
时间:2022-05-24 08:50:52

How do I find out if a class is immutable in C#?


6 个解决方案


There is ImmutableObjectAttribute, but this is rarely used and poorly supported - and of course not enforced (you could mark a mutable object with [ImmutableObject(true)]. AFAIK, the only thing this this affects is the way the IDE handles attributes (i.e. to show / not-show the named properties options).

有ImmutableObjectAttribute,但这很少使用且支持不足 - 当然也没有强制执行(你可以用[ImmutableObject(true)]标记一个可变对象.AFAIK,这唯一影响的是IDE处理属性的方式(即显示/不显示命名属性选项)。

In reality, you would have to check the FieldInfo.IsInitOnly, but this only applies to truly 100% immutable types (assuming no reflection abuse, etc); it doesn't help with popsicle immutability, nor things that are immutable in practice, but not in their implementation; i.e. they can't be made to be publicly mutable, but in theory the object supports it.


A classic example here would be string... everyone "knows" that string is immutable... of course, StringBuilder does mutate a string under the bonnet. No, seriously...


It is so hard to define immutability given this, let alone robustly detect it...



You cannot, you can only guess. If all fields are readonly the the instances will be immutable once the constructor finishes. This is important, if you had the following it would appear mutable to the instance bar.


class Foo
    public readonly int X
    public readonly int Y
    public Foo(int x, int y, Bar bar)
        this.X = x; 
        this.Y = y;

However if a field on the supposedly immutable class was a collection (and was not read only) then calling the class immutable would likely be incorrect (since it's state can change)


Note that even if all fields are readonly reflection is allowed to modify the fields.


Checking for no setters on properties will be a very poor heuristic indeed.



Part of the problem is that "immutable" can have multiple meanings. Take, for example, ReadOnlyCollection<T>.


We tend to consider it to be immutable. But what if it's a ReadOnlyCollection<SomethingChangeable>? Also, since it's really just a wrapper around an IList I pass in to the constructor, what if I change the original IList?

我们倾向于认为它是不可改变的。但是,如果它是一个ReadOnlyCollection 呢?另外,因为它实际上只是IList的一个包装器,所以我会传递给构造函数,如果我改变原来的IList怎么办?

A good approach might be to create an attribute with a name like ReadOnlyAttribute and mark classes you consider to be read-only with it. For classes you don't control, you can also maintain a list of known types that you consider to be immutable.


EDIT: For some good examples of different types of immutability, read this series of postings by Eric Lippert: http://blogs.msdn.com/ericlippert/archive/2007/11/13/immutability-in-c-part-one-kinds-of-immutability.aspx

编辑:有关不同类型的不变性的一些很好的例子,请阅读Eric Lippert的这一系列帖子:http://blogs.msdn.com/ericlippert/archive/2007/11/13/immutability-in-c-part-one -kinds-的-immutability.aspx


To my knowledge, unless it's explicitly documented, there is no way to determine whether a class is immutable or not in C#.


You can, however, use Reflection to check for the existence of Setters on properties; however, lack of setters does not guarantee immutability as internal state may change the values of these properties whether you can explicitly set them or not.


Additionally, checking for the 'IsInitOnly' flag for all the class's fields, again using Reflection, might indicate immutability, but it doesn't guarantee it.


Edit: Here's a similar question, asked regarding the Java language, whose answer also applies here.



Via code, I'm not sure, but afaik if you look at the IL of another immutable type, such as a string you will not see a newobj IL instruction (you'll see ldstr for strings), perhaps inspecting the IL of the creation may be one way to tell, just a guess...

通过代码,我不确定,但是afaik如果你看另一个不可变类型的IL,比如一个字符串,你将看不到newobj IL指令(你会看到字符串的ldstr),也许是检查IL的创作可能是一种说法,只是猜测......


The only help you get from the runtime is if all the fields in the class are annotated with "readonly". [Edit, see @ShuggyCoUk] And even then the CLR will let you write over it. I just verified it. Ugh.

从运行时获得的唯一帮助是,如果类中的所有字段都使用“readonly”进行注释。 [编辑,参见@ShuggyCoUk]即便如此,CLR也会让你写下来。我刚刚验证了它。啊。

You can get the FieldInfo objects from the class via reflection and check IsInitOnly.



There is ImmutableObjectAttribute, but this is rarely used and poorly supported - and of course not enforced (you could mark a mutable object with [ImmutableObject(true)]. AFAIK, the only thing this this affects is the way the IDE handles attributes (i.e. to show / not-show the named properties options).

有ImmutableObjectAttribute,但这很少使用且支持不足 - 当然也没有强制执行(你可以用[ImmutableObject(true)]标记一个可变对象.AFAIK,这唯一影响的是IDE处理属性的方式(即显示/不显示命名属性选项)。

In reality, you would have to check the FieldInfo.IsInitOnly, but this only applies to truly 100% immutable types (assuming no reflection abuse, etc); it doesn't help with popsicle immutability, nor things that are immutable in practice, but not in their implementation; i.e. they can't be made to be publicly mutable, but in theory the object supports it.


A classic example here would be string... everyone "knows" that string is immutable... of course, StringBuilder does mutate a string under the bonnet. No, seriously...


It is so hard to define immutability given this, let alone robustly detect it...



You cannot, you can only guess. If all fields are readonly the the instances will be immutable once the constructor finishes. This is important, if you had the following it would appear mutable to the instance bar.


class Foo
    public readonly int X
    public readonly int Y
    public Foo(int x, int y, Bar bar)
        this.X = x; 
        this.Y = y;

However if a field on the supposedly immutable class was a collection (and was not read only) then calling the class immutable would likely be incorrect (since it's state can change)


Note that even if all fields are readonly reflection is allowed to modify the fields.


Checking for no setters on properties will be a very poor heuristic indeed.



Part of the problem is that "immutable" can have multiple meanings. Take, for example, ReadOnlyCollection<T>.


We tend to consider it to be immutable. But what if it's a ReadOnlyCollection<SomethingChangeable>? Also, since it's really just a wrapper around an IList I pass in to the constructor, what if I change the original IList?

我们倾向于认为它是不可改变的。但是,如果它是一个ReadOnlyCollection 呢?另外,因为它实际上只是IList的一个包装器,所以我会传递给构造函数,如果我改变原来的IList怎么办?

A good approach might be to create an attribute with a name like ReadOnlyAttribute and mark classes you consider to be read-only with it. For classes you don't control, you can also maintain a list of known types that you consider to be immutable.


EDIT: For some good examples of different types of immutability, read this series of postings by Eric Lippert: http://blogs.msdn.com/ericlippert/archive/2007/11/13/immutability-in-c-part-one-kinds-of-immutability.aspx

编辑:有关不同类型的不变性的一些很好的例子,请阅读Eric Lippert的这一系列帖子:http://blogs.msdn.com/ericlippert/archive/2007/11/13/immutability-in-c-part-one -kinds-的-immutability.aspx


To my knowledge, unless it's explicitly documented, there is no way to determine whether a class is immutable or not in C#.


You can, however, use Reflection to check for the existence of Setters on properties; however, lack of setters does not guarantee immutability as internal state may change the values of these properties whether you can explicitly set them or not.


Additionally, checking for the 'IsInitOnly' flag for all the class's fields, again using Reflection, might indicate immutability, but it doesn't guarantee it.


Edit: Here's a similar question, asked regarding the Java language, whose answer also applies here.



Via code, I'm not sure, but afaik if you look at the IL of another immutable type, such as a string you will not see a newobj IL instruction (you'll see ldstr for strings), perhaps inspecting the IL of the creation may be one way to tell, just a guess...

通过代码,我不确定,但是afaik如果你看另一个不可变类型的IL,比如一个字符串,你将看不到newobj IL指令(你会看到字符串的ldstr),也许是检查IL的创作可能是一种说法,只是猜测......


The only help you get from the runtime is if all the fields in the class are annotated with "readonly". [Edit, see @ShuggyCoUk] And even then the CLR will let you write over it. I just verified it. Ugh.

从运行时获得的唯一帮助是,如果类中的所有字段都使用“readonly”进行注释。 [编辑,参见@ShuggyCoUk]即便如此,CLR也会让你写下来。我刚刚验证了它。啊。

You can get the FieldInfo objects from the class via reflection and check IsInitOnly.

