的前缀总是让我感到震惊,因为C ++ - 主义被带到Java然后被带到C#。由于Objective-C世界在很大程度上与C ++世界平行,因为Java和C#世界是它的继承者,这可以解释您在不同的开发人员之间可能会看到的“文化”差异。
My style is hybrid and really a holdover from PowerPlant days:
THe most useful prefixes I use are "in" and "out" for function/method parameters. This helps you know what the parameters are for at a glance and really helps prevent conflicts between method parameters and instance variables (how many times have you seen the parameter "table" conflict with an instance variable of the same name). E.g.:
- (void)doSomethingWith:(id)inSomeObject error:(NSError **)outError;
Then I use the bare name for instance variables and property names:
Then I use "the" as a prefix for local variables: theTable, theURL, etc. Again this helps differentiate between local and and instance variables.
Then following PowerPlant styling I use a handful of other prefixes: k for constants, E for enums, g for globals, and s for statics.
I've been using this style for something like 12 years now.
While I love using the underscore prefix for ivars, I loathe writing @synthesize
lines because of all the duplication (it's not very DRY). I created a macro to help do this and reduce code duplication. Thus, instead of:
@synthesize employee = _employee;
I write this:
It's a simple macro using token pasting to add an underscore to the right hand side:
#define ddsynthesize(_X_) @synthesize _X_ = _##_X_
The only downside is that it will confuse Xcode's refactoring tool, and it won't get renamed, if you rename the property by refactoring.
Along with what's been said here, be sure to read the Cocoa documentation on Key Value Observing compliant naming. Strictly following this pattern will help you greatly in the long run.
除了这里所说的内容之外,请务必阅读关于Key Value Observing兼容命名的Cocoa文档。从长远来看,严格遵循这种模式将对您有很大帮助。